The Department of History

Course Descriptions

Spring 2016

The courses described in the booklet are divided into three categories. Those numbered in the 100's and 200's are designed as introductions to the study of the various regions of the world. Although any undergraduates may take these courses, they are aimed at the freshmen and sophomore level. The courses numbered in the 300's and 400's are specialized classes for juniors and seniors. The numbers were given in a haphazard fashion and there is no difference between the 300- and 400- level courses. The Department does not have courses specifically for juniors or for seniors. The courses numbered in the 500's & 600’s are seminars and are usually limited to graduate students.

The courses are listed in numerical order. However, not all courses offered by the History Department are in this booklet.

If more than one section of a course is offered, please check the name of the instructor to make sure you are reading the description of the correct section.

For further information contact any member of the History Department, 1104 Mesa Vista Hall, telephone 505-277-2451.

History Graduate Director is Professor Enrique Sanabria, Mesa Vista Hall 2082 telephone 505-277-2267. E-Mail

History Undergraduate Advisor is Professor Kimberly Gauderman, Mesa Vista Hall 2079, telephone 505-277-7852.


The Department Chair is Professor Melissa Bokovoy, Mesa Vista Hall 1104, telephone 505-277-2451. E-Mail


Revised 2014

History Major Requirements:

The History Department allows students great latitude in creating a course of study that will reflect their interests and career objectives. A History major requires a total of thirty-six hours of study, with twelve at the lower-division (four courses) and twenty-four (eight courses) at the upper-division level. At the lower-division level, students must complete one survey series, and may choose any other two courses from the remaining surveys including History of New Mexico to complete the 12 hours of required lower-division coursework. Students may choose from History 101-102 (Western Civilization), History 161-162 (U.S.), History 181-182 (Latin America), History 251-252 (Eastern Civilization), History 260 (History of New Mexico). At the upper-division level, students may choose any history course at the 300 or 400 level, but all students are required to include History 491 (Historiography) OR History 492 (Senior Seminar). Students should take the survey courses that will prepare them for upper-division courses they wish to take in the areas of study offered by the Department. If students wish to follow the traditional history major, they will choose three different geographical or chronological areas of interest and enroll in at least two upper-division courses in each area. This program gives majors a broad, liberal arts background. Students may also choose to develop an area of concentration or select courses that will prepare them for graduate or professional school in a particular area. In consultation with a professor, students may undertake independent study (History 496), which gives them the opportunity to investigate a subject of their own choice, reading and holding discussions on an individual basis with the professor. Excellent students (those with an overall GPA of 3.00 or better) are also encouraged to participate in the History Honors Program, in which a student works closely with a faculty advisor to research and write a senior thesis. Course work for the History Honors Program includes History 491 (Historiography), History 492 (Senior Seminar), History 493 (Research) and History 494 (Thesis Preparation).

History Minor Requirements:

The History Minor requires twenty-one hours of study (seven courses). Students may choose from any two lower-division courses (100-200 level) and any five upper-division courses (300-400 level). Students are encouraged to establish their own program and to select courses that contribute to their major field of study and that support their individual interests and career goals.

Dr. Kimberly Gauderman, Associate Professor

History Undergraduate Advisor

Mesa Vista Hall 2079

History Department: 277-2451

History Department Website:

History 101-001: Western Civilization to 1648

Instructor: Ryan MWF 10:00-10:50

Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers believed the world was eternal and that history repeated itself cyclically and eternally. Medieval scholars, on the other hand, thought that the world only had a finite time of existence; it was created from nothing, developed, and would be consumed at the end of history. Many people have understood the narrative of the history of Western Civilization similarly. Some think of it as a series of human themes and conditions that repeat themselves time and again within different geographic venues, whereas others perceive it as a linear, forward march of progress for the whole civilization. The reality, of course, is far more complex. In this class, divided into three parts focusing on political, social, and cultural and intellectual history, we will investigate themes that bind aspects of Western Civilization throughout the ancient, medieval, and early modern eras. Some of the themes that we will investigate include the plurality of religious sensibilities, the construction of political authority, the devastation of war, the significance of trade and economic development, the production of intellectual, cultural, and artistic legacies, the exchange of public and private social relations, formations of families, and constructions of gender and sexuality. We will read and analyze primary sources, the eyewitness accounts of the people who lived through these times, and learn the fundamental techniques of the study of history. By encountering the many manifestations of what constitutes Western Civilization, students will come away with a more nuanced understanding of what that civilization actually entails.

History 101-003: Western Civilization to 1648

Instructor: Steen ARR


History 102-001,002,003,004,005,006 Western Civilization since 1648

Instructor: Florvil MW 1:00-1:50

With Sections Plus lab time

In this course, students will explore the experiences, identities, lives, exchanges, and actions of Europeans from 1648 to the present.Throughout the semester, students will also study diverse communities in the non-western world and their impact on European societies, economies, politics, and cultures.We will address topics such as scientific inquiry, the rise of Enlightenment, the Age of Revolutions, nationalism and imperialism, World War I, expressionism, World War II, socialism, the Cold War, and decolonization.By examining a variety of interdisciplinary sources such as autobiographies, art, films, literature, music, and photographs, students will gain critical skills interpreting primary sources, posing historical questions, and crafting persuasive arguments and papers.

History 102-008, 009, 010, 011 Western Civilization since 1648

Instructor: Sanabria TR 9:30-10:20

With Sections Plus lab time

Western Civilization 102: This course emphasizes the historical development of Western European and North American culture, politics, economics, and society. Though Western Civilization has come under fire recently for its narrow focus, this course will not neglect important developments in the nonwestern world, especially when these impact the West. Among the topics we will cover are the Enlightenment’s revisions of traditional thought and politics, the rise of classical liberalism, the era of the first modern industrial and political revolutions, romantic ideas of nature and human life, the challenges to liberalism posed by such movements as socialism, imperialism, feminism, and nationalism, the growth of new forms of selfexpression and new conceptions of individual psychology; and the emergence of the United States of America as a hegemonic power after 1945. The approach to the materials will be interdisciplinary as we will incorporate not only historical analyzes of the period but also primary philosophical, literary, visual, and psychological works to flesh out the trials and tribulations of European culture in the twentieth century. Students will meet twice a week for 50-minute lectures, and once a week in smaller 50-minute discussion groups.

History 102-025 Western Civilization since 1648

Instructor: Winchester MW 5:30-6:45

This Western Civilization 102 course traces the historical development of European and North American culture, economics, politics, and society from the middle of the 17th century to roughly the end of the 20th century. The course is organized chronologically and divided into three sections. The first third of the course will cover the state of Europe from 1648 to the end of the French Revolution and the defeat of Napoleon. The second third of the course will cover the Congress of Vienna to the state of Europe immediately before the First World War. The final third of the course will cover World War I until the end of the Cold War and the advent of the European Union.

Utilizing this chronology, the course will focus on several key themes and developments. The exercising and maintaining of state power, the struggle for human rights and equality, the battle of political ideologies, the nature of gender norms, and the results of nationalism and imperialism will be some of the important themes running throughout the historical narrative covered by the course. Key developments the course will cover include: The Scientific Revolution, the Atlantic System, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Congress of Vienna, the revolutions of 1848, industrialization, urbanization, the rise of the working class, the new imperialism, World War I, the Russian Revolution, the rise of fascism, World War II, the Holocaust, the Cold War, decolonization, and the creation of the European Union. The importance of gender and sexuality, race, class, and social and women’s history to these themes and events will be a salient feature of lectures and assignments.

History 102-027 Western Civilization Since 1648

Instructor: Latteri ARR


This course explores the activities and experiences of Europeans from 1648 to the present. Civilized life and society include all activities and experiences of people dwelling together in organized communities. This course will encompass a series of historical inquiries about civilized life in Europe, with particular regards to gender and gender relations.

History 161- 001 US History to 1877

Instructor: DePond MWF 9:00-9:50

History 162-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006 US History since 1877

Instructor: Prior MWF 11:00-11:50

With Sections Plus lab times

This course is designed so that you learn about the history of the United States since 1877 while exploring the challenges and rewards of studying history. The assignments for this course, moreover, will help you cultivate your skills at critical interpretation and essay writing. We will explore the legacies of the Civil War, the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, American involvement in World War I and World War II, the Great Depression, the 1950s, the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, and the rise of modern conservatism.

History 162- 007 US History since 1877

Instructor: Hutton TR 12:30-1:45

This Course is a survey of United States history from the end of the Civil War in 1865 to the present. Political and social developments will be given equal emphasis, along with foreign and military affairs. There will be a textbook and several short books for collateral reading. There will be three hourly exams.

History 162- 008 US History since 1877

Instructor: Raspa TR 5:00-6:15

History 182-001, 002 ,003 004 Modern Latin America

Instructor: Erbig MWF 10:00-10:50

This course traces the history of Latin America over the last two centuries. It examines broad themes that unite the region, rather than focusing on individual national histories. Political and economic processes will provide a structure to the story, but we will also explore societal and cultural transformations. Key questions include: Why is Latin America the most socioeconomically unequal region in the world? What strategies have countries used to improve their economies and what have been the results? What are the roots of popular national traditions, such as Carnival in Brazil or tango in Argentina? What has been the relationship between nation-building, race, and ethnicity? What has been the role of the United States in the region? These questions and others will be addressed collaboratively, through lectures and discussions. This course is more about issues, concepts, and interpretive skills than about names and dates. While familiarity with Latin America is helpful, this is an introductory course and no prior knowledge is required.

History 260- 001 History of New Mexico

Instructor: Baca TR 12:30-1:45

This course explores New Mexico's past from Pre-Columbian history to the present. Particular attention will be paid to how New Mexico’s environmental limitations shaped settlement; to changing inter-cultural relations in the pre-Columbian, colonial, Mexican, territorial and statehood eras; to trade relations linking New Mexico settlements to surrounding native tribes, Mexico and the United States; to economic development, boosterism, tourism, and issues of cultural representation; to the role of the federal government in the New Mexico since 1848; to land and water issues and environmental policy since 1900; and to the development of a culturally and ethnically diverse society since statehood.

History 300/500-002: Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean

Instructor: Davis-Secord MWF 10:00-10:50

From the ancient to medieval periods, the Mediterranean Sea was the point of intersection between the major civilizations of the age: the Egyptian, Roman, and Greek worlds that transformed into Latin Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic world. Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, and Egyptians of the ancient world battled for control of the sea and its surrounding lands, while also sharing technology, culture, language, and trade goods. Medieval Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived in the Mediterranean along shifting frontiers, at times in both conflict and cooperation. In both of these eras, merchants, pilgrims, diplomats, and warriors traveled across the sea, often bringing with them cultural or economic products that contributed to a larger framework of commerce and communication. This course will examine the Mediterranean Sea region, both as a geographical concept and as a stage for such complex relationships, from the ancient through the late medieval periods. Topics running throughout the course will include the following: creation, maintenance, and crossing of boundaries; balance between violence and cooperation in cross-cultural dialogue; relationships between religious minorities and their dominant society; and commercial and cultural exchanges between the major civilizations of the Mediterranean world.

History 300- 003 Latin American Borderlands

Instructor: Sweeney TR 5:00-6:15

Borderlands lie between seemingly rigid categories—not simply between two national borders, but between any kinds of social or political boundaries. The tragedies and innovations that came out of European and American contact, alliance and resistance; the women who passed as men, slaves who passed as free, and criminals who passed as patriots—are central to shaping Latin America politics and culture contesting social, political, economic, gendered and categories. This course brings to center stage the people, processes and places that have in many cases been left out of “traditional” narratives of Latin American history, and encourages students to discuss why certain stories have trumped others in providing us with particular assumptions about Latin American history. Through an analysis of cases drawn from literature, history, anthropology, geography and cultural studies, students will arrive at their own definitions of borderlands and apply them to an understanding of a variety of battles around category-making, boundary crossing, and what it means to live in a state of “in-between” in Latin American history.