Area 38, District 11 Minute
Aug 14, 2016
Meeting at the Coca-Cola Community Building was called to order at 4:30pm by Linda N., and opened with the Serenity Prayer. Tradition/Concept 8 were read.
ATTENDANCE: 11- Linda N., Chris G., Paul B., Jason S., Keith D., Jerry B., Dorothy W., Bradley E., and Tanya E.
SECRETARY REPORT: Tanya read July Minutes. Motion was made by Paul to except and second by Chris and passed.
TREASURER REPORT: Jerry B. submitted the Treasurer report. The beginning balance was $901.68. Ending balance was $968.70with Prudent Reserve of $425.98.
DCM REPORT: Susan was absent but provided a report: The State Convention was a great success. Area 38 will be receiving a $1000 payback for seed money. $5000 remains in the convention reserve fund. Thanks to everyone from District 11 who volunteered time. I will be counting on help again next year, as I have been entrusted to serve as the Convention Chairperson. Area 38 Service elections will take place Oct 1-2. It will be a great opportunity to observe the process at the Area level; better yet, stand for a Committee position. Contact me if you’re interested in riding down. The Southwest Regional Service Assembly (SWRAASA) will be Oct. 21-23 in Rogers, AR. Registration is $10. I plan to attend and I hope will join me. Register at
ALT DCM – Open
PI WEBMASTER: Chris reported that the QR code does not work and a new code will be produced. Renewal for the domain name for 1 year is $20.17. Hosting runs through December 2016 and is $65.70 for 6 month renewal. He is working with Sherri for Archives. Paul will submit for Corrections. He will put a link on the website for Joe & Charlie, Al-Non information in a pop up window (announcement with no affiliation). There were 1020 visits to the site for the month of July.
CPC: Dorothy reported she attempted a phone contact with Recovery Fest to determine if a spot for CPC could be arranged. Brenda of Missouri Recovery Network returned her call and has offered to do a presentation to the drug court/DUI court representatives and feature AA as the presenter. Dorothy will be following up with her to discuss in more detail. Dorothy also contacted Judge Patricia Joyce and learned that the contact she needed was Larry Henry, the Director of Treatment, for those individuals that are assigned AA from drug/DUI court. She left a message with Larry but has not heard back. Dorothy believes if Brenda of MO Recovery Network is able to put together a forum for the drug/DUI courts it will be a more effective presentation.
BTG: Absent
CORRECTIONS:Paul still needs volunteers.
WHERE & WHEN: Jerry reported all is going well.
Wardsville: Jason reported all is well.
Triangle: Paul reported there is a noticeable increase in attendance and all is well.
Sunset: Bradley reported everything is going well. Mr. Cardwell bought the building in which Sunset is housed and will continue to allow the meetings. Big Book Study has been temporarily suspended. “Lois” will be the September 1 movie. Brunch gathering is the last Sunday of the month after the 10:00 meeting. Eight people went to the State Convention via scholarships.
Mary’s Home:Absent
Easy Does It: Debi E. reported the group is doing well and Group Conscious were regular.
St. Martins:Absent
Riverside: Absent
Primary Purpose:Linda N. reported they are doing well and the water problem is being addressed.
November- December-
- Service Workshop: Paul made a motion to table until November, Jerry second and the motion passed.
- October elections-District will vote on DCM/Alt. DCM , Secretary, Treasurer, and Technical positions. GSR will be elected by their home groups. Announcements need to be made at home groups to encourage service for these positions.
- Each position needs to write up a paper (or look in service manual) on positions. Secretary is supposed to get and give a “welcome” packet to each new position or contact GSO for packet.
- COMM moved to ODAT Building in Columbia and they will be able to deliver orders with prior notice.
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting is October 9, 2016 at 4:30 pm at the Coca-Cola Bldg, 605 Washington St. (at the corner of W. Elm, Jefferson City, MO.)