References and Additional Resources for Teaching Breastfeeding Mothers:

1. Becker GE, McCormick FM, Renfrew MJ. “Methods of milk expression for lactating women”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Oct 8;(4)

2. Bertrand H, Rosenblood LK. “Stripping out pus in lactational mastitis: a means of preventing breast abscess” CMAJ. 1991 Aug 15;145(4):299-306.

3. Binns CW, et al. “Trends in the expression of breastmilk 1993-2003". Breastfeed Rev. 2006 Nov;14(3):5-9.

4. Boo NY, et al. “Contamination of breastmilk by manual expression and breast pumps in mothers of very low birth weight infants”. J Hosp Infection 2001 Dec 49(4):274-81.

5. Cairns & Hinterland Health Service District, Queensland Government, Australia. “Breastfeeding Antenatal Expression of Colostrum Procedure” Document ID CHHSD-CoC-Proc-IWHU-182-V2-03/14 18/03/2011.

6. Canadian Lactation Consultants Association:

7. Cox SG. Expressing and storing colostrum antenatally for use in the newborn period. Breastfeeding Review 2006; 14:11-16.

8. Cox Sue. An ethical dilemma: should recommending expressing and storing of antenatal colostrum continue? Breastfeeding Review 2010; 18(3):5-7.

9. Crowley P. “Interventions for preventing or improving the outcome of delivery at or beyond term”. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews(3). 2002.

10. Edmon KM, Zandoh C, et al. “Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality”. Pediatrics 2006 Mar;117(3):e380-6

11. Elliot JP, Flaherty JF. “The use of breast stimulation to prevent postdate pregnancy”. A J Obs Gyn. 1984 Jul15; 149(6):628-32

12. Foda MI, Kawashima T, et al. “Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers”. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004 May; 38(5):477-8.

13. Forster DA et al. “Diabetes and antenatal milk expressing: a pilot project to inform the development of a randomised controlled trial” Midwifery 27 (2011) 209–214.

14. Glynn L, Goosen L. “Manual Expression of Breastmilk”. J Hum Lact 2005 21(2):184-5.

15. Hale TW. Medications and Mothers’ Milk 14th Ed Texas. 2010.

16. Harris H, Amir L, et al. “The Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, Breastfeeding Guidelines 2004”, p. 12.

17. Hartman P, Cregan M, “Human Lactogenesis 11:Mechanisms, Determinants and Consequences Lactogenesis and the effects of Insulin-Dependant Diabetes Mellitus and Prematurity” Arch Dis Child 2004; 89: 267-271.

18. Health Canada, Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration: 2004 Health Canada Recommendation.

19. Hunt S. “Breastfed babies – to supplement or not to supplement?” The Practising Midwife. 2002: 5(6): 20-21.

20. International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE). World-Wide list of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC’s)

21. International Lactation Consultants Association (ILCA). “Guidelines for the Establishment of Exclusive Breastfeeding” 2005.

22 .Jones E, Dimmock PW, Spencer SA “A randomised controlled trial to compare methods of milk expression after preterm delivery” Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2001 Sep;85(2)

23. Kadar N, Tapp A, et al. “The influence of nipple stimulation at term on duration of pregnancy.” J Perinatology. 1990: 10(2):164-166.

24. Kavanagh J, Kelly AJ, Thomas J. “Breast stimulation for cervical ripening and induction of labour”. Cochrane Rev Abstract 2004. Copyright The Cochrane Review Collaboration

25. La Leche League Canada - 613-448-1842 or

26. Lawrence RA. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. 7th Ed. Missouri. 2011.

27. LINKAGES Wellstart. “Facts for Feeding: Recommended Practices to Improve Infant Nutrition during the First Six Months”. Wash., DC. 1999 .

28. Marmet C. “Manual Expression of Breastmilk: Marmet Technique” in Breastfeeding Information Guide pp. 41-42. Medela 2002

29. Mayer EJ, Hamman RF, et al. “Reduced risk of IDDM among breastfed children”. Diabetes 1998; 37: 1625-32.

30. Ohyama M, Watabe H, Hayasaka Y. “Manual expression and electric pumping in the first 48 hours after delivery”. Pediatr Int. 2009 Jun 11.

31. Oscroft R.” Antenatal Expression of Colostrum” Practising Midwife 2001 Apr; 1 (1): 32-5.

32. Renfrew M, Fisher C, Arms S. Bestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You 3rd Ed 2004.

33. Riordan J. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation 3rd Ed 2005.

34. Segal S, Gemer O, et al “Evaluation of breast stimulation for induction of labor in women with a prior cesarean section and in grandmultiparas”. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1995 Jan;74(1):40-1.

35. Silverman WA. Dunham’s Premature Infants, 3rd Ed Harper & Brothers. New York. 1961 – information adapted from Scammon RE, Doyle LO. “Observations on the capacity of the stomach in the first ten days of post-natal life” Am J Dis Child 1920 20:516-538.

36. Slusher T, et al. “Electric breast pump use increases maternal milk volume in African nurseries”.

J Trop Pediatr. 2007 Apr;53(2):125-30.

37. Smith LJ. Impact of Birthing Practices on Breastfeeding 2nd Ed. Jones & Bartlett. Toronto 2010

38. Vukavic T. “Timing of the gut closure” J Pediatr Gastrenterol Nutr 1984 Nov; 3(5):700-3.

39. Vukavic T. “Intestinal absorption of IgA in the newborn” J Pediatr Gastrenterol Nutr 1983 May; 2(2):248-51.

Joan M. Fisher:

Revised June 2011