GBE (Goals Based Evaluation) Quick Reference

2 Types: Research & Development and Competence-Building

GBE cycle corresponds with educator’s certificate renewal window.

Professional Growth and Development Plans for GBE will serve as the educator’s Certificate Renewal Professional Growth and Development Plan.

Research & Development GBE (typical type used)


-Define the end result

-Need to be broad

-Must show 1 goal each year having an impact student achievement

-Must be stated to show growth over time

-Must allow time for research, implementation, and analyzing of data

-Must support any applicable school or district initiative

-Could be only 1 goal for five years

-Must show adequate progress on at least 1 goal each year

-Can only be a maximum of 3 at a time

-Have to be tied to at least 1 of the 10 performance standards

-Have to be tied to your area standards (ie: media, speech, or guidance)

-Need to answer, “How will this help me and my teaching in the long run?”

-Focus on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy-Analyze, Evaluate, & Create


-Are the steps you will take to achieve the goal

-Answers the question, “What things do I need to do for my goal to be accomplished?

-Are a break-down of what you will do each year to achieve the goal

5 Steps for Research & Development GBE

1. Come up with research question.

2. Turn the research question into goal.

3. Attend meeting to develop plan with supervisor.

4. Work on the goal (complete strategies).

5. Meeting with the supervisor by March 15th.

Competence-Building GBE

-Teachers are moved to Competence-Building GBE by their building administrator.

-Weakness in one or more ADEPT performance standards noted and administrator sets goals based on those weaknesses.

-Documentation is kept.

-A teacher may be on Competence-Building GBE 1 or more years.

-*Focus is on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy-Remember, Understand, Apply

ADEPT Performance Standards

APS1: Long-Range Planning- An effective teacher facilitates student achievement by establishing appropriate long-range learning goals and by identifying the instructional, assessment, and management strategies necessary to help all students progress toward meeting these goals.

APS2: Short-Range Planning of Instruction- An effective teacher facilitates student achievement by planning appropriate learning objectives; selecting appropriate content, strategies, and materials for each instructional unit; and systematically using student performance data to guide instructional decision making.

APS3: Planning Assessments and Using Data- An effective teacher facilitates student achievement by assessing and analyzing student performance and using this information to measure student progress and guide instructional planning.

APS4: Establishing and Maintaining High Expectations for Learners- An effective teacher establishes, clearly communicates, and maintains appropriate expectations for student learning, participation, and responsibility.

APS5: Using Instructional Strategies to Facilitate Learning- An effective teacher promotes student learning through the effective use of appropriate instructional strategies.

APS6: Provide Content for Learning- An effective teacher possesses a thorough knowledge and understanding of the discipline so that he or she is able to provide the appropriate content for the learners.

APS7: Monitoring, Assessing, and Enhancing Learning- An effective teacher maintains a constant awareness of student performance throughout the lesson in order to guide instruction and provide appropriate feedback to students.

APS8: Maintaining an Environment That Promotes Learning- An effective teacher creates and maintains a classroom environment that encourages and supports student learning.

APS9: Managing the Classroom- An effective teacher maximizes instructional time by efficiently managing student behavior, instructional routines and materials, and essential noninstructional tasks.

APS10: Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities- An effective teacher is an ethical, responsible, contributing, and ever-learning member of the profession.

Sample GBE Goals

a.  Improve data-driven instruction through the use of technology tools.

b.  Improve data-driven instruction through the use of effective evaluation instruments (rubrics).

c.  To improve student academic achievement through the use of data-driven instruction.

d.  To improve school-home communication.

e.  To apply technology as an effective content tool.

a.  To increase student achievement through the implementation of ______.

b.  To improve students’ skills in ______.

c.  To integrate higher-order thinking skills into daily learning activities.

a.  To facilitate students to teach themselves and others (cooperative teaming, etc.).

b.  To teach effectively across many disciplines through the use of interdisciplinary unit(s) of instruction.

c.  To develop strategies to improve the learning environment for all students.

d.  To implement a variety of teaching methods that result in increased student achievement.

e.  To implement specific strategies/programs to promote positive and improved student behavior.

f.  To improve academic performance of _____ through the implementation of ______.

g.  To increase proficiency test scores by aligning curriculum, assessment, instructional strategies, and/or use of technology.

h.  To increase volunteers in classroom, building, and/or district.

i.  To improve home-school communication through the development and enhancement of classroom communication tools.

Sample Strategies

a.  Attend a workshop

b.  Gather data from student assessments, observations, etc.

c.  Serve on a committee

d.  Pursue a grant

e.  Work with a team

f.  Read professional articles, books

g.  Take a college course

h.  Implement a program/curriculum