FSU A, Michigan B, and South Carolina A.doc

1. He wrote about the American hotel industry in his Work of Art, while a young actress is the subject of his novel Bethel Merriday. Many of his readers were shocked by the sexual frankness of Cass Timberlane, while others were shocked by his novel about a man who discovers that he has African-American blood, Kingsblood Royal. He wrote about a retired automobile tycoon and his wife in his novel Dodsworth, and imagined a fascist takeover of the United States in It Can't Happen Here. FTP, name this American author who wrote about a physician, minister, and realtor in Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry, and Babbit.

ANSWER: Sinclair Lewis

2. The Kapustinskii equation can be used to calculate this quantity based on an assumed ionic radius for (6,6)-coordination and the Madelung constant. As the ionic radius of either the cation or anion increases, this quantity decreases, and solids consisting of divalent ions have a much larger value than monovalent ions. The most famous way of calculating this quantity involves the atomization and ionization of a metal and nonmetal and is known as the Born-Haber cycle. The opposite of the energy of crystallization, FTP, name this chemical property defined as the energy required to separate a mold of a crystalline solid into a gas of its ions.

ANSWER: lattice energy or lattice enthalpy

3. In Book Four of this work, the author claims that in times of war, Christians may find their loyalty divided between defending the state and defending their religious convictions. In Book One he claims that slavery goes against human nature and that the divine right of kings is ludicrous, since a monarch cannot protect the interests of the people and his own interests simultaneously. Book Two centers on the concept of the “general will,” which states that government is a natural occurrence that must be controlled by the wants and needs of the people. It is here that he establishes the title concept, which defines the relationship between the governors and the governed. FTP name this seminal tract on political theory by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

ANSWER: A Treatise on the Social Contract: Or, The Principles of Political Law (Also accept Ducontrat social: Ou, Principes du droit politique

4. One of their more prominent actions was dubbed the “crowded hour,” and they became newspaper darlings under Samuel Young at Las Guásimas. After they returned to Montauk, their rank-and-file selected William S. Murphy to present a statue to one of their officers. Those officers included former White House physician Leonard Wood and the assistant secretary of the Navy, who led them in the battles of Santiago and San Juan Ridge. For 10 points, name this group, formally designated the First Volunteer Cavalry, whose popularity during the Spanish-American War brought fame to Theodore Roosevelt.

ANSWER: Rough Riders [accept First Volunteer Cavalry before it is read]

5. This poem mentions hedgerows which are “hardly hedgerows” but “little lines / Of sportive wood run wild,” which are seen by the speaker as he sits under a “dark sycamore.” Some "steep and lofty cliffs" impress upon the poet "thoughts of more deep seclusion," and he thinks that the "wreaths of smoke" might rise from "vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods." In the final section of the poem, the poet describes his “cheerful faith” that “all which we behold / Is full of blessings” to his sister Dorothy, who went with him on the walking tour that is this poem’s subject. FTP, name this poem which was composed a few miles above a site on the river Wye, a 1798 work by William Wordsworth.

ANSWER: "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour"

6. Among this man’s lieder are one on the murder of Murray and another on the poem “Ivan.” This man’s late piano works include a set of seven “Fantasies,” his Opus 116, and three sets of “Klavierstücke,” though he is better-known for keyboard works like the two rhapsodies of his Opus 79. He wrote two sets of Gypsy Songs, his Opus 103 and 112, both of which reflect the influence Hungarian folk music had on his work. His first symphony is often called “Beethoven’s 10th,” although his fourth and final one is better known. He used a German text for his Deutsches Requiem, which he dedicated to his mother, but he is better known for a set of songs written for the University of Breslau. FTP name this composer, perhaps best known for his Academic Festival Overture and a namesake lullaby.

ANSWER: Johannes Brahms

7. This author of the poetry book Ten Last Night and performer of the vocal jazz albums The Other Parade and One Man’s Meat played Caspar Goodwood in 1996’s adaptation of The Portrait of a Lady and later painted the murals attributed to his character David Shaw in A Perfect Murder. He was also present at the “Miracle on Ice” game during the 1980 Winter Olympics in his official capacity as the English translator for the Swedish hockey team. While playing Jerome Stample in Salvation!, he met his onetime wife Exene Cervenka, and their son Henry convinced him to take his most successful role on short notice, replacing the fired Stuart Townsend. FTP, name this actor who recently portrayed Tom Stall in A History of Violence after starring as Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings films.

ANSWER: Viggo Peter Mortensen Jr.

8. Along with its lighter partner, it was predicted by Kobayashi and Maskawa, who deduced its existence from CP-violation in neutral kaons. Produced predominately in pairs after high-energy collisions between protons and antiprotons, this subatomic particle, which possesses a two-thirds charge, is sufficiently heavy that perturbative QCD could be used to give a theoretical estimate of its mass. It is unique among particles of its kind in that it does not hadronize, and therefore decays into a W boson and bottom quark, as seen in its discovery with the Tevatron accelerator in 1995 at Fermilab. With a mass of about 174 GeV, for ten points, name this heaviest and last-discovered quark, the partner of the bottom quark.

