Minutes of the Meeting of Llanllawddog Community Council held at Llanllawddog Church Hall on Monday 4thSeptember 2017 at 7.pm

Present : CouncillorsHoward Davies, Allan Haskins, Robert Hopley, Steven Mason, Peter Williamsand Dorian Williams, County Councillor

In the Chair – Councillor Allan Haskins

Prior to the commencement of formal business the Chair extended a warm welcometo RobertHopley and Steven Mason to their first meeting of the Council

43. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mike Evans and Gary Beaumont-Morgan.

44. Declarations of Interest Councillor Robert Hopley in respect of Agenda item 8, planning applications and in particular W/35793 as a nearby resident.

45. Policing Matters The Clerk confirmed that CPSO Nicola Waters had been notified and whilst on a rest day was hoping to attend. Councillor Peter Williams drew attention that a police officer with particular responsibility for the community had recently been appointed and should be invited to future meetings. RESOLVED that relevant enquiries be made with the intention to invite officers of the rural policing team to future meetings of Council

46. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 26thJune 2017 be signed as a correct record

47. Matters Arising i) min 31i). Annual Accounts The meeting noted confirmation from Barclays that the revised signing arrangements were now in place ii) min 31ii) Planning Query, Rhydargaeau Membersnoted that an application had been received and validated by the County Council’s Planning Division with consultation yet to take place. iii)Min 22 Code of Conduct Training The Clerk pointed out that he had attended the Code of Conduct training organised by the County Council on 29th June. He further confirmed that the new members had been provided with a copy of the code of conduct adopted by Council iv) Min 41 Seasonal Hedge Cutting The Clerk referred to the receipt of the reply to hand from the County on the practice adopted by the authority. Members remarked with regard to their concerns that the Council’s contractor had not initially cut the Himalayan balsam but returned much later in the season thus assisting the spread of the invasive weed. RESOLVED that the County Council be asked review their arrangements in advance of next season to ensure that any invasive weeds are appropriately treated

48. County Councillor’s Report Councillor Dorian Williams presented a comprehensive written report for the benefit of members on various issues of concern that had occurredduring the summer. Matters dealt with included restricted visibility by the Ty Boncath Road junction; missed refuse collections, Rhydargaeau Road; Himalayan Balsam infestation; speeding on the A485 including speed camera enforcementand traffic calming measures. Dorian also referred to the delivery of components to the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farmtogether with the vehicles returning empty at speed causing local concerns. Dorian was thanked in taking the time to providea written report.

49. Correspondence 1.One Voice Wales i) Welsh Government Workshops for local government representatives on higher activity radioactive waste management and disposal; ii) Consultation on the Welsh Revenue Authority having access to criminal powers; iii)Consultation – Electoral Reform; iv) One Voice Wales July Bulletin; v) summary of responses – Consultation on proposals to ban the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products in the UK; vi) One Voice Wales, Conference and AGM on Saturday 30th September at the Royal Welsh Showground; vii) BSF709 Gaps Gates & Stiles; viii) Consumer Council for Water, 2016/17 Annual Review; ix) the Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 29;x) OVW forthcoming Training Events; xi) Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens; xii) Cymraeg 2050 Grant scheme; xiii) EnvironetCymru E-Newsletter – August; xiv) Heritage Impact Statements in Wales; xv) Public Appointments; xvi) Data Protection Legislation; xvii) Consultation on proposed Autism Bill; xviii) CynnalCymru/Sustain Wales Awards; xix) Gosafe Newsletter; 2.Carmarthenshire County Council
i) Vacancy on the Governing Body of Peniel School; ii) Precept 2nd instalment £2309.67; 3. Barclays Balance in Council’s accounts on 21st July 2017 was Current A/c £13846.50 and Business Savings A/c £112.75 4.Hywel Dda Community Health Council Welsh Government White Paper Consultation “Services fit for the future” 5.The Pensions Regulator Declaration of Compliance deadline 6.Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales Presentation on the review of the electoral arrangements for Carmarthenshire in County Hall on Wednesday 20 September at 5.30pm 7. CymdeithasyrIaith TyngedyrIaith/Fate of the Language Session for comments and contributions on current progress and the possible need to increase momentum within the county to be held at Carmarthen Library, Saturday 30th September at 10am

8. Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service i)“Calon Tan” – Service magazine; ii) Have your say on draft Well-being Plan Priorities

9. NHS Wales/ Hywel DDA University Health Board i) “ Help us to connect adult mental health services with local people”; ii) Transforming Clinical Services 10. Welsh Government Clustering Support 2017/18 11. Informative Material Clerks & Councils Direct- September 2017 RESOLVED that i) Members be reminded with regard to the dates and times of forthcoming events and ii) the remaining items as per the correspondence schedule be noted

50. Planning Applications It was noted that whilst no new planning consultation letters had recently been received; the Clerk proceeded to update members on applicationsthe Council had been consulted on during the summer. W/37781 – Polytunnel, Bedw – Granted planning consent 31/8/17 W/35793 – Advertising Sign, Cefn Farm; Recommendation Refusal W/35798 – Stag & Pheasant; Revised plans were awaited

51. Footpaths and Bridleways Members noted that whilst no recent issues had been reported views were expressed that the various improvements required to the footpath and bridleway network within the community as outline by the county Council’s Footpath Rangers in the Grant Project Details Report’ could benefit from monies becoming available from the Wind Farm.

52. Vacancy The meeting noted that despite recent publicity to the one remaining vacancy on Council following the May elections, no expressions of interest had been received. RESOLVED that efforts continue with the aim of filling the vacancy during Council’s November meeting

53. Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm Councillor Peter Williams informed colleagues that meetings of an advisory panel were now taking place without any local input. Council were indeed dismayed to hear particularly following assurances from Innogy representatives that the locality would be an integral part of the process. Peter referred to the Profile prepared some time ago and it was noted that neither the County Councillor or the community council were consulted at that time. Members voiced their continued support that the immediate area where the development was taking placeshould have priority for funding from the community benefit fun . Councillor Dorian Williams indicated that he intended to visit the construction site in the near future. Both Dorian and Clerk referred to action taken by the County for the temporary closure of footpaths in neighbouring communities the during the construction period.

RESOLVED that representatives of Innogy Renewables be invited to attend Council’s November meeting

54.Annual Accounts year ended 31st March 2017 The meeting noted that the certified copy of Annual Return with an unqualified report for the year ended 31st March 2017 had now been received from Council’s external auditors. RESOLVED that i) the report relative to Council’s accounts for the year ended 31st March 2017 be received and with the certified Annual return approved; ii) enquiries be made as to whether consideration be given to providing exemptions from the rigours of external audit to smaller councils as applies in England and iii) Council’s appreciation be conveyed to Mr Ken Thomas as the Independent Internal Auditor

55. Budget Monitoring Members reviewed the income and expenditure for the period ending 31stAugust 2017details having been circulated with the agenda. RESOLVED that i) the Budget Monitoring Report be received and approved and ii) Council continues to operate a policy during 2017/2018 to make a payment of £25 to members in respect of telephone use, information technology, consumables etc subject to, that individual members could decide to forgo the entitlement

56. Applications for Financial Assistance The meeting considered details of the applications circulated with the agenda RESOLVED that i) a donation of £25.00 be given to each of the following organisations Wales Air Ambulance; Welsh Hearts; UrddGobaithCymru East and West Carmarthenshire; CFFI Sir Gar/Carmarthenshire YFC and ii) a contribution of £75 to Llanegwad Church Restoration Fund in lieu of the internal audit

57. Bills for Payment RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid : 100595 – Cancer Information & Support Services £25.00 (cheque in lieu of 100585) 100596 – Elfyn Williams - £392.13 – Clerk’s salary Jul/Aug/Sep 100597 – HMRC - £261.20 – Tax deductions Jul/Aug/Sep 100598 - Wales Air Ambulance - £25.00 – Contribution 100599 - Welsh Hearts/CalonnauCymru- £25.00 – Contribution 100600 -UrddGobaithCymru- £25.00 – Contribution 100601 - CFFI Sir Gar/Carmarthenshire YFC - £25.00 – Contribution 100603 - Llanegwad Church Restoration - £75.00 – Contribution in lieu of int’rnal audit

58. Reports of meetings No recent meetings attended

59. Date of Next Meeting Members noted that the next meeting of Council would take place on Monday 6thNovember 2017 at 7pm

Meeting terminated at 8.15.pm