E / Enabling &
A / Assisting
L / Localism in
C / Councils

Members Present

Cllr David McPherson-Davis (Treasurer)

Cllr Mrs Helen Edwards

Cllr Peter Davey

Cllr Tony Hayward

Cllr Mrs Tilly Pink

Cllr Michael Talbot

Cllr Mrs Sheila Jackman (Ex officio)

Officers present Mrs J E Darby (CEO)

Mrs Carol Hartley(Finance Officer)

  1. Welcome by the Treasurer
  1. Apologies for Absence(please send to or on 01371 879722)

Apologies have been received by Mrs Kathryn Richmond

3. Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in February 2014

Members resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting held on February 2014 being an accurate

account of the proceedings of the meeting.

4. Personnel Issues

Cllr Mrs Jackman updatedon Personnel issues in respect of Finance.

The EALC has appointed Apprentice and early indications are good.

Incremental rises for 2014/15 – possible single increment due in early summer.

Staff Training

The budget required £1600 which is an estimate of course costs. The increase is partly due to staff changes and moving buildings.

Executive Member Training – consideration of Members using up places when available. Members of the EALC Executive are able to attend courses laid on by the EALC where places are available free of charge. The CEO requested members to consider a cover charge for papers, booking arrangements and catering. The suggested rate was £7 charge for ½ day, £15 charge for full day. It was agreed that this be placed before the EALC Executive at the next meeting.

5. New Offices

5.1Buildings Management Update

  • Fire Risk Assessment - complete
  • Health and Safety – under review
  • Fire Alarm System – all work complete
  • Fire Marshall Training – booked and will be completed in the next 7 days
  • Internal Floor Plan fire escape complete
  • External escape route via 42 floor plan in place

5.2 Buildings Works schedule for 2014/15 – noted and agreed. All costs are placed in the budget for 2014/2015.

5.2Re-Location Costs

This has not been updated since the last report – the report was tabled.

  1. Budget Reports

6.1 Budget Report

Cllr McPherson- Davis

  • Course attendance is good in austere times
  • Congratulations to staff on the additional courses
  • New Tutors now identified and some more needed

Members asked questions relating to the Year to Date and Forecast

Forecast must consider only 8 months

6.2 Budget 2014/2015

  • Pessimistic on courses
  • Affiliation Fees calculated
  • Core grants expected
  • Rent grant expected
  • Payroll budget based on current
  • Associated staff costs as current
  • Forecast considering 8 months of current building

Include provision

2% payroll £ 2300

Provide 1 increment

Office running costs and utilities approx £600

Michael seconded Peter

True costs of Trading to be put in the budget 2014/15

Direct cost of courses – such as Tutors

Payroll costs of courses – MB and PW 100% LG 50%

Pension deficit – 33%

Building costs – 50% rent and utilities to go against courses

Office Costs – 50% to go against courses

Income - Rent Grant - 50% of £21,000

The Finance Committee requested that this be fed through the forecast for 2013/2014

7. Audit – Arrangements

  • Auditor rate for 2013/2014 £ 125 per day

10th March 2014 Bank Reconciliation



Cash Flow

Plan Year End Processes

20th March 2014 Additional end of year work

Additional days agreed

8. Banking Arrangements

  • Barclays
  • Unity

All the banking arrangements are now in place

9. Affiliation fees complete

Affiliation fees to David for final inspection prior to sending these out to the Councils.

10. Proposed dates of Meetings for 2014 - 10.00am or 1 pm dependant on Personnel Meetings

2nd May 2014 Personnel 10 am

Finance 1 pm

15th May 2014Executive

11. Meeting closed at 12.25 pm

Signed …………………………………….……………….. Date …………………………………………………