ANSWER: top quark

9. It began and drew much of its support from the Hakka, who made up most of its leaders, and among the things it sought to prohibit were adultery, gambling, and the use of tobacco. Its initial successes were tarnished by the murders of its minister of state, Yang Hsiu-ching, as well as the general Wei Chang-hui, who had killed Yang. It was further weakened by the desertion of Shih Ta-k’ai, and in 1860, it failed to take Shanghai, which was defended by a force commanded by Frederick Ward. Growing out of the God Worshippers’ Society, it was finally defeated by the Ever-Victorious Army under the command of Charles Gordon. Taking its name from the Chinese for “Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace,” FTP, name this anti-Manchu rebellion whose leader, Hung His-chuan, believed he was the younger brother of Jesus.

ANSWER: Taiping Rebellion

10. He used the pseudonym N. W. Clerk for a book written about the illness of his wife, A Grief Observed. He collaborated with literary critic E. M. W. Tillyard on the book The Personal Heresy, while his own works of literary criticism include one which belittles Milton’s Satan, A Preface to “Paradise Lost”, and 1936’s Allegory of Love. His religious works include The Four Loves and The Problem of Pain, as well as a book that tries to establish a core of Christian dogma central to all denominations, Mere Christianity. He may be better known today for his novels, including such works of science fiction as Out of the Silent Planet. FTP, name this English author of The Screwtape Letters and such novels as The Silver Chair and Prince Caspian, two of his seven Chronicles of Narnia.

ANSWER: Clive Staples Lewis

11. An exception to it postulates an intermediate step which could produce voiced spirants, and it explains the reduction in labiovelars. Based on an earlier idea put forth by Rasmus Christian Rask, it has two parts, the latter of which only applies to High German, and the former of which shows that voiceless stops changed into voiceless fricatives, voiced stops became voiceless, and voiced aspirated stops lost their aspiration and changed into plain voiced stops. FTP, name this rule of sound shifts put forth by a man who collaborated with his brother on collecting fairy tales.

ANSWER: Grimm's Law

12. Welsh author Rhys Hughes has recently published a book inspired by a series this man wrote for the newspaper The Critic. This man’s protagonists include a secretary of a municipal library anxious to read a rare edition of The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, an Englishman with a vicious scar across his face, and a man given the appellation “Chronometer” before he dies from pulmonary failure. He was obsessed with the ideas of Heraclitus, as can be seen in a story about a man who worships a fire god and creates a man in his image, only to find out that he was created in a similar fashion. That story, “The Circular Ruins,” is featured in a collection that also contains stories like “The Lottery of Babylon,” “The Garden of the Forking Paths” and “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote.” FTP, name this Argentinean writer of “The Library of Babel,” El Aleph, and the collection Ficciones.

ANSWER: Jorge Luis Borges

13. The smallest class of this phylum contains Chironex fleckeri, which contains poison that can be fatal to humans. The endoderm and ectoderm of members of this phylum are held together by a layer of gelatinous material called a mesoglea. A gastrovascular cavity serves as both a mouth and an anus in members, all of which exhibit radial symmetry. Members of class Anthozoa only have a polyp form, while members of class Hydrozoa have a polyp and medusa form. For ten points -- name this phylum, whose members include sea anemones, corals, and jellyfish.

ANSWER: Cnidaria

14. After leaving his homeland, he worked in Costa Rica as a time-keeper on a banana plantation, where he became concerned about black working conditions. He later launched the Edelweiss Amusement Company and traveled to Geneva to present the “Petition of the Negro Race” to the League of Nations. He wrote about his cause in a newspaper called The Watchman, and to promote worldwide commerce among black communities, he ran the Black Star Line. FTP, name this founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the Jamaican-born founder of the Back to Africa movement.

ANSWER: Marcus Moziah Garvey

15. In Chinese myth, there were originally ten of these, but nine were shot down by the Divine Archer, Shen Yi. In Hindu myth, the young Hanuman saw it, thought it was a fruit, and tried to eat it. Visvakarma placed the god associated with it in his lathe and shaved off part of that god, then used the shavings to create Vishnu’s discus and other weapons. Visvakarma did this because the god associated with it, Surya, was too bright. In Japanese myth, the goddess associated with it was washed out of the left eye of Izanagi. FTP, the Japanese goddess Amaterasu was associated with what luminous celestial body?


