Food Vendor Application Form / (22nd- 24th May 2015)

NB. If you are applying for more than one stall please fill in a separate form foreach stall and submit them together.

Pitch Fees: Bearded Theory will contact you shortly after your application has been processed with the specified fee for your pitch. This will be by early January 2015.Failure to pay your pitch fee by 31stJanuary 2015WILL result in you pitch being reallocated in the first week of February.



Company Details
Name of Organisation:
Name of Contact Person:
Contact Address:
(Including Post Code)
Business No:
Home No:
Mobile No:
Fax No:
Traders Details
Detailed description of your products/services:
Have you traded at previous Festivals?
(Please list festival name, both previous Bearded Theory & others)
Please note that trading at previous Bearded Theory Festivals, does not automatically get you a pitch.
Price List
(For food / drink stores)
Price List - Continued
(For food / drink stores
Please include a photograph of front of your stall, without this your application will not be considered.
Stall Details
Pitch Width (Meters)
(Please include space for towbars, guys & doors etc.)
Pitch Depth (Meters, max pitch depth 15m)
(Please include space for parking, tents & storage etc)
Store Frontage: (Meters)
Store Depth: (Meters)
Please include a PLAN of your pitch layout, with distances marked.
Vehicles (Please keep to an absolute minimum)
*Essential on-site vehicles:
(Please list number of vehicles, type of vehicle, length & purpose of each vehicle.)
*i.e. Refrigerated Van
Car Park Passes:
(Please specify amount needed)
Amount of Towed Items:
(A parking pass is not required)
Short Stay/set up Access:
(Please list number of vehicles, type of vehicle, length & purpose of each vehicle for trading staff with wristbands who will be dropping off equipment at their stall then leaving their car in festival car park)
Deliveries Please state times & purpose of deliveries during festival, eg gas, perishables, if known. These will need to take place between 8am and 10am, and MUST be pre-arranged with the site office.
Type of Stall
Please specify one of the following:
(Trailer Unit, Stall Frame, Clearspan frame tent and traditional guyed marquee, tent with guys.)
Total amount of passes required:
Upto 6 over 12s included in pitch fee for food traders.
2 additional passes can be brought for £45+vat, all others at £66+vat. please state number of under 12s Separately) / Over 12s>
Under 12s>
Additional information and trading policy
The festival encourages ethical and green trade, so information about how you trade would be helpful. In addition, any particular needs you have will help us allocate you in an appropriate site:
Please state if a member of any trade association, club, society, guild, etc. Examples are NMTF, NCASS, Showmans guild, etc.
(list names of association, club, society, guild, etc)
Food vendors, please state your Local authority, and include a scan/image of your registration certificate with your application.
(list your Local authority)
Local Authority contact details
(Give name, address & phone number)
Preferred pitch area(see pricing matrix for explanation)
Main stage arena / 1st choice/2nd choice/ not applicable*
Premium area / 1st choice/2nd choice/ not applicable*
* delete as required, leaving one selection
Site Services
Waste Disposal:
(Please describe how you intend to dispose of the waste produced by your stall.)
Sound Systems:
(If you wish to use amplified sound, specify details including *output potential, *music type & *PRS registration number. Systems not approved in writing in advance will be confiscated.)
Music type
PRS Registration number
State Power Requirement:(16A, 32A, etc)
(Generators are not permitted on site. Bearded Theory supply traders’ electrical needs. They will charge traders for excessive power used. Electricity is obligatory for stalls in the main markets. Power will be supplied through CEE form sockets mounted on distribution boxes within 25 metres of your stall. You will need a good quality, correctly rated, lead. All stalls must be lit whilst trading through hours of darkness.)
Water is free from stand-pipes, normally within 40m of your stall. Direct water connection is not available in 2015.
Programme Advertising:
(Please let us know if you are interested in advertising your stall in the festival programme. Special trader rates are available)

Please note: Please do not announce your attendance at the festival beforepermission has been granted as it might lead to your application being refused.

Pricing Table

Payment will only be requested once your application has been confirmed as successful. Further pricing options are available upon request.

Description / Price (£)
Campsite Café / 1000**
Woodland Stage Café / 1000 **
Food stall –Main arena 3 days (or part off) / 1800***
Food stall – 24hr area 5 days (or part of) / 2400****
Standard power charge(compulsory) / 275 (+vat)
Discounts & additions
2 total staff members / -50 (+vat)
7th and 8th staff member (each) / +45 (+vat)
9th & above staff members (each) / +66 (+vat)
1m to 3m pitch size / -50
Each meter width above 6m / +75
32A supply, in addition to standard charge / +60 (+vat)
63A supply, in addition to standard charge / +170 (+vat)
Litter Bond (retained in Paypal until after the event) / 100

Prices subject to VAT at 20% where stated, the pitch fee is not VAT applicable as the land is not elected to tax at this time but this is subject to change.

** Campsite café & Woodland Café, to provide chill space, hot & cold drinks, Hot & cold food, contact us for further information.

***Main stage Arena will be open from 9am to 1hr after main stage closes Friday, Saturday, Sunday 22nd, 23rd, 24th May 2015

***** Premium area will be open from 2.30pm Thursday 21stMay 2015, and you may trade continually until 11.30am Monday 25th May 2015


It is vital that you provide the following documents, if your application is successful, before the 31st January 2015, upon request, by email: -

  • Fire safety questionnaire. (as provided by Bearded Theory)
  • Health & safety questionnaire (as provided by Bearded Theory)
  • A health and safety policy document, onlyif 5 or more staff on stall.(this includes self-employed and volunteer staff).
  • Risk assessment
  • Periodic electrical testing
  • PAT testing certificates
  • Public liability Insurance
  • Employers insurance
  • Gas safety certificate if gas is used in relation with public trading.
  • HACCP System (documented food hygiene management system), inspected on arrival on site.
  • Food handler training certificates for every person working on the catering stall.
  • We need confirmation that the food business is registered with environmental health office in the area you operate or where the unit is kept.

Please be aware that the closing date for traders and catering pitches is December 1st 2014.

You will be notified shortly after closing date if your application has been successful.


  • All forms to be returned by email (NO POSTAL APPLICATIONS) by1stDecember 2014
  • All payments to be made STRICTLYby 31stJanuary 2015 - Payment method is by Bank Transfer only.
  • All H&S documents to be returned by email by 31stJanuary 2015

Application Checklist

(To be included with email as attachments)

  • Traders form (PDF file with signature)
  • Photos of stall exterior, as viewed by public
  • Plan of whole pitch, detailing layout & sizes.
  • Local Authority registration (food traders only)
  • Signed & dated the application form on the last page

Terms & Conditions

All trader applications must be submitted by email by1st December 2014

Employers’ liability and Public Liability Insurance must be on display in stalls at all times. Likewise traders are responsible for ensuring contractors delivering to, or working on their stall, are suitably insured. Bearded Theory Festival and Spring Productions Limited will hold a trader personally liable for any incident or harm caused to general public through their activity.

Written Food Safety Management Procedures are required by law, and must be available for inspection by the Festival and licensing authority staff. All food traders must be registered with a local authority with the relevant documentation available upon request if required.

All traders must adhere to the requirements of the smoke free legislation, which includes displaying the statutory A5 ‘no smoking’ sign. Stalls not displaying this signage or allowing smoking within an enclosed environment will be closed.

Traders must only sell goods specified in their application. Anychanges to the application form must be made in writing to the FestivalOffice at least two weeks prior to the start of the festival. Any goods not listed on the application may be confiscated.

The festival site will have 24 hour security across the festivalweekend.

Wristbands must be worn at all times and will not be reissued iflost.

Alcohol and Cigarettes are sold at separate concessions and is notpermitted to be sold from any other traders stall.

All coffee and drinking chocolate sold at the Festival must be Fair-trade. All plates & cutlery given to the public must be fully biodegradable. NO PLASTIC.

Sub-contracting stalls or a part of stalls, by traders is not permitted.

Positioning of stalls, is at the sole discretion of Bearded Theory, and is not negotiable, either before the event, or upon arrival.

Full payment for stalls must be made by January31st 2015

All payments to made by bank transfer to: Spring Markets Limited. Non-payment by the specified time will result in the pitch being reallocated Full payment will be required upon acceptance of your trader application.

Pitch Fees: Bearded Theory will contact you shortly after your application has beenprocessed with the specified fee for your pitch. Spring Markets Limited will issue you with an invoice and payment should be received by the payment deadline,31stJanuary 2015.

Food Trading Times

Trading opening times vary, depending of the type of food pitch you have applied for.

Arena traders need to be on site and set up by 8pm on Thursday 21stMay 2015,

Traders need to be ready to commence trading by 9am on Friday 22ndMay 2015, when the public have access to the arena. Access to the site for setting up will be from 1pmWednesday22nd May 2015. Trader’s reception will close at 5pm prompt.

24Hr Tradersneed to be on site and set up by 12 noon on Thursday21stMay 2015,

Traders need to be ready to commence trading by 2.30pm on Thursday 21stMay 2015, when the public have access to the 24hr area. Access to the site for setting up will be from 9amWednesday 21st May 2015. Trader’s reception will close at 5pm prompt.

The Management reserves the right to reallocate stalls if essential for operational reasons or if traders arrive late. The site must be vacated by 5pm Monday 25th May 2015 and traders must not leave the site before 12noon.

All vehicles are brought on site at their owners’ risk. The Festivalcannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may occurduring the festival.

Each Trader must provide their own mobile display, equipment,and must maintain a constant presence while the exhibit is in public domain.

Setting up. Traders are responsible for setting up their ownequipment (mobile unit, awning, table & chairs, etc.) and keeping theirpitch space clean. Traders may not protrude more than 5m in front of the marked front of stall line, this is for general fire safety.

All traders must take reasonable care to safeguard their structures against severe weather conditions, especially wind.

Electricity for markets traders must be provided by Bearded Theory. Brought in Generators are not permitted on site for health, safety and noise reasons.

Please advise Bearded Theory of your power requirements in advance, if you require any power leads we can sell these to you.

Traders who use more power than ordered and cause the circuit to go down will be disconnected.

Every stall shall provide their own RCD.

Power will be supplied through CEE form sockets mounted on distribution boxes within 25 metres of your stall. You will need a good quality, correctly rated, lead. All stalls must be lit whilst trading through hours of darkness.

No Vehicle movement during the public opening times of thefestival, except by pre arranged delivery.

No animals are to be brought on site. This is a license condition.

Traders are responsible for ensuring that they and their staffadhere to the published pass system. The Festival cannot acceptany responsibility if traders do not adhere to the system, or losepasses. Trading staff without passes will not be admitted to the festival.Vehicle passes are non-transferable and must not be moved to any other vehicle.

No broadcasting of visual images without prior agreement with theFestival Management.

No rebates will be given to traders as a result of adverse weatherconditions, nor as a result of changes in performance programs orre-siting stalls within the Festival. The Festival will not acceptresponsibility for the level of trading during the event.

Traders are required to comply with the terms of the site licence. A copy of the Festival licence will be held at the Main Site Office. If a trader is closed down and / or evicted from site for contravening the licence, any of these terms and conditions or prescribed environment health standards, they shall not be entitled to any rebate.

Each stall must specify in advance of the amount of staff that they intend to bring. Upon receiving the application Bearded Theory Festival will correspond to how many staff the stall is entitled without charge (minimum of 2). Charges will be applied for any additional staff above the recommended amount by the festival. Children under 12 are only admitted with a trader, if advised in advance.

Health & Safety

Traders must comply with the Health, Safety and Hygienerequirements of the Festival Management and Derbyshire Dales District Council. You will be issued with a H&S guide upon successful application, which you must follow.

Traders must co-operate fully with Festival Security in any search if vehicles or stalls.

No animals are permitted on site exceptfor registered guide dogs. These must be notified in advance.

HI Visibly Vests must be worn on set up days, especially when walking around site while construction is taking place.

Official organisations. Traders are required to co-operate fully with site management, The Event Safety Officer, Security, EmergencyServices, Police and all official organisations on site - such asEnvironmental Health Officers, Fire Officers, Customs and Excise staff,the Environment Agency, Trading Standards Officers.

Structures. All traders’ structures will be checked by the Event SafetyOfficer for stability. Unsuitable or unsafe structures will be required tobe removed. Traders are responsible to ensure their structure is adequately secured, in case of severe weather.

In order to reduce on site traffic, Traders are expected to bringsufficient stock for three days trading. Vehicle movement will not beallowed during trading hours. Any vehicles being used must have therelevant passes. No motorcycles or unlicensed off road vehicles will bepermitted.

Items not permitted on site.Glass, body piercing equipment, generators, lasers, Chinese Lanterns, fireworks,unauthorised sound systems, items described as legal highs, herbal highs, or similar, nitrous gas,weapons or potential weapons are not permitted on site for safety reasons and will be confiscated. Glass items banned include all alcohol containers - even small containers of alcohol for personal consumption.

An emergency access route will be established into the main festivalsite, this must be kept clear of traffic and obstacles at all times

Traders have to comply with the general ticket sale terms and conditions. A copy of the ticket terms and conditions will be held at the Main Site Office.

Fire Safety

Traders are not permitted open fires at anytime

Catering units are expected to have (at least) a 5kg dry powder extinguisher and fire blanket.

No Petrol or Diesel or Gas Generators will be permitted on site.

All gas fittings must be checked & certificated by a gas Safe approved company.

Festival Gas will be available for the exchange of gas bottles.

Waste. Traders are responsible for keeping both the 5 meter area in front of their stalls as well as their back of market space tidy and free of rubbish. Traders must leave their site as they found it. All rubbish must be taken back with traders, with the exemption of a daily site rubbish collection of up to one bag.

We ask you all too please take care of the environment in which you trade. Traders leaving any rubbish, refrigerators, furniture, equipment or structures will be charged for the cost of clearing their site and disposing of the rubbish – and may not be invited to trade at future festivals.


I declare that any information I have supplied is correct, that I have read the terms andconditions, health and safety and fire safety policies (below) and agree to comply with them. I agree tocomply with all and any further regulations that may be imposed by Bearded Theory and the local authority. I understand that I will lose any right to trade on the dayif this contract is broken.

Bearded Theory reserves the right to refuse anyapplications.


Print Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Position in company:………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Please retain copy of your completed form for your information.