From Stone Age Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers: How Man Advanced through the Ages

Partner Activity Worksheet


  1. Go to Ms. C’s wiki.
  2. Click on the link to agendas
  3. Scroll down to today’s date.
  4. Click on the link to the website for your research.
  5. As a team, try to find answers to the following questions. You each need to fill out a worksheet for your binders.

Under the section “Prehistory, Beginnings to 1000 B.C. The Paleolithic and Mesolithic Periods” click on “Hunter-Gatherer Culture”

What Paleolithic Artifacts tell us

  1. TEXT FACT When does the archaeological record begin to record the first human settlements?
  2. INFERENCE What is the significance of finding settlements as opposed to randomly scattered bones/skeletons? (What does it indicate about human behavior?)
  3. TEXT FACT List the 6 pieces of archaeological evidence that lead paleoanthropologists to believe that Paleolithic people were “inventive and capable of abstract thought.”
  4. VOCAB & ANALYSIS What do you think “abstract thought” means and why are inventiveness and abstract thought important for the development of advanced human culture?
  5. TEXT FACT List 4 uses of the tools early man made.
  6. TEXT FACT What makes archaeologists think that animals were hunted for clothing and shelter in addition to food?
  7. TEXT FACT Describe the evidence that indicates humans were settling in tents as well as caves.

Cave Paintings

  1. TEXT FACT Where are the oldest cave art paintings found and how long ago to they date to?
  2. INFERENCE Why do you think early man made cave art and engravings? (What could have been their purpose beyond their beauty?)

Under the section “Prehistory, Beginnings to 1000 B.C. The Neolithic Revolution

click on Cultivating Crops, Domesticating Animals

From hunter-gatherers to farmers

  1. TEXT FACT Make a timeline that represents when and where (according to archaeological findings) the first farms began between 8,000 BCE (10, 000 years ago) and 3,500 BCE. Your timeline should have 3 different regions on it.

Consequences of Sedentism and Agriculture

TEXT FACT Fill out the chart to list the advantages and disadvantages of the new sedentary, farming lifestyle for humans.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Under the section “Prehistory, Beginnings to 1000 B.C. The Neolithic Revolution

click onAgriculture and Cultural Advancements

  1. TEXT FACT Why was the Neolithic Revolution (as the development of farming/agriculture is known) fundamentally important to human survival and advancement? (List 2 reasons)
  1. TEXT FACT Fill out the chart below to list the advancements/changes in tools, clothing, and shelter that occurred during the Neolithic Age.

Tools / Clothing / Shelter