Year SixCURRICULUM MAP: 2015 – 2016 St Joseph’s Catholic Academy

Stanley Head / End of year performance
TOPIC / Wicked water / Our wonderful world / On our door step…
Literacy / Can you guess the genre?
Exploring different fiction genres. Reading and writing narrative across genres.Presentations & authors.
Imagine This
Poetry-the power of imagery
Read All About It
Journalistic Writing
Inc different extracts & multimedia sources.
Inc radio reports/ transcripts. (S&L) / Let’s go on a Journey!
Kensuke’s Kingdom Morpurgo
Including extended narrative and formal and impersonal writing
This is Your Life!
Biography and Autobiography
Different extracts plus a text study inc guided reading of Boy – Roald Dahl. / This is your Life continued
Don’t Dig Yourself Into A Hole!
Inc non-fiction genres, leaflet and diary, recount and persuasion.
Rhyme and poetry Malorie Blackman / Wave your Wand with Harry Potter
Short stories with flashbacks.
Argument and Persuasion
SATS, revision and preparation. / Our Reading Hero’s!
Authors and text
Find Your Voice!
Play-scripts with a focus on William Shakespeare.
Y6 performance
Numeracy / Number and place value
Mental multiplication and division
Equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages
Mental addition and subtraction
Written addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions.
Solving multistep problems
Problem solving and reasoning
Converting units of weight and measure
Reading a 12 and 24 hours clock and converting between the two. / Number and place value inc negative numbers.
Fractions, comparing, mixed number and simplifying.
Perimeter, area and volume of shapes.
Area of triangles and parallelograms using formula.
Properties of 3D shapes and nets.
Mental calculations of all 4 operations.
Written methods of all 4 operations.
Addition and subtraction of fractions
Simple percentages of amounts
Problem solving and reasoning.
Solving word problems inc fractions.
Common factors and multiples.
Prime numbers / Number and place value – read and write up to 7 digits.
Working systematically
Different written and mental methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (Long and short.)
Link between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.
Multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000.
Compare and order numbers up to 3dp
Multiplying fractions.
Problem solving, reasoning and algebra.
Angles of triangles
How to find and calculate missing angles of all shapes.
Properties of a circle
Use of a protractor
Drawing circles and polygons using the correct equipment.
Roman numerals. / Different written and mental methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (Long and short.)
Calculations of money
Calculations of all operations involving decimals.
Using mathematical reasoning to solve problems.
Construct and interpret distance/ time line graphs.
Pie charts – interoperate and construct using percentages.
Read and plot coordinates in all 4 quadrants.
Reflections and transition of shapes.
Unknown angles around a point, a line, in triangles and polygons.
Divisions with reminders linked to fractions.
Express simple formulae in words.
Describe and continue sequences.
Ratio / Revision
Practice papers
SATS WC – 9TH May 2016 / Transition blocks
Real life problem solving
Use mathematical reasoning to investigate and solve problems, estimate and predict.
Find out about famous mathematicians inc Brahmagupta and John Napier and use their methods.
Explore binary numbers.
Solve mathematical puzzles.
Find digital roots and look for patterns.
Science / Animals including humans / Living things and their habitats / Evolution and inheritance biology / Electricity / Light / First Class Scientists.
KS2 science topics revisit and revise running through the year in preparation for the reintroduction of the Science SAT in May.
Geography / Extreme Climates / Local area study
Inc Stanley Head
History / British History inc water and Liverpool.
The impact of significant historical events and the impact of the Windrush Generation. / Ancient Greeks
Art and Design / Katsushika Hokusai – The Great Wave / Landscapes inc photography. / Sketching of local area.
Stanley Head / Greek art – pottery design and local manufacture – Spode.
Design Technology / Mechanical systems – pulleys or gears. / Food technology unit - Pizzas
Mrs Clarkson / Use internet safely and appropriately. Recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour, recognising ways to report concerns
(communicate /connect)
Internet Safety Unit / Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables and outputs in programs
Espresso Starter Unit Y6 / Detect & correct errors in programs
Espresso Unit 5B Random numbers and simulations / Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables and outputs in programs
(Code)Espresso Unit6A More complex variables / Design & write programs to solve problems
(Code) Espresso Unit 6B Object Properties. / Be discerning in evaluating digital content
(collect) researching the app market
• Select appropriate applications to devise,construct and manipulate data and present itin an effective and professional
Mrs Cliff / Water music / Class orchestra Christmas / World music Africa / Twentieth Century music Spiritual/blues/ 1960s / World music British Isles / Class orchestra Y6 Performance
PE / Invasion games
Tag Rugby ASM
Handball and Hockey – Mr Sigley / Pakour and Gymnastics / Health related excersie
Dance (ASM) / Multi skills
Handball (ASM) / Adventurous Outdoor Activities - Stanley Head
Athletics (ASM) / Rounders
ASM – Net Wall games/ Tennis
MFL / On y va!
All aboard / L’argent de poche
Pocket money / Raconte-moi une histoire!
Tell me a story / Vive le sport
Our sporting lives / Le Carnaval des Animaux
The carnival of the Animals / Quel temps fait-il?
What’s the weather like?
PSCHE / New Beginnings / Getting on &Falling out / Going for Goals / Good to be Me / Relationships / Changes
SMSC opportunities / Mary’s Meals Collection
Local Democracy week
School/ Eco/ Sports council speeches, presentations and elections..
Play leaders Training.
Biddulph Catholic Mission Mass.
Class Mass St Joseph’s Catholic Church.
Good Shepherd Mass
Internet safety – using the internet safely and considerately including a performance.
Motivational Workshop / NSPCC workshop
Anti- bullying week assemblies and focus.
Diversity display based on difference and celebration.
Y6 leading readings at Carol Concert and leading our schools Christmas Mass in Church.
Considerate use of the internet
Valuing immigration and the differences that other people can bring to us. Work focused around the Windrush Generation.
Producing a leaflet to advertise Great Britain including work on our British Values – leading to a ‘Together as one’ display and presentations. / Our relationship with our environment and other parts of the world in Extreme Climates and ‘Holes’.
Looking at the impact of weathers and extreme conditions.
Culture/beliefs of a range of countries recognising and valuing differences between these and our own.
Learning about the life of others in Biographies and autobiographies.
Interviewing other people about their life and achievements.
RE inspire workshop with parents and Father Julian – creating stained glass mirages. / Speeches that changed the world.
Rule of Law via graffiti study incl Banksy
Money Skills worksop – teaching children the value of money in the wider world.
Confirmation and visit to the Birmingham Cathedral.
Lent – charity focus. / Exploring our local literature history. Pride of Stoke-on-Trent .
Stanley Head visit – leaning to cooperate and live outdoors. Support and trying new challenges. / Inspire day at Keele University.
Year group performance.
High school transition