Nominee: Tom Bertram
Nominee’s position: Smith Hall, Hall Director
Nominee’s address: 409 Reserve St. Stevens Point WI 54481
Nominee’s phone number: 715-346-3110
Nominator: Smith Hall LT
Nominator’s phone number: 224-232-7177
Tom Bertram has many qualities. Those which qualify him as the Advisor of the Year are his concern, patience, friendliness, encouragement, supportiveness, organization, and goal orientation. When you are feeling sick, overwhelmed or in any other off beat funk, Tom will not only notice but allow you the time to get past it or offer you the ear to work through it. He knows that a physically and mentally healthy staff and government is a vital key to success as much as any other. Alongside this general concern for his employees, Tom is patient. Even if you are spitting strictly fire, Tom will hear you out (something we all need in a good boss). Maybe it is another imprinted residence hall quality but his patience and friendliness never skips a beat! His “Hello’s” are of the same enthusiasm day or night and usually enough to make you change your own way of greeting. Tom’s qualities are not all so emotional or social in nature; his management skills are just as great. His encouragement is… encouraging! Any new idea, good or under-thought, is given the go ahead by Tom. His encouragement for you to pursue what you want out of LT is needed and appreciated by staff, government and residents alike. If that idea is in fact a good one, Tom’s got your back. Though he doesn’t choose sides in sticky situations, another great quality, he does support honest goals. Despite all of these attributes, Tom posses’ two more which I believe set him apart from other Hall Directors. First, Tom is organized. His organization of time and duties is easily understood and critical to our smooth system at Smith Hall. This organization may not creep into all aspects of Tom’s life, but it certainly supports his goal orientation. Tom never forgets why he is here. His goal realization, pursuit and accomplishment are systematic and effective to the sometimes abstract goals of LT and residence association goals alike. With Tom on board, there is a plan, there is action and as in most cases, there is success.