Microsoft Excel Starters

Monday October 26, 2015
1.Which chart type shows values as parts of a whole?

a. Column b. Bar c. Area d. Pie

2.Which type of chart appears on a worksheet with other data?

a. Chart sheet b. Embedded c. PivotChart d. Mixed

3.Which part of a chart do you click when you want to select the entire chart?

a. Chart area b. Plot area c. Chart title d. Legend

Tuesday October 27, 2015
4.Which of the following happens to a chart if the source data is deleted?

a. Nothing. b. The chart will move to the area where the data was located. c. The data in the chart is deleted.

d. You will be asked if you want the chart deleted.

5.Which is the first step that should be taken when creating a chart?

a. Providing a name for the chart b. Selecting the chart type c. Selecting the range of cells that contain the data the chart will use d. Choosing the data labels that will be used in the chart

6.If you want to print only the chart in a worksheet, which of the following should you do before printing?

a. Click the chart to select it and then print. b. Select the Print chart only option in the Page Setup dialog box.

c. Move the chart to a new sheet by itself and then print that sheet.

d. You cannot print only the chart if it is part of a larger worksheet.

Monday November 2, 2015
TF1.Any list you make for a specific purpose can be considered a simple database, even a grocery list.

TF2.By default, the Navigation Pane appears on the right side of the Access screen each time you create or open a database.

TF3.Forms, queries, and reports are examples of database objects.

TF4.The dialog box launcher contains the commands that you use most often, such as Save, Undo, and Redo.

Tuesday November 3, 2015
TF5.When you press the Shift key, small letters and numbers called KeyTips appear on the Ribbon.

1.In Access, a template is

a.a database to manage contacts. b.where a database is stored.

c.two tables linked together. da ready-to-use database.

2.When you create a new blank database, Access opens a database that contains of each type of database object. b.a table.

c.sample data. d.a template.

3.To save a database file in a location other than the default, click the

a.folder icon. b.blank database icon.

c.file name button. d.Help button.

Wednesday November 4, 2015
TF 4.The dialog box launcher contains the commands that you use most often, such as Save, Undo, and Redo.

TF5.When you press the Shift key, small letters and numbers called KeyTips appear on the Ribbon.

TF6.The Change Help Location menu lets you choose between the help topics that are available online and the help topics installed in your computer offline.

TF7.In a database table, data is stored in rows and columns—similar in appearance to a spreadsheet

Thursday November 5, 2015
TF8.Each field in a table must be designated for a particular data type.

TF9.An important principle to consider when planning a database is to try to record each piece of information as many times as possible for easy access.

TF10.Normalization is the process of applying rules to your database design to ensure that you have divided your information items into the appropriate tables and columns within tables.

Friday November 6, 2015
1.An arrow in the bottom-right corner of a group on the ribbon tells you that which of the following is available?

a.dialog box b.additional workbook c.list of worksheets d.additional part of the current range

2.Which of the following is a selected cell?

a.current command b.default option cell d.default cell

3.Which feature enables you to preview headers and footers, page breaks, and other features that will print?

a.Page Preview b.Print Layout c.Synchronous Scrolling d.Window view

4.After a file has been opened, the filename appears in which of the following?

a.title bar b.footer c.header d.Description pane

5.When you split a window, the window is divided into how many panes?

a.two b.three c.four d.two or four

Tuesday November 10, 2015
In Access, a template is

a.a database to manage contacts. b.where a database is stored.

c.two tables linked together. da ready-to-use database.

2.When you create a new blank database, Access opens a database that contains of each type of database object. b.a table.

c.sample data. d.a template.

3.To save a database file in a location other than the default, click the

a.folder icon. b.blank database icon. c.file name button. d.Help button.

4.The table structure is created when you

a.format the data. b.enter data. c.query the data. d.create forms.

Thursday November 12, 2015
5.The Templates group commands are located on which tab?

a.Home b.Create c.Database Tools d.Datasheet

6.To copy a table, you must first select it in

a.the Clipboard. b.Microsoft Office Online.

c.the Navigation Pane. d.Datasheet view.

Monday November 16, 2015
7.When you paste a table, which dialog box is displayed?

a.Table Structure b.Copy Table c.Paste Data d.Paste Table

8.After you have created a table or other database object, you should it with a descriptive name. b.copy it to create a backup. it to an external data source. d.insert a blank column at the end.

9.When you quit the program, Access automatically

a.creates a link between all tables. b.leaves the Navigation Pane open.

c.saves the data. d.renames the file.

10.Which is not a way to create a new database table?

a.Use Quick Start. b.Choose Create on the Table menu.

c.Copy the structure of another table.

d.Create a new blank database.

Tuesday November 17, 2015
1.To rename a table or other database object, first it. b.close it. c.edit it. it.

2.If you delete a database table, cannot undo the action. Undo to restore the table. is still available in the Navigation Pane.

d.the data is transferred to the Clipboard.

