Healthy Living 9 Career’s Assignment
1. Go to the following site
User name: fivebridges
password: firebirds
2. Login - Click "Create My Plan"
Fill in the form "My Information" and click create my plan at the bottom
3. Follow the link "Assessments" (top left) and do the assessments.
4. Click "Answer more questions" to improve your results.
5. Click "Start my Skills"
6. Once all of the quiz questions have been answered, answer the questions on the next page to show what you have discovered from your assessment.
7. Click "Careers" which is at the top middle of the page beside "assessments" and "education".
Search the different job profiles under 'Explore Careers'. Read the profiles for several different jobs that may interest you. Choose two jobs that interest you and complete the reflection sheet "Explore Careers". (attached)
8. Click "Education" which is at the top of the page beside Careers.
Follow the links for 'Education & Training'. Visit sites in this section to see which would be compatible with your interests. Complete the form "Education & Training" for both schools of your choice. (attached)
9. Email your MSWord document to Ms. Campbell at
Career Exploration
The quiz suggested the following careers for me:
The two that interest me most in this list are:
The two that interest me the least in this list are:
Here's what I learned in doing these quizzes career:
Reflection: "Explore Careers"
Career Choice # 1: ______
Working conditions: (place, with whom, working hours, ...)
Education and / or training required:
Characteristics desired by employers for this career:
Other important information:
Is it a good choice for you? Explains why.
Career Choice # 2: ______
Working conditions: (place, with whom, working hours, ...)
Education and / or training required:
Characteristics desired by employers for this career:
Other important information:
Is it a good choice for you? Explains why.
Reflection: "Education & Training"
# 1 choice of school: ______
Description of what you want to study there:
Number of years or months of study:
Education and / or training required:
Kind of courses that must be completed in grade 10, 11, 12 in preparation for this school:
Other important information:
Is it a good choice for you? Explains why.
# 2 choice of school: ______
Description of what you want to study there:
Number of years or months of study:
Education and / or training required:
Kind of courses that must be completed in grade 10, 11, 12 in preparation for this school:
Other important information:
Is it a good choice for you? Explains why.