Government Finance Officers Association of Connecticut

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Aqua Turf Club

556 Mulberry Street, Plantsville, CT 06479

Jim Wren called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.

Members present: Jim Wren, Mike Lupkas, Rick Darling, Bob Barron, Beth Bauer, Rob Buden, Diana Doyle (9:35), Jim Finch, Mike LeBlanc, Jonathan Perugini (10:15), Emilia Portelinha, Greg Simmons, Maryanna Stevens, Bob Tait, Linda Trzetziak, Diane Waldron.

Members absent: Bill Hogan, Tony Genovese, Jim Reynolds.

I. Approval of minutes

The minutes of July 17, 2014 were reviewed with no comments. A Motion to approve was made by Bob Barron, Second Jim Finch, Passed Unanimous

II. Treasurer’s Report

Greg Simmons presented the Treasurer’s report as of October 31, 2014. He mentioned that membership was up compared to the same time period last year. An e-mail was sent out to remind people who haven’t paid their dues yet. There was discussion on how notifications should be sent out. Diane Waldron made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Rick Darling second.

III.Old Business

There were no items under Old Business

IV.New Business

A. Discussion/Decision regarding Honorary Membership status for Sal Pandolfo and Rudie Beers

Diane Waldron moved to accept Sal Pandolfo and Rudie Beers as Honorary Members of GFOA-CT. Maryanna Stevens second. Passed unanimous.

B. Office of State Ethics Audit

Jim Wren talked about GFOA-CT being selected to be audited by the Office of State Ethics. He explained the information that we had to provide. The focus of the audit was with regard to the GFOA-CT’s relationship with Guinan & Associates. As part of our reply, Jim explained in a letter to the Ethics Office the role and actions of GFOA-CT. After some further discussion, Jim mentioned that he didn’t believe any serious issues would come about from this audit.

C. GFOA-CT Membership Policies

Jim brought up a recent issue of the Finance Director in Plymouth, CT being suspended from his job due to fraud allegations. The individual is not a member of GFOA, but the by-laws don’t address membership implications for members who are terminated from their job for wrong doings. Jim Finch brought up the issue of whether or not membership belongs to the individual or the Town. Beth Bauer mentioned that Finance Directors occasionally have to confront issues of ethical dilemmas as part of our jobs. Discussion then shifted toward membership policies regarding the number of people from the same organizations attending GFOA meetings whether they have individual memberships or not. Several years ago, the Board agreed that up to five members from a paying organization could attend meetings at the member rate. Previously, an individual had to be a paying member to be able to pay the member meeting rate. Jim will draft a policy regarding membership policies based on today’s discussion.

Jim Wren mentioned that he would be able to contact a certain newspaper reporter with the goal of providing some positive publicity for GFOA-CT.

D. CCM Conference Update

Jim mentioned that a Uniform Chart of Accounts session was included as part of the CCM Conference. He thought it was better attended than expected. Mike Lupkas provided a brief update on where the project is right now. They are still in the mapping/crosswalk phase. In January, 2015 it’s expected that Blum Shapiro will start requesting FY 2014 financial information from Towns.

V. Reports

A.Accounting Standards

Bob Tait provided an update including the dates when it’s expected that certain announcements will be released. Items mentioned included fair market valuation, fiduciary responsibility, lease accounting, OPEB reporting and tax abatement disclosures.


Diana Doyle mentioned that the accounting class was recently completed and that there was a waiting list. 92% of the evaluations returned showed that the participants either Agreed or Strongly Agreed that the course met expectations. She mentioned that finding a replacement for Jim Reynolds will need to be addressed at some point in the future. Bob Barron talked about the CPFO certifications. He mentioned the possibility of Board members teaching a session. Three people have begun the certification program utilizing the funds set aside for this at the July meeting.

C.Historian’s Report – no report


Emilia mentioned that she and Jonathan have been busy with a lot of job postings recently. The system now accepts VISA, MasterCard and Discover.

E.Walsh and Miklus Scholarship – no report


Beth Bauer mentioned that the state could make immediate cuts to municipal revenue in addressing their current year budget shortfall. She asked CCM about having direct communication with our Board. Jim Wren mentioned that CCM is currently evaluating their notification process as it pertains to state budget deliberations. Beth mentioned a group meeting to be held in the next month or two involving Tax Collectors, Assessors and Finance Directors.


Jonathan Perugini mentioned that there are 267 paid members this year compared to 226 last year at the same point in time. He will send a final membership reminder notice in December.

H.National Event – no report


Mike Lupkas mentioned that we are having a joint program today with CASBO and ConnPELRA. He reviewed the sessions for today.

VI. NESGFOA Representative

Jim Finch mentioned that Bill Fazioli is currently serving as NESGFOA president on contractor status. Diane pointed out that they will probably need to re-visit the president position in about six months.


Motion to adjourn at 10:45 a.m. was made by Maryanna Stevens, Second by Diana Doyle.