Duration: 2 Hrs.30 min.

Content focus / Topic: The crisis of capitalism
Key Questions: What was the crisis of capitalism ? What was the impact of the Great
Depression in USA and its wider impact in terms of the emergence of fascist
economiesand states (e.g. Nazi Germany and Japan)?
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1,3,4; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4
You will know about…
  • The origins of the Great Depression.
  • The concept of the Great Depression.
  • Understand how a capitalist society works.
  • Understand the flaws of a capitalist society
  • Understand the economic conditions of the 1920s.
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Extract evidence and organize information from sources to answer questions.
  • Interpret and evaluate evidence.
  • Use historical concepts to analyse the past
  • Construct and communicate historical knowledge and understanding by developing and justifying a line of argument orally (debates and speeches) and in written form (paragraphs, extended pieces of writing )
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • The need for a balanced economy.
  • Understand the need for responsible legislation regarding economic issues
  • Appreciate the need to retain a social conscience whilst in the pursuit of personal wealth.
  • The impact of totalitarianism on peoples lives
  • That all people should be treated equally and enjoy basic human rights

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics and Business Studies
  1. What was the Great Depression?
  2. What factors led to the Great Depression?
  3. What was the impact of the Great Depression?
  4. How did the New Deal change the USA economy?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing
  • Source-based activities
/ Brief explanation:
  • Source-based activities, p.164- 165, New Generation History, Grade 11
  • Write a report on the effects of the Depression on the US economy. Looking into the Past, Grade 11, p.149

Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.

Content focus / Topic: The crisis of capitalism
Key Questions: What was the crisis of capitalism ? What was the impact of the Great
Depression in USA and its wider impact in terms of the emergence of fascist
economies and states (e.g. Nazi Germany and Japan)?
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1,3,4; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4
You will know about…
  • Roosevelt’s New Deal Policy.
  • The factors leading to totalitarianism in Germany.
  • The effects of the Great Depression on Germany.
  • The rise of Nazism in Germany.
  • Understand the economic conditions of the 1920s.
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Extract evidence and organize information from sources to answer questions.
  • Interpret and evaluate evidence.
  • Use historical concepts to analyse the past
  • Construct and communicate historical knowledge and understanding by developing and justifying a line of argument orally (debates and speeches) and in written form (paragraphs, extended pieces of writing )
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • The need for a balanced economy.
  • Understand the need for responsible legislation regarding economic issues
  • Appreciate the need to retain a social conscience whilst in the pursuit of personal wealth.
  • The impact of totalitarianism on peoples lives
  • That all people should be treated equally and enjoy basic human rights

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics and Business Studies
  1. How did the New Deal change the USA economy?
  2. What was the impact of the Great Depression on Germany?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing
  • Source-based activities
/ Brief explanation:
  • Write a short paragraph on the success and failures of the New Deal
  • Explain how the Great Depression transform the American economy

Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 2 Hrs.30 min.

Content focus / Topic: The crisis of capitalism
Key Questions: What was the crisis of capitalism ? What was the impact of the Great
Depression in USA and its wider impact in terms of the emergence of fascist
economies and states (e.g. Nazi Germany and Japan)?
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1,3,4; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4
You will know about…
  • The rise of totalitarianism in Japan.
  • Link the crisis of capitalism to the emergence of fascist economy in Japan.
  • The effects of the Great Depression on Japan.
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Extract evidence and organize information from sources to answer questions.
  • Interpret and evaluate evidence.
  • Use historical concepts to analyse the past
  • Construct and communicate historical knowledge and understanding by developing and justifying a line of argument orally (debates and speeches) and in written form (paragraphs, extended pieces of writing )
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • The impact of totalitarianism on peoples lives
  • That all people should be treated equally and enjoy basic human rights
  • The value of social justice

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation
  1. What led to the rise of totalitarianism in Japan?
  2. How did the people of Japan suffer as a result of totalitarianism?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing
  • Source-based activities
/ Brief explanation:
  • Learners to analyse cartoon explaining the role of the military in Japanese industry and politics. (New Generation, Grade 11, p.162), (Looking into the Past, Grade 11, p.161)

Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.

Content focus / Topic: Apartheid and resistance, 1948-1960.
Key Questions: Was segregation a foundation for apartheid?
How did apartheid entrench ideas of race?
What was the nature of resistance to apartheid during these decades and how
was this resistance part of wider resistance in the world to human rights
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1-3 ; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4; LO4: AS 1- 3
You will know about…
  • How to define the following concepts: race, segregation, apartheid, resistance / defiance, Human rights
  • The acts discriminating on the grounds of race.
  • The reasons why the government adopted a segregationist policy.
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Use historical enquiry skills and analyse quotations, documents, photographs and cartoons.
  • Identify bias and points of view, especially in propaganda material.
  • Create and communicate historical knowledge and understanding
  • Make informed decisions relating to heritage sites and artifacts
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • The need to respect other people’s rights.
  • The need to work with other people
  • Think critically about the morality of segregating a society along racial lines

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation
  1. How was segregation a foundation for apartheid?
  2. What is neo-colonialism and how does it relate to apartheid?
  3. How did apartheid entrench ideas of race?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually
  • Class debate

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing
  • Source-based activities
/ Brief explanation:
  • Design a poster objecting to the acts discriminating against people on the grounds of race. Remember you are trying to convince the government that the acts passed is against the South African constitution, (New Generation History, Grade 11, p.257)
  • Source analyses, (Viva History, Grade 11, pp. 245-250)

Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.

