Assessment Workshops fall: 2007-Present[1]

Workshop Title / Semester/Year / Description
Active Learning & Student Self Assessment to Enhance Learning / fall 2007 / Professor Donna Engleman from Alverno College discussed the abilities based education system that Alverno uses. KCC was writing its program level assessment plan in fall 2007 and elements of the plan were influenced by Alverno’s exceptional model.
Achieving the Dream Strategy Institute / spring 2007, spring 2008, spring 2009, spring 2010, spring 2011 / 4 or 5 faculty, staff and administrators attend the strategy institute each year. The institute focuses on improving student learning through data driven improvements
Program SLO Development Workshop:
  • Educational Paraprofessional Programs
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Business Programs
  • New Media Arts
  • Health Science Programs
  • Exercise and Sports Science
  • Paralegal
  • Biotech
  • Asian Studies
  • Liberal Arts
  • Counselor Clusters
  • Library
  • Continuing Education
/ spring 2008
spring 2008
spring 2008
summer 2008
summer 2008
summer 2008
fall 2008
fall 2008
fall 2008
fall 2008, spring 2009
summer 2009, fall 2009, spring 2010
summer 2011 / 1 or 2 day workshops designed to provide an overview of the College’s Program Assessment Plan; develop program Student learning outcomes; begin assessment planning. Designed to be program specific. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Best Practices in Assessment / spring 2008, spring 2009 / Hosted by the UHCCs, the conferences focused on sharing effective practices in assessment
Introduction to KCC Program Assessment Plan / spring 2008, summer 2008, and fall 2008 / Faculty Senate and Administration approved the plan in March 2008. KCC Assessment Coordinator gave several 1-2 hour workshops during the spring 2008 and fall 2008 to introduce the plan to faculty and staff.
Difference between SLOs and Competencies / spring 2008 and fall 2008 / A 90 minute workshop designed to explain the difference between SLOs and competencies. Presented at 10 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Using Service Learning to Assess Program SLOs / summer 2008 / 60 minute presentation the alignment of S-L to the general education SLOs. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute / summer 2008 / Five KCC faculty and staff attended. The institute focused on curricular and co curricular assessment strategies.
Authentic Assessment / spring 2008, fall 2008, spring 2009 / 60 minute discussion on authentic types of assessment. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
WASC Assessment and Student Learning Level I Retreat / spring 2009 / 25 CTE and Liberal Arts faculty and administrators attended this retreat which focused on assessment basics.
How to Assess Student Services and Counseling Programs Part I. / spring 2009 / Dr. John Hoffman from California State University facilitated an assessment training for student services and counseling faculty and staff. About 40 faculty and staff attended
Aligning course competencies with general education SLOs and Aligning course competencies with program SLOs / summer 2009 and fall 2009 / Working sessions to align curriculum. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Strengthening Student Success: Learning From Assessment / fall 2009 / 2 faculty and administrators attended this conference which focused on using evidence to improve practice.
Outcomes Based Education / fall 2009 / 60 Minute discussion on moving from a output model to an outcome model in education. Presented at 10 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Developing Rubrics / fall 2009, spring 2010, fall 2010 / Workshops designed to introduce participants to rubrics and step by step process to develop one. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
WASC Assessment and Student Learning Level II Retreat / spring 2010 / 10 CTE and Liberal Arts faculty attended the institute which focused on more difficult assessment topics like changing the culture to data driven decision making and closing the loop.
Hawaii Strategy Institute / spring 2010, spring 2011 / UHCC System hosts this conference to share effective practice in student learning. Always has an assessment strand. In 2010, Teri Manning, an assessment expert/consultant presented on several assessment issues. About 20 faculty attended.
WASC Assessment Leadership Academy (ALA) / spring 2010 – spring 2011 / KCC Assessment Coordinator participated in this advanced level assessment training program.
How to Assess Student Services and Counseling Programs Part II. / spring 2010 / Dr. John Hoffman from California State University continued assessment training for student services and counseling faculty and staff. About 40 faculty and staff attended
Incorporating Assessment Into Your Contract Renewal and Tenure and Promotion Documents / Summer 2010, fall 2010, spring 2011, fall 2011 / Discussion of how to discuss assessment in your CR and T/P documents. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Assessment and WASC / fall 2010, spring 2011 / Discussion on WASC-ACCJC expectations for Assessment. Provided a National context for assessment. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Assessment and Grading: What’s the Difference / fall 2010, spring 2011 / Discussion on assessment and grading. Presented 6 different sessions
How to Write and Assessment Plan / fall 2010, spring 2011 / Step by step process for creating an assessment plan for a program or course. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
How to Make Changes Based on Assessment Data / fall 2010, spring 2011 / Discussion on closing the loop on assessment data. How assessment can validate what you are doing or lead to improvements. Presented 6 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Lead Faculty Training for Course Level Assessment / spring 2011, fall 2011 / Faculty Senate and Administration approved a course level assessment at the end of fall 2010. Lead faculty were assigned to facilitate course level assessment. This training provided information on the steps in the assessment cycle, a national context for assessment, and specifics about the KCC course assessment plan. Presented 4 different sessions. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator
Assessment Discussion with Department Chairs / summer 2011 / Provided chairs with an overview of assessment, national context for assessment, what we have done so far, and where we need to get to. Facilitated by KCC Assessment Coordinator

In addition, the Assessment Coordinator meets with Program Coordinators and lead faculty and staff on assessment issues on a daily basis.

[1] KCC appointed an assessment coordinator in spring 2008 to implement the program level assessment plan which was adopted in spring 2008.