September 28th, 2016

Blessings Parents,

I am looking forward to starting the 2016-2017 Annunciation Chess Club and Chess Team. In order to be successful, I will need volunteers to supervise, monitor and mentor players as they develop chess mastery skills.

You should have the Safe Environment Class (especially if we travel to tournaments).

We will meet on Thursday after school until 4:30. Students may then wait at STACK until they are picked-up. Other players may also go to STACK if they become board, restless or disrupt the playing environment. This is a time of instruction and learning and not FREE-FUN-TIME!

October 6th is our First Meeting date!

The Chess Club will be a nurturing learning environment where we will strive to help and encourage one another. The Chess Team will be for students who want to compete in scholastic or regular local, regional, state and national tournaments. Attendance at the club is not a requirement for playing for the team. While chess is an “Individual” sport, competitions are often arranged for awarding TEAM trophies based on combined performances.

Chess is a wonderful game since there are no barriers to participation! Anyone of any age, sex, race, grade, height, strength, weight, religion, economic status or physical limitation can participate. Everything that happens is in plain view with no interference from nature or chance. Your performance is based on your individual effort! You will not always win!

While the “rules of chess” can be explained and taught, some players will do better than others. The mind is an amazing thing and just because a person is smart in one area or discipline, it is not an indicator of chess playing ability. EVERYONE CAN PLAY CHESS!

Chess Tournaments are usually held on weekends and may require addition expenses for entry fee, transportation, food, and lodging. The United State Chess Federation (USCF) is the official organizer of competitive chess in the United States. ( Competitive players achieve a National Rating based on their playing performance. Most tournaments are divided into Sections or Divisions based on a Rating Range or Rating Class. This is like wrestling weight classes so there is a fairer chance of success. Higher rated players are expected to win (on average) over lower rated players.

Students SHOULD NOT bring chess sets from home.

Nolan Tomboulian

Please return before Monday, October 3rd. More information will be required later for CHESS TEAM Players.

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

______Chess Club _____ Chess Team (possibly) Years of Experience: ______

I/we will be able to help monitor the Chess Club: ____ YES ____ NO ___Sometimes

Name: ______Email: ______

Annunciation Catholic School provides our students with a foundation in the Catholic Faith and a strong academic education. We develop active citizens who live and love as Christ did.

We make the world a better place. We pray. We learn. We love.