Chalew, August 2016

Welcome to a new year and to English 2H. This course will ready you for I.B. and A.P. English. We will be reading, analyzing, and writing about literature.

All essays and homework should be word-processed on white paper double-spaced in black ink with 12pt font in MLA format. Points will be deducted for handwritten assignments unless prior arrangements have been made with me. If you are having printer/computer problems, let me know.

All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. No late work is accepted for any reason other than an excused absence.

Worksheets and tests/quizzes can be written or word processed neatly in a black or blue ink.

Make-up exams will be administered during tutorial for the prior week’s examsonly. If you have an excused absence on all three of those days will you be given another chance the following week; otherwise, you will receive a zero for that exam.

You will be given a zero for your OA if you have an unexcused tardy

The use of all electronic devices for any reason is prohibited in the classroom. If I hear or see them, you will receive a referral.

Cheating will not be tolerated!

First semester we will be reading the following books:

The Chosen Chaim Potok

Night Elie Wiesel (new translation)

Animal Farm George Orwell

Second semester we will be reading:

Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury

Julius Caesar Shakespeare (Folger Library Edition)

The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd

I strongly recommend that you acquire the novels on your own so you can make margin notes. If you are unable or unwilling to purchase a book, a school copy will be provided for you, but you will not be able to write in the book.I will send you vocab and Latin roots/prefixes via email for most of your worksheets. The rest of your work will be available on the school’s website ( Please download the worksheet and complete it for homework. Vocabulary and Latin Root/Prefix worksheets are due every Monday, without fail, and there will be a quiz every Friday. These may be written on in blue or black ink. Please let me know prior to a due date if you are having computer/printer issues so I may provide said worksheets for you.

Grades will be calculated as follows:

Essays 45%94%-100%A74%-76.9%C

Homework 10%90%-93.9%A-70%-73.9%C-

Tests 20%87%-89.9%B+67%-69.9%D+

Participation 10%84%-86.9%B64%-66.9%D

OA 5%80%-83.9%B-60%-63.9%D-

Final 10%77%-79.9%C+00%-59.9%F

Extra Credit 2%

As I offer extra credit, grades will not be rounded up so please do not ask.

If for any reason you or your parents need to reach me, email me at . It is your responsibility to come to me with questions. Do not wait until the end of the semester to receive help. I will not chase you down! Tutorial is a perfect opportunity for you to receive the help you need. You are welcome to visit me at any time I am available.

Please have your parents sign and date the bottom of this paper, and keep the top portion it in your notebook at all times.


Student Name______Period______

Parent Signature______Date______