Content focus / Topic: Apartheid and resistance, 1948-1960.
Key Questions: Was segregation a foundation for apartheid?
How did apartheid entrench ideas of race?
What was the nature of resistance to apartheid during these decades and how
was this resistance part of wider resistance in the world to human rights
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1-3 ; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4; LO4: AS 1- 3
You will know about…
  • The nature of resistance to apartheid.
  • How to identify the different forms of resistance.
  • How effective resistance was.
  • Learn about the leaders in the different resistance groups
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Use historical enquiry skills and analyse quotations, documents, photographs and cartoons.
  • Identify bias and points of view, especially in propaganda material.
  • Create and communicate historical knowledge and understanding
  • Make informed decisions relating to heritage sites and artifacts
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • Appreciate and value the opinions and needs of all people.
  • Consider the question of resisting unjust laws.
  • Value the method of inclusivity
  • Appreciate people’s readiness to sacrifice in order to overcome oppression

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics and Business Studies
  1. What was the nature of resistance to Apartheid?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually
  • Class debate

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing/Genres
  • Source-based activities
  • Debate
/ Brief explanation:
  • Source analyses, (New Generation, Grade 11, pp.283-285)
  • You are an overseas (international) TV reporter in South Africa during the late 1950s and your production manager has asked you for a piece of work regarding opposition to apartheid. Use the information from the sources to write notes for the programme you will produce.
The programme should comprise two sections:
  1. The role of women in the liberation struggle
  2. The treason trial
In your notes write down your thoughts under the following
  • Aims
  • Methods
  • Results
  • End with a short piece summing up how resistance changed during the 1950s.

Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.

Content focus / Topic: Apartheid and resistance, 1948-1960.
Key Questions: Was segregation a foundation for apartheid?
How did apartheid entrench ideas of race?
What was the nature of resistance to apartheid during these decades and how
was this resistance part of wider resistance in the world to human rights
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1-3 ; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4; LO4: AS 1- 3
You will know about…
  • The nature of resistance to apartheid.
  • How to identify the different forms of resistance.
  • How effective resistance was.
  • Learn about the leaders in the different resistance groups
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Use historical enquiry skills and analyse quotations, documents, photographs and cartoons.
  • Identify bias and points of view, especially in propaganda material.
  • Create and communicate historical knowledge and understanding
  • Make informed decisions relating to heritage sites and artifacts
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • Appreciate and value the opinions and needs of all people.
  • Consider the question of resisting unjust laws.
  • Value the method of inclusivity
  • Appreciate people’s readiness to sacrifice in order to overcome oppression

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation
  1. How did South Africans resist
Apartheid? / Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually
  • Class debate

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Essay
  • Source-based activities
  • Debate
/ Brief explanation:
  • Source analyses, Sharpeville, (Looking into the Past, Grade 11, pp. 245-247)
  • Write an essay on the following topic:
Was apartheid South Africa unique?
Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?







Duration: 4Hrs. 10 min.

Content focus / Topic: Apartheid and resistance, 1948-1960.
Key Questions: Was segregation a foundation for apartheid?
How did apartheid entrench ideas of race?
What was the nature of resistance to apartheid during these decades and how
was this resistance part of wider resistance in the world to human rights
Outcomes and Assessment:
LO1: AS1-3 ; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS1-4; LO4: AS 1- 3
You will know about…
  • Discover how the apartheid government responded to resistance
  • Investigate human rights abuse around the world.
/ Skills
You will be able to…
  • Use historical enquiry skills and analyse quotations, documents, photographs and cartoons.
  • Identify bias and points of view, especially in propaganda material.
  • Create and communicate historical knowledge and understanding
  • Make informed decisions relating to heritage sites and artifacts
/ Values and attitudes
You will appreciate…
  • Appreciate and value the opinions and needs of all people.
  • Consider the question of resisting unjust laws.
  • Value the method of inclusivity
  • Appreciate people’s readiness to sacrifice in order to overcome oppression

Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation
  1. How did the authorities respond to the resistance?
  1. How was the resistance in South Africa part of wider resistance in the world to human rights abuses?
/ Learning activities:
  • Working in groups
  • Work individually
  • Class debate

Assessment Activities
  • Written work
  • Extended writing/Genres
  • Source-based activities
  • Debate
/ Brief explanation:
  • Source analyses, (Viva History, Grade 11, pp. 268-269)
  • Extended writing on the following topic:
“External pressure on the apartheid government was more effective than internal pressure”
Critically discuss.
Planned Assessment:
  • Informal assessment
  • Written work
  • Source-based activities
/ Evaluators:
  • Teacher
  • Self (rubric)
  • Peer
/ Data collection method:
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Questioning
  • Communication

Expanded opportunity / Teacher reflection:
  • Outcomes achieved?
  • Work to be repeated and remediate?
  • Needs of individual learners identified?