16. The Lord Chamberlain refused a license for the second play he tried to publish because it contained Biblical characters. This slight led him to contemplate changing to French citizenship, and although he did not do so, that play was published in France the year before being released in England. In one of his plays, an illegitimate man named Gerald is torn between his father, Lord Illingworth, and his mother, Mrs. Arbuthnot. That play, A Woman of No Importance, appeared in 1893, two years before An Ideal Husband and a year after Lady Windermere’s Fan. FTP, name this Irish author who also wrote The Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

ANSWER: Oscar Wilde

17. It was enthusiastically supported by the newspaper of Charles Maurras and adopted the “attentisme” foreign policy and the motto “Work, family, fatherland.” The United States sent William D. Leahy as ambassador to to this government, whose members included Marcel Déat, Maxime Weygand and Fernand de Brinon. Its secret police was headed by Joseph Darnand after being created by Pierre Laval. It was created after Operation Anton, and was headed by Henri Philippe Pétain. FTP, name this French government controlled by Nazi Germany.

ANSWER: Vichy France [accept Vichy regime or similar answers; prompt on “French State” or “État Français”]

18. This body is home to an irregular eastward-moving cloud known as the Scooter which may represent a plume rising in its atmosphere, which also shows shadows from high level clouds on a lower opaque cloud deck. Its atmosphere is also home to the fastest winds of any planet in the solar system, as well as a reservoir of methane gas which absorbs red light, producing its distinctive coloration. One of its moons has the highest known eccentricity of any natural satellite, while its largest moon is the only large moon with a retrograde orbit, and has active cryo-volcanos. Home to the Great Dark Spot, FTP name this outermost gas giant orbited by Nereid and Triton.

ANSWER: Neptune

19. The only character that is constantly cheerful in this work is a servant boy named Gerasim. One of the title character’s close friends meets a colleague named Schwarz, who winks at him and tries to arrange an evening game of bridge. After losing two promotions, the title character gets a new job when a man named Miller is replaced by his friend Zachar, who helps set him up in St. Petersburg. His wife Praskovya and their son Volodya come to live with him in their new house, but while he is attempting to show an upholsterer how to hang some drapes he falls, hitting his side on the knob of the window frame. The bruise he gets eventually grows, and he grows sicker until he expires. FTP, name this short novel by Leo Tolstoy that concludes with the title event.

ANSWER: “TheDeath of Ivan Ilyich”or “Smert Ivana Ilyicha

20. Jonathan Harr’s new novel The Lost Painting describes the search for this man’s The Taking of Christ. This man won early success with mythological portraits such as his Bacchus, whom he depicts in a toga holding a black ribbon, and a portrait of Cupid standing over a heap of musical instruments with his arrows in his right hand. It did not take long, however, for him to start painting hagiographical portraits, such as The Incredulity of St. Thomas and a large depiction of the beheading of St. John that now resides in a church on Malta, where he lived toward the end of his life. He is more famous for works like his Supper at Emmaus and a depiction of St. Paul having fallen from his horse. FTP, name this Italian painter, who was born Michelangelo Merisi and who is best known for his Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Caravaggio(accept Michelangelo Merisi before it is read)

21. Computer graphics known by this name were first used in programs like the SAGE air defense system and include primitive objects such as Bezier curves. In operating systems, this term refers to a memory location, while in mathematics, this term refers both to first-rank tensors and to spaces which, as a consequence of the axiom of choice, have a basis. In biology, an example is a mosquito which carries a malarial parasite. This term also denotes a one-dimensional array in many programming languages. In physics, velocity is an example of, FTP, what type of quantity specified by a magnitude and a direction?

ANSWER: vector

22. Under the command of Aulus Plautius, he captured twenty hill-forts, including the Maiden Castle in Dorset, as well as the Isle of Wright in A.D. 43. Two decades later, he was appointed to quell the Great Jewish Revolt. His reign as emperor saw the Batavian rebellion and the campaigns of Agricola in Britain, as well as the start of construction on the Colosseum. His ten year rule was followed by reigns by both of his sons, Titus and Domitian. FTP, name this founder of the Flavian dynasty who emerged victorious from the Year of the Four Emperors.

ANSWER: Caesar Vespasianus Augustus [or Titus Flavius Vespasianus]

23. It cuts out Goring Gap and receives the Medway and Churn. Fry’s Island and Canvey Island are found within it, and it ends after Teddington Lock near the lighthouse at Nore. Its freshwater to estuary transition occurs at Battersea. The Jubilee River was built during the 1990s to divert floodwater from this river, which originates near Kemble village in the Cotswold Hills of Gloucestershire County. It is called the Isis when it flows through Oxford. FTP, connects London to the sea.

ANSWER: Thames [accept Isis before it is read]

24. Harris Theater for Music and Dance can easily be seen from Randolph Street, and the BP Bridge crosses over Columbus Drive. Two 50-foot towers make up Crown Fountain, which also features high-tech LED video screens. Opening four years later than expected, this 25-acre landmark features Wrigley Square in its northwest corner. Cloud Gate resembles a drop of liquid mercury and is often referred to by residents as The Bean. Massive panels of stainless steel make up its centerpiece, a bandshell designed by Frank Gehry called the Pritzker Pavilion. FTP, name this park found in downtown Chicago.