January 11, 2009

President of the Board Tim Furlong called the budget meeting to order at 6:00. Board members in attendance were Miller, Rising, Mains, Zesiger and, Cosner There was a quorum present with 26 certificate holders in attendance. The minutes of the 2008 meeting were read and approved with a clarification concerning the Pete Lee Mentoring Fund monies. John Lee has given the board the responsibility to decide how the funds will be used to mentor each year.

The membership report shows 128 members 57 certificate holders 4 student members.

Furlong gave a summary of 2008 a new electric furnace was installed and air compressor purchased. He thanked Doug and Dorothy Miller for purchasing and planting several new trees, the ladies club for cleaning and painting and all other volunteers for their help.

Trish Cosner reported on the Pete Lee Mentoring Clinic directed by Pro Jeff Bender. Students traveled to Black Rock Creek for a clinic, golf and lunch and Bender came to Goldendale for a follow-up clinic a few weeks later. It was a great success.

Furlong reported the raffle generated $660 and Louise Middleton was the winner.

Furlong presented the 2009 -operating budget showing a $30 increase in dues and $10 increase in the GHIN fee. Green fees will go to $30 and guest of members will go to $20. With this budget there are monies for purchasing a fairway mower as recommended by Wilbur Ellis representative and Walla Walla professor. There was discussion on the condition and long- range plan for equipment. Louie Cosner made a motion the budget be approved. Pantages seconded. Motion carried. Ron Larsen opposed.

Furlong called for nominations for four positions on the Board.

Daren Hoffman nominated David Ross

Larry Bellamy nominated Bill Pantages (declined)

David Ross nominated Jeff Fields

Louie Cosner nominated Tim Scarola

Trish Cosner nominated Chris Barthlow

Ross moved nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Ross, Fields, Scarola and Barthlow. Hoffman seconded. Motion carried.

Jodi Bellamy gave an equipment report and praised Ordell Enstad for keeping the equipment repaired and maintained. With the purchase of a fairway mower the course should be in good shape for 2009.

Doug Miller thanked ladies club and volunteers. He suggested the Board consider allowing people on the waiting list for a carthouse to pre-pay carthouse rent to generate funds to build more carthouses.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned 7:10.

Sherrye Morrison