3.A complete list of field properties is available in

a.the Navigation Pane. b.Datasheet view.

c.Design view. d.all of the above.

4.Which of the following is not a field property?

a.Column Templateb.Field Size c.Caption

d.Allow Zero Length

5.Which field property requires users to enter data in a specific format?

a.Validation Text b.Default Value c.Required

d.Input Mask

Monday November 30, 2015
6.The Default Value property can be used for which field?

a.Short Text b.Number c.Currency d.All of the above

7.Which of the following is not a way to validate data?

a.Data type b.Field sizes c.Filtering d.Field properties

8.The Caption field property is used for which field?

a.Short Text b.Attachment c.Date/Time d.All of the above

December 1, 2015
TF1.The Forms group is located on the Home tab in the Ribbon.

TF2.Forms can be used to control access to data, such as which

fields or rows of data are displayed.

TF3.After you save your form design, you can run the form as

often as you want.

TF4.Layout view gives you a more detailed view of the structure

of your form than Design view.

TF5.Using the Blank Form tool is a very quick way to build a

form, especially if you plan to put only a few fields on your


December 2, 2015
TF1.A simple report contains all the records in a table or query.

TF2.You can edit the data in a report.

TF3.Click the Report button to define a record source.

TF4.In the Report Wizard, you can skip steps such as Sorting or

Grouping by clicking the Next button.

TF5.You can drag a field from the Field List pane to the design

grid to add it to the report.

December 4, 2015
1. Creating a query is like

a.sorting the data. b.asking the database a question.

c.creating a new table. d.opening an existing database.

2.The results that a query returns can be

a.sorted. b.grouped. c.filtered. d.all of the above. e.none of the above.

3.When one table will provide the information that you need, you can create a

a.record source. b.simple select query. c.query criterion. d.parameter query.

December 7, 2015
4.Which query cannot be created using the Query Wizard?

a.Parameter query

b.Simple query

c.Find duplicates query

d.Find unmatched query

5.Queries are different from sort or filter commands because they can be

a.applied to multiple fields.



d.used on forms.

6.A query can get its data from or more tables.

b.existing queries.

c.a combination of a and b.

d.all of the above.

e.none of the above.

December 8, 2015
7.To find records that contain matching field values, you can create a query using which wizard?

a.Find Matching

b.Matching Fields

c.Duplicate Records

d.Find Duplicates

8.Before creating a query from multiple tables, you must first ensure that the tables have

a.unmatched records.

b.a defined relationship.

c.a filter applied. related records.

9.To add a table to a query, you must be in what view?





10.A rule that identifies the records that you want to include in the query result is called a

a.parameter query.

b.query criterion. query.

d.field list.

December 10, 2015
TF1.The easiest way to create a bound control is to double-click or drag a field from the Property Sheet to the report.

TF2.You can bind a control to a field using the Property Sheet.

TF3.You can turn off Control Wizards.

TF4.Display formatting can be applied to controls and labels in a form or report.

TF5.You can specify only one condition for conditional formatting

December 11, 2015
TF6.You can switch an entire control layout of a report or form from one type to the other.

TF7.Control padding adjusts the amount of space between a control and the gridlines of a layout.

TF8.The Remove Layout command in the Table group removes a control from a form or report.

TF9.You can use Print Preview to set the margins for a form or report.

TF10.Tab order refers to the order of tabs displayed in a dialog box

December 14, 2015
TF1.If you haven’t already defined a primary key, Access will prompt you to do so when you save the table in Design view.

TF2.Well-designed databases store data in more than one place.

TF3.The row selector is located at the bottom of the table.

TF4.The Table Analyzer does not remove the original table.

TF5.The Table Analyzer gives you the choice of whether to create a query.

December 15, 2015
TF6.The Table Analyzer does not add new fields.

TF7.Average is an example of an aggregate function.

TF8.The Total row is inserted above the asterisk row.

TF9.Certain functions only work with certain data types.

TF10.You cannot delete a Total row, but you can hide it.

December 16, 2015
1.Which tool creates a customizable form that displays multiple records?



c.Split Form

d.Multiple Items

2.When you use the Multiple Items tool, the form that Access creates resembles a

a.control. b.datasheet. c.filter. d.query.

3.A split form shows your data in which views?

a.Form view and Datasheet view

b.Layout view and Design view

c.Form view and Design view

d.Layout view and Datasheet view

4.Which split form property allows you to define whether the datasheet appears above, below, to the left, or to the right of the form?

a.Split Form Orientation

b.Split Form Datasheet

c.Split Form Splitter Bar

d.Split Form Size

December 17, 2015
5.Which type of form allows you to view data from more than one table or query on the same form?

a.Multi-item form

b.Split form


d.Navigation form

6.Which tool would you use to create a subform?

a.Form Design

b.Blank Form


d.Form Wizard

7.A form/subform combination is sometimes referred to as a

a.hierarchical form.

b.master/detail form.

c.parent/child form.

d.all of the above.