Study of the U.S. for Secondary School Educators

Information and Application Instructions

Important information: please read the information and application instructions before completing the application below.

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Secondary School Educators are intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign secondary educators the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The ultimate goal of the Institute is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in secondary schools. You can visit the webpage of the program to obtain general information: There are two programs, one for teachers and one for administrators:

The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Secondary Educators will provide three multinational groups of 20 experienced secondary school educators (including teachers, administrators, teacher trainers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, ministry of education officials, and others) with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, education, and culture – past and present. The focus of the Institutes will be on providing content and materials for participants to develop high school level curricula about the United States. To this end, the Institutes are organized around a central theme or themes in U.S. civilization. Through a combination of traditional, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches, program content will examine the history and evolution of U.S. institutions and values, broadly defined. The programs will also serve to illuminate contemporary political, social, and economic debates in American society. The four week academic residencies will take place at U.S. universities, colleges, or other academic institutions and will consist of a balanced series of lectures, panels, seminar discussions, readings, workshops, site visits, meetings with practitioners in the field, and cultural activities. One-week study tours to a different region of the United States will complement the four week academic residencies. One goal of the study tours is to showcase the cultural, geographic, and ethnic diversity of the United States.

Two of the Institutes will be tailored for secondary school teachers; please note that the main focus of the Institutes for teachers is on content and materials about the United States rather than teaching methods and pedagogy. The third Institute will be tailored for experienced administrators including teacher trainers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, ministry of education officials, and others.

PROGRAM PERIOD: the program is for five weeks and will begin in or June 2018.

HOST INSTITUTIONS: to be confirmed

PROGRAM COVERAGE: The program covers all participant costs including: visa, international and domestic travel, ground transportation in the U.S., housing, subsistence (meals), books, cultural, mailing, and incidental allowances. Health insurance will also be provided for the participants, but pre-existing health conditions will not be covered.

HOUSING AND MEAL ARRANGEMENTS: Participants may be asked to share living quarters during the residency portion (four weeks) of the program. During the study tour (up to one week), participants may share a hotel room with a participant of the same gender. During the residency, housing will typically be in college or university owned housing. Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own.

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS: Participants are expected to participate fully in the program. They are expected to attend all lectures and organized activities, and complete assigned readings. Institutes are very intensive and there will be no time for personal pursuits not related to the program.

Family members and/or friends cannot accompany participants on any part of the program. The Study of the U.S. Program is very intensive and there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program. The institute is not a research program.

Violations of host institution rules or local, state or federal laws can be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. It is important that all participants understand the requirements and restrictions of the program before submitting an application.

SELECTION PROCESS: the process has two steps:

1.  Nomination process: from all Ecuadorian candidates who submit a complete application and documents required for the program, the ones who have the most suitable profiles for the program will be interviewed by a Nomination Committee. This Committee will nominate Ecuadorian candidates for the program.

2.  Selection process: applications of Ecuadorian nominated candidates and nominated candidates from different participating countries around the world will be reviewed in Washington D.C. by a Selection Committee. This Selection Committee will determine which candidates will be invited to participate in the program.

NOTE: please be aware that you can be a nominated candidate and not participate in the program if you are not selected by the Selection Committee.

ELIGIBILITY: Candidates must meet the following criteria:

Study of the U.S. Institutes are highly competitive. Priority will be given to candidates who have firm plans to enhance, update or develop courses and/or educational materials with a U.S. studies focus or component, who have no or limited prior experience in the United States, and who have special interest in the secondary education as demonstrated through past scholarship, accomplishments, and professional duties.

Candidates should be mid-career, highly-motivated and experienced secondary school teachers and administrators. Ideal candidates are individuals who are seeking to introduce or enhance aspects of U.S. studies into their curricula or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for education professionals in U.S. studies or related fields.

Candidates must demonstrate English language fluency. Institutes are rigorous and demanding programs; participants will be expected to handle substantial reading assignments in English and to fully and actively participate in all seminar and panel discussions. English fluency is vital to a successful experience in the Institute, both for your participant and participants from other countries. Posts