Fahrenheit 451 Writing Assignments And/Or Discussion Questions

Fahrenheit 451 Writing Assignments And/Or Discussion Questions

Fahrenheit 451 Writing Assignments and/or Discussion Questions

Writing Core Standards






Speaking and Listening Core Standards





  1. From what point of view is Fahrenheit 451 written? Is this the best choice of ways to write the story? Explain why or why not.
  1. If you were to rewrite Fahrenheit 451 as a play, where would you start and end each act? Explain why.
  1. What are the main conflicts in the novel? Are they resolved by the end of the book? If so, how? If not, why not?
  1. Bradbury has repeatedly used words relating to fire. Find as many examples as you can in the book, and explain the effect on his word choices on us, the readers.
  1. Why do you think Mr. Bradbury set his story in the city? In the story, what kinds of things happen in the city as opposed to the country?
  1. Describe Captain Beatty’s theory of how firemen began and why they were needed.


  1. Describe Montag’s relationship with Mildred.
  1. Are Montag’s actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not.
  1. Fahrenheit 451 is a relatively short novel. Could anything have been gained by including more scenes from the time before or after the events of the story? If so, what could have been added and for what purpose? If not, explain why.
  1. Characterize Ray Bradbury’s style of writing. How does it contribute to the value of the novel?
  1. Compare and contrast Mildred and Clarisse.
  1. Compare and contrast Montag and Beatty.
  1. Are the characters in Fahrenheit 451 stereotypes? If so, explain why Bradbury used stereotypes. If not, explain how the characters merit individuality.
  1. Explain how the title relates to the events of the novel and the themes of Fahrenheit 451.
  1. Explain Faber’s role in the novel. Why was he included?
  1. What was Clarisse’s role in the novel? Why was she important?

Critical/Personal Response

  1. Could the same thing happen to us today? Explain why or why not.
  1. What do you think Faber meant when he said, “I don’t talk things, sir. I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and I know I am alive.”
  1. How would the story and its effects have changed if Montag had been caught and punished in the end?
  1. Was Montag a hero?
  1. Why was Montag’s society so violent?
  1. Why did there seem to be a low value placed on human life in the story?
  1. What kinds of things do we have today that resemble things in Montag’s society?

Personal Response

  1. Did you enjoy reading Fahrenheit 451? Why or why not?
  1. Are there informers in our society? If so, who are they? If not, why don’t we have them?
  1. Why do you think books were banned in Montag’s society?
  1. What does it mean to “live”? What kinds of things contribute to the quality of our lives?
  1. Are there books that should be banned? If so, which ones and why? If not, why not?
  1. Would you be an informer if you lived in Montag’s society?