TEPPC Strategic Review– Approval Item1

Board Resolution

Resolved, that the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Board of Directors (Board), acting upon the recommendation of the Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC),at the meeting of the Board on December 2, 2015, hereby:

  • Approves the “TEPPC Strategic Review Proposal” (Review Proposal), dated November 13, 2015, appended hereto;
  • Appoints the TEPPC Strategic Review Task Force (TSRTF) in accordance with the Review Proposal;
  • Directs the TSRTF to commence work as soon as reasonably possible in 2016 in accordance with the Scope and Proposed Schedule provided in the Review Proposal; and
  • Directs the TSRTF to recommend for Board approval a draft revised TEPPC Charter and TEPPC Planning Protocol, or other appropriate governance documents, no later than the September 2016 Board meeting.


There is a confluence of issues either directly impacting the Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC), or raising questions about the value and purpose of TEPPC.Some of these are:

  • Questions raised during the Section 4.9 review about whether there is overlap between the work of TEPPC and other committees particularly PCC.
  • Questions, as a result of FERC Order 1000, about whether the work of TEPPC overlaps that of the Regional Planning Groups.
  • Questions around funding now that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant has ended.
  • Questions identified through the MAC Board evaluation process about TEPPC, particularly about the appropriateness of Directors participating on TEPPC.
  • Questions around data sharing appear to be an ongoing concern of TEPPC.Before this question can be appropriately addressed, it is essential that TEPPC’s ongoing role be confirmed.
  • Work identified by TEPPC needs to be congruent with WECC’s priorities and available resources.

The draft Section 4.9 Review Work Group Report recommends that the WECC Board direct the Standing Committees and TEPPC to review and report back on their structure and charters.


TEPPC recommends that the Board appoint the TEPPC Strategic Review Task Force to address the concerns listed above.

Issues and Risks

  1. This task force would enable TEPPC and the WECC staff supporting TEPPC to align their work with priorities identified by the WECC Board. Absent the review, there is a risk that work completed in 2016 and beyond may not address the highest-priority reliability concerns.
  2. The task force may identify opportunities to organize and conduct TEPPC’s planning processes more effectively, thus avoiding inefficiencies in using limited human and financial resources.
  3. The recommended scope for the Task Force would ensure that TEPPC’s activities align with regulatory directives affecting WECC and its stakeholders, such as FERC Order 1000.
  4. The Task Force will require a substantial commitment of time from its members. However, the time invested in this effort will also produce substantial benefits by aligning TEPPC’s activities with WECC and Interconnection-wide prioritiesfor many years.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council