Occupational Health and Safety Services Department Policy and Procedure
Occupational Health and Safety Networking Policy and Procedure
Developed By: / Occupational Health and Safety Managers / File Number:
Approved By: / Occupational Health and Safety Managers, VP Support Services / Review Frequency: /
Original Approval Date: / Review/Revision Date:


The purpose of the networking standard is to assist the organization in learning and sharing health and safety information with other institutions, experts, and health and safety groups. It is recognized that significant health and safety expertise is derived from the healthcare industry itself. The premise of networking is to exchange information and experiences related to H&S legislation, best practices, policies and procedures, programimplementation and evaluation etc. Networking and information gained will assist the organization in the development and improvement of the corporate quality based Occupational Health and Safety Management System.


Occupational Health and Safety Services, on behalf of the organization, will network with various groups, and share this information with the appropriate stakeholders within and outside the organization in order to facilitate the prevention and minimization of health and safety injuries and illnesses. The OH&S Service will also encourage and include other hospital personnel to participate in various networking opportunities, as it relates to specific workplace hazards, prevention and other health and safety issues.

We will utilize the following mechanisms of networking:

  • Regional H&S Committee
  • Occupational Health Nurses Association
  • Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare (OSACH)
  • OntarioHospital Association (OHA)
  • OHA sponsored WSIB Safety Group
  • E-mail, telephone and personal correspondence with other experts, associations, healthcare facilities, and hospital stakeholders
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board contacts (Claims Adjudicators, Nurse Case Managers, Account Managers and others)
  • Other contacts as required


1. Networking

Occupational Health and Safety Services management and employees will participate in networking correspondence, activities and meetings etc. Minutes from meetings will be maintained. Useful information will be integrated into policies and/or practice as deemed appropriate by stakeholders.

2. Communication

This policy will be communicated to all staff within the Occupational Health and Safety Services, members of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees (JOHSC), and the Vice President.

3. Training

All Occupational Health and Safety Services employees will be educated about this policy and made aware of their responsibilities to participate in networking.


An annual review of the networking policy and procedure will be performed to determine whether effective networking has been taking place in accordance with the above stated policy. Evidence of successful networking will be reviewed, such as:

  • incorporation of new information into programs, policies and procedures;
  • sharing information with others (internal and external groups)

An evaluation form will be utilized.

5. Improvement and Acknowledgement

Appropriate information gathered through networking will be implemented into the quality Occupational Health and Safety Management System and activities. Acknowledgements will be made through Board Reports, e-mails, memos, presentations and references on materials.

Networking Policy Evaluation Form

  1. Provide evidence of networking using at least two mechanisms and/or with at least two groups.
  1. Provide evidence that improvements have been made. Incorporation of networking information was utilized in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (i.e. policy and procedures, programs, memos, etc.).
  1. Provide evidence that the organization shared information with others (i.e. networking groups, hospitals, experts). Examples include emails, minutes from meeting etc.
  1. Provide evidence that Occupational Health and Safety Services employees have been trained on this policy i.e. training record.
  1. Provide evidence of acknowledgements and celebration of success i.e. newsletter announcements, emails etc.
References: WSIB Safety Group Employers Handbook

Reviewed By/Consultation With: Occupational Health and Safety Managers

Signed By: ______

Title: Occupational Health and Safety Manager