ERASMUS+student applications



1. Scholastic average:(max. 40points)

The average of the last 3 semesters’ weighted academic average and corrected credit index’s average! (averages in the grade book)

The last 3 semesters’ averaged average x 8 = points

Students of the Biotechnology MSc program:

the average of the completed semester’s weighted academic average and corrected credit index’s average x 8 = points

2. Language exam: (max. 18points)

First language (English/German/Country of destination):

Advanced Intermediate

complex 10 complex 6

oral 5 oral 3

written 5 written 3

Second language (Other modern language):

Advanced Intermediate

complex 6 complex 4

oral 3 oral 2

written 3 written 2

Dead languages:

Advanced Intermediate

complex 2 complex 1

oral 1 oral 0,5

written 1 written 0,5

Professional language exam:

advanced+2 points

intermediate+1 point

Profex exam+1 point

From one language we can give points only for one language exam. We also accept the appropriate international language exam.

Medical German language exam: max. 20points

3.Scientific work:(max. 40points)

TDK:After every completed semester spent with TDK: 4 points

Dean’s work:

Seeded:10 points

I. prize:8 points

II. prize:5 points

III. prize:4 points

Other competition:

I. prize:5 points

II. prize:3 points

III.prize:2 points

TDK conference:

Home conference:Participation:1 point

I. prize:6 points

II. prize:4 points

III. prize:3 points

National conference:Participation:2 points

I. prize:8 points

II. prize:6 points

III. prize:3 points

Other conferences:

Home conference:Participation:1 point

National conference:Presentation:4 points

Poster:3 points

Abstract:2 points

International conference:Participation:2 points



Abstract:3 points


Inland scientific press:first author:10 points / article

co-author:5 points / article

more authors:2 points / article

International scientific press:first author:15 points / article

co-author: 7 points / article

more authors: 3 points / article

Demonstrator work: after every semester 3 points/subject, in foreign language +2points/semester

˝Pro Scientia” prize: 25 points

Eminent student of a year: 5 points

Excellence in a subject: 3 points

Participation in a scientific course: 2 points

Membership in a scientific society: 2 points/semester

Participation in the TANDEM programme: 2 points/semester

4.Voluntary work (max. 40 points)


Management functions:

Chair:4 points/semester (max.20 points)

Executive officers:3 points/semester (max. 15 points)

Coordinator:2 points/semester

Assistant:1 point/semester

Preventive activity: (max. 20 points)

Teddy bear hospital:0,5 point/5 hours

Health day, health train participation:0,5 point/5 hours

Attending courses:2 points/semester

Holding presentations: 0,5 point/45 min

Attending First Aid course:2 points/course

Holding First Aid presentation0,5 point/presentation

Attending Red Cross presentation:2 points/semester

HoldingRed Cross presentation:0,5 point/ presentation

Mentoring activity(max. 10 points):

HuMSIRC/Erasmus/ESN contact person:1 point/week

EGSC, TDK chair, Confabula, others: (max. 20 points)

Chair:4 points/semester (max. 20 points)

Vice president/Management:3 points/semester (max. 15 points)

Member: 1 point/semester

Other organization: 1 point/ academic year

Confabula editor:2 points/semester

Other foreign organizations working in Pécs too (eg. ANSA) membership: 1 point/semester

5.Nursing activity, ambulance service, voluntary work:(max.10 points)

3 points/ semester (min. 60 confirmed hours)

6.Other (max. 5 points)

Outstanding artistic, cultural or sport achievement:individual evaluation

Event management (e.g. organizing conferences)0,5 point/20 hours