Dream Client Profile Template


Let’s pretend you’ve just opened up a new store in your local mall.

This however, is no ordinary store because the way you earn money is not by selling items, but by simply answering any questions they should have about helping improve their lives and/or their business.

And lucky for you, I’m going to be sending you an unlimited supply of customers.

BUT, there’s a small caveat (isn’t there always)…

For every customer I send you, you MUST be able to answer ALL of his or her questions.

1. What are ALL their questions? (LIST THEM BELOW)

2. Highlight all the questions you enjoy answering most

3. Who SPECIFICALLY is asking these questions? (It’s critical here to think of these questions as coming from one customer).So imagine combining ALL the common characteristics into one client, and describe what he or she would look like…

Name of ideal client:

Male or Female:



Income Level:

Net Worth:

Describe their personality:

Describe their typical day (what do they see, hear, feel, think, say and do):

Lifestyle & Ambitions:

Greatest Desires/Aspirations (in general):

Education level?

What professional associations or industries are they a part of:

What stage of their career or business are they in?

What are their interests/hobbies and passions?

What do they read (specifically what websites, blogs, trade journals, news sources, magazines etc.)?

What Facebook/LinkedIn/Online Forums do they frequent (Note: think outside the box and NOT just related to your service. I.e. an affluent male might often visit forums about high-end cigars. If I were selling Yachts it might be a good place for me to advertise)

4. Answer these questions as it relates to your service:

What is the end result you dream client wants to achieve?

What is the biggest fear they have that’s preventing them from getting to the end result?

What are their top fears? *What keeps them up at night (in general)?

How do they address those right now?

How does your product or service address those fears?

What would their life look like if they had those fears resolved?

How would they fill in the blank – “If I could just ______, my life would be so much better”.

What are their top frustrations trying to achieve X result (your service provides)?

What is their number one most important/urgent problem (as it relates to the problem your service solves)? Define in one sentence…

What other problems do they face?

How will you help them address those?

What would their life look like when you do and how would they feel?

What are their biggest hopes and desires?

What would it look like to attain these?

What are their top objections about using your product or service?

What are the main reasons they haven’t purchased a solution yet?

How can you address each of the 2 above?

What, if any, is your prospect doing wrong or ineffectively that your product of service will help them with? And why aren’t they doing it the ‘right way’ yet?

How educated is your ideal client about your niche? Do they know your product/service exists? Do they know you exist?

What beliefs or assumptions do they have about your niche, service or trustworthiness?

Where are you going to most likely find this ideal prospect? (i.e. face-to-face networking, Facebook, speaking etc.)

5. Once you have completed the above, use the answers in section 3 to find and interview at least 10 of your ideal client.

Yes, you will be getting on the phone or meeting them face-to-face to do the 30 minute interview.


Because up until now you’ve simply been guessing the answers above. They may have been educated guesses, but they were guesses nonetheless.

The answers that come from these surveys WILL shock you. Not only that, they’ll be pure gold for your business moving forward.

The way you set it up is like this…

Let them know who you are, what you do, and that you’re not trying to sell them anything. You’re simply looking to interview your market so you can serve them better.

If they say no, that’s fine. Move onto the next!

In the interview you will want to use those questions in the bonus Client Interview Survey template.

Once you have collected the data, you will want to update sections 3 and 4 with the responses to give you a better description/understanding of your dream client.

Note:The best way to get these interviews done is by asking past clients to participate who closely fit your dream client profile.

The second best place is to reach out to people you don’t know through LinkedIn/Facebook groups or online forums based on their interest.

Put up a post about your request and see what replies you get. Reach out to people personally who you think might be a good fit via private message on these forums.

If they aren’t a good fit, let them know the description of your dream client and ask if they know anyone that might be a fit.

6. Create a Dream Client Empathy Map

The Dream Client Empathy Map process is used to discover insights about your prospect you may have not gleaned from other methods.

I first learned this process from Andre Chaperon and found it brilliant for helping me understand my target market on a much deeper level.

After completing this exercise you will further understand theirenvironment, behaviour, concerns,andaspirations.

The influencers that make them buy.

When creating the empathy map you must try to remain as unbiased as possible. You’re wanting to figure out your dream clients personal perspective, personal world view, personal emotions and personal beliefs.

If they are skewed by your own the data will be useless.

In the following sections you’ll be completing the below with real world data from your dream client, but for now, complete the empathy map knowing what you know about your dream client.

Remember, it’s from THEIR PERSPECTIVE. Not yours.

Step 1: Get the photo from section 3 and place it on your Dream Client Empathy Map Template:

Step 2: Watch these short videos on the empathy map process:

Step 3: Using the post-it notes in the empathy map to complete the below 6 questions as instructed by Andrew Chaperon:


Describe what your ideal customer sees in her environment:

  • What does it look like?
  • Who surrounds her?
  • What types of offers is SHE exposed to daily?
  • What problems does she encounter?


Describe how the environment influences your ideal customer:

  • What do her friends say?
  • Who really influences her, and how?


Try to sketch out what goes on in your ideal customer's mind:

  • What is really important to her (which she might not publicly say)?
  • Imagine her emotions. What moves her?
  • Try to describe her dreams and aspirations


  • What is her attitude?
  • What could she be telling others?
  • Pay particular attention to potential conflicts between what a customer might say and what she may truly think or feel.


  • What are her biggest frustrations?
  • What obstacles stand between her and what she wants or needs to achieve?
  • Which risks might she fear taking?


  • What does she truly want or need to achieve?
  • How does she measure success?
  • Think of some strategies she might use to achieve her goals.

When going through this you’ll want to write down as many answers to the above as you can think of.

And make sure anything you do write down is from HER perspective, and related to the problem your dream client is trying to solve.

To help with this, you might want to ask the above questions from a first person perspective. For example, instead of “How does she measure success” you might ask “How do I measure success.”

Always, as best you can try to project yourself into your dream clients’ real, tangible, sensory experiences within the context you want to explore.

Then put those on the diagram too.

Finally, do you see how after completing the empathy map and constantly updating it you’re going to know exactly how to speak to your dream prospects in ALL of your marketing materials.

You’re going to know what to write in your emails. You’re going to know exactly what they want to read in you blog posts.

And you’re going to know how to create irresistible offers and sales messages that has them thinking

“Holy crap, is this Coach reading my mind!?”

This builds tremendous trust between you and your target market. The trust necessary to sell high-priced products and services such as Coaching.

7. Repeat the interview process above for EVERY new client you bring on board. Seriously.

To make this easier we have created the “Client Interview Survey>”

Please use that and then add new details to consistently after each interview to your dream client description, ‘a day in the life of’ and empathy map above.

Further, you’ll also want to make not of the below question (even though it’s in the Client Interview Survey”) because with it you’ll understand the exact place in your selling process that made them buy.

When you know that, and you start to see a common pattern, you’ll want to AMPLIFY that piece of marketing in all of your marketing material.

For example, if you constantly hear they bought because of this one specific benefit you mentioned that was buried deep in your offer, maybe you should move that benefit to the forefront of ALL your marketing material?

Here is the question…

“Where in our educational process did you decide to invest? i.e. Specifically when did you think "I have to be a part of this event/program"

Have fun with the survey!


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