Report – Michael Lilley – IW VSF MH representative

Monday, 08 September 2014

I now sit as VSF representative on Suicide Prevention and MH Strategic partnership groups. I have actively been involved in a host of consultative meetings around IOW MH strategy and fed in views of the sector. There have been a number of third sector consultative MH days led by CAIW and I have fed views back to relevant CCG/Council meetings. Below is the range of discussions/issues raised:

  • Crisis House – There is an identified need with mental health services on the IOW for a community based 24hr care 4/6 bed unit for IOW residents needing a safe place to stay but where a psychiatric ward (IOW NHS Trust) is not appropriate. A 4 bed unit in Derbyshire has diverted over 160 individuals. Discussions through strategic meetings and a specific workshop on Cluster 8 (individuals with chaotic behaviour and/or personality disorder diagnosis) identified particular need for Cluster 8 who need a less clinical/solution focused support, individuals with situational triggered depression (suicide attempt) who would a more holistic/recovery based model, adults with children who need regular contact/stepping stone venue back into family home. Although one crisis house might not fit all, it has been identified that there is need for a detailed feasibility study and for a project to be financially evaluated.
  • Recovery and Employment – It has been recognised the Third Sector has strong expertise in developing effective recovery pathways for MH service users back into employment and a number of ideas have been discussed.
  • A model of a third/public sector integrated mental health service which was based around recovery has been discussed and presented at meetings.
  • Social Impact Bonds – Community Action IW, My Time/Richmond Fellowship, IOWVF, CCG, Police, DWP and IOW Council joined forces to host a seminar on Social Impacts Bonds which was well attended and resulted in a consensus to carry out a feasibility study. This is proceeding and mental health is being considered as a key social issue that could benefit for a SIB.
  • MH Prospectus (CCG/MLFLA) – Community Action IW working with CCG/NHS/Council on a third sector fund for capacity building training, community development, and some programme (WRAP) delivery.
  • IOW MH Alliance - Exploration of capacity building between MH third sector providers and pooling resources to become more effective, meet quality standards, and have stronger capacity to take on larger contracts.
  • Suicide Prevention and particular focus on men being 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women.
  • IOWMHA and MYT/Richmond Fellowship developed a joint proposal around MH for older adults which has been successfully included in the IOW Age UK Fulfilling Lives Lottery application.