JANUARY 10, 2017
President Bill Morris called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the Clubhouse at Ethan's Glen, 199 Litchfield Lane, Houston, Texas.
Board members: President Bill Morris
Secretary Beth Weikerth Bill Bedman, Trustee
Vice President Henry Drewinko Collins Oakley, KRJ
Yamile Curi
Henry Drewinko
Chris Skidmore
Chip Smith
Homeowners: Amy Sedano, unit 194
Will Vaca, unit 77
Almir Baltic, unit 131
David Shaw, unit 39
Jose Cardona, unit 188
Newsletter: Connie Voss
The November 8, 2016 monthly minutes were approved as emailed.
Ms. Voss presented information to be published in the upcoming newsletter. She asked for any more input to be sent to her immediately.
Ms. Sedano, unit 194, asked for the latest minutes to be posted on the website. Ms. Curi assured her the October and November minutes would be posted by the end of the week. Ms. Sedano then asked if there were any suggestions for improving the insulation to her floor which is above the garage. Mr. Bedman advised her anything done is her responsibility and Ms. Abrunhosa advised her to check with another resident, Ms. Blodgett, regarding what was done to her unit to insulate it.
Mr. Vaca, unit 77, was present to observe.
Mr Baltic, unit 131, was also present to observe.
Mr. Shaw, unit 39, was present with his two boys to observe, the boys were working on a Boy Scout merit badge. He did ask about a walkway out from his patio and was advised to send Mr. Skidmore a copy of his plans to be considered by the Architectural Control Committee.
Mr. Cardona left before he could be called upon.
The board agreed to accept a bid from Jack Turner to prepare the 2016 Audit and Tax Return at the same price as last year. Mr. Morris reported we have $58,283 in checking and $687,647 in money market accounts, including $$338,539 in roof reserves. Year to date we are up by $9,179. He plans to have a budget meeting before the Annual meeting on January 25. The board agreed to give the maintenance employees a 3% raise for 2017.
a.) Landscaping/Architectural Control: 1.) Fall planting was completed in December. 2.) Proposals for the landscaping on the north side of Litchfield Lane, along the Memorial Green fence were discussed thoroughly. Included were: a suggestion to hire a civil engineer regarding the fence itself, organize a meeting between Mr. Skidmore and representatives of Monarch, Memorial Green and the civil engineer, and the importance of making sure our land is restored to our satisfaction. 3.) Mr. Skidmore and Monarch have walked the property evaluating the “empty” areas and are testing what will grow in those places. Mr. Smith noted the area around the circle needs some attention. 4.) The issue of non-compliant window trim at unit 220 still needs to be handled.
There was considerable discussion regarding the garages, under the purview of Architectural Control, with the consensus being the board should post the rules (perhaps even distributing them door to door), giving residents a month to respond, then tag offending objects in the garages, then remove any remaining offending objects after a week. An article about the rules governing the garages will appear in the newsletter.
b.) Roofing: Mr. Bedman reported the new roofing consultant has completed one half of his examinations of elevations and will be finished with the other half soon. Findings so far indicate n significant water penetration, a definite need for redesign of the drainage system, and no current need for a thermal survey.
c.) Lighting: Huff completed the major long term lighting repairs and replacements in 2016, so 2017 will be a year of maintenance as needs arise.
d.) Maintenance: 1.) Pedro and crew are continuing to perform requested and regular maintenance. 2.) The board approved the purchase of new siding, which should last 4 to 5 years, at a cost of $63,325.25. It will be delivered as needed, with the rest being stored for free at a lumber yard. Ms. Weikerth will check on insurance of the stored lumber.
e.) Safety: 1.) A security incident was reported and the death of a resident in her home was discussed. There were no security incidents during December. 2.) A new patrol car was discussed, no final decision being made. 3.) There will be n salary increase for the officers in 2017.
f.) Entertainment and recreational facilities: 1.) The Annual Christmas Party was a great success.
g.) Communications: Ms. Curi noted she needs windows access. Mr. Bedman will supply her with a laptop that has same.
h.) Capital Improvements and Concrete: Ms. Weikerth will organize a meeting with our concrete contractor for next week.
i.) Supply Chain and Oversight: Ms. Curi will check with Comcast to see if our new contract is being honored.
j.) Memorial Green: Ms. Abrunhosa noted that 69 Legend Lane is draining water onto our tennis courts again. Mr. Oakley will contact the owners. It was noted that McCollum Builders still have their scaffolding on our property. Mr Drewinko will check on a completion and removal date. Twenty six lots have been permitted by the City. The homes at 207 through 213 have windows on the back side which will not open due to the fence. Ms. Abrunhosa will check with the City to see if codes are being broken.
1.) The issue of skate boarding in the garages was brought up due to a complaint by a resident. If the board can find names of the offenders, a letter will be sent to the owners stating such actions are dangerous and prohibited by our Rules and Regs.
2.) The Annual Meeting will be January 25 at Memorial Drive Christian Church at 7 pm. Three board seats are up for reelection. Only Mr. Skidmore is certain at this time that he will run again. There are no residents who have indicated they are interested in running. All board members should have a report to present to attendees.
3.) A larger Private Property sign is needed at the front entrance. Someone will check to see if there are any size regulations before one is ordered.
4.) The question of rentals within Ethan's Glen was brought up again. An effort to ascertain which units are rented needs to be made.