Chair:Jasmine Crutchfield
Present: Russel Pitkin (E.W Tipping), Sara Cox (South Gippsland Shire Council)
Apologies: N/A
Introduction of Network, Aim and Objectives (Terms of Reference) / Jasmine introduced the Respite Collaboration Project, funded by the Department of Human Services. A key focus area of the Respite Review was the development of a collaborative service network. (Respite Review available on RiG Members Area. See below for more information).Draft terms of reference arebased on the terms of reference of the regional respite network. Terms of Reference can be further developed/refined at future meetings once an increase in attendance.
Service Provider Introductions / Russel Pitkin E.W Tipping- 2 Bedroom respite facility in Wonthaggi currently at maximum capacity and a wait list.
E.W Tipping looking to open a 5 bed facility in Leongatha.
Sara Cox, South Gippsland Shire HACC services- funding available and no wait list. Has been promoting service availability. Able to provide 1:1 Respite based on needs as determined at time of assessment. Active Service model has now been implemented. Respite Resources are available to assist families in identifying how they may like to utilise their respite. Still eligible for service if consumer has an ISP.
Jasmine Crutchfield Yooralla- Flexible Respite for Under Nineteens and Support for Older Carers. Currently hitting funding targets for the year. Referrals can be made for if funding becomes available, available packages will be allocated on the basis of a needs assessment for all referrals. / Sara/Jasmine to post New/Event on RiG on HACC Funding availability and no wait list.
General Discussion- What service providers would like from the Network. / Build capacity of services
Identify gaps in the respite provision.
-Adolescent after school care.
Mini service provider forum- providers present their services to each other, referral processes, how to access- to entice respite providers into the network.
List of service providers to target attendance to respite network:
- KorumburraHospital: Planned Activity Groups and One on One (Jodi Best) PAG also in Tarwin).
- Carer Respite LCHS
- Interchange- Tamsin Russell
- Vista
- Bass Coast HACC services
Also identified that the Rural Access Workers could play a role in Respite Network.
Low attendance for first meeting possibly due to time of year.
Other networks in the area to tie in with? / Networks in the area:
Complex Care Network (fortnightly)- usually district nurses, social workers, HACC assessment officers. Case consultation- discusses specific client needs and collaborative approach to service provision for client.
Primary Care Partnerships (PCP) and General Practitioners association (GPA)- mainly managers of services. Quarterly/Bi- Monthly?
ASD Support Networks for Staff- Toni Seiler (next meeting date not yet determined).
Respite Network may tie in more appropriately with the ASD Support Networks for Staff.
Jasmines stated she has been in discussion with Toni regarding working the meetings of the back on one another to build capacity of attendance to each meeting.
Sara stated that it could be beneficial to present the Respite Network and the Respite in Gippsland website to the complex Care network and the PCP which may encourage attendance of some service providers to the network and users to the website. / Jasmine to contact Toni regarding next meetings in February.
Jasmine to contact Many Geary at Primary Care Partnerships to present Respite Network and Respite in Gippsland.
Ownership of the Network within LGA / Jasmine stated that her position to develop the respite networks runs until June next year and she will be encouraging each network to take ownership and continue running the networks once her position ceases.
Attendance to Regional Respite Network / Regional Respite Network meetings held quarterly. Once network further developed possibility of rotating attendance to regional meeting to feed up, down and across from regional and other LGA respite networks.
Information Sharing
-ASD CCP and Support Networks for Staff
Respite in Gippsland / Toni Seiler is the Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Consultant Practitioner for Gippsland. The role is a state funded initiative and part of the Victorian Autism State Plan and focuses on increasing the ASD expertise of the workforce. Toni has also developed as part of the role the ASD Support Groups for Staff- to provide a way for staff to meet on a regular, informal basis to share resources, discuss strategies, ask questions and describe successes.
For more information on visit
Respite in Gippsland is a website developed to provide information about all the disability respite services available across Gippsland to the public.
The website also has the function of a Members Area for all Regional and LGA specific networks to access and share Meeting agendas and minutes and documents or resources.
Please register for a Log-In so you are able to access this information.
The website also has a new and events area to share any upcoming programs, achievements or important information useful for people with disabilities, their families and carers. / Respite Network members to create a Log-In to Respite in Gippsland
Open Discussion
Next Meeting Dates / Scheduled for early February, Jasmine will liaise with Toni and the ASD Support Group for Staff for next meeting date, time and venue.
Next Meeting / To be advised. Coincide with ASD Support Networks for Staff
Respite Provider Network Minutes Proforma 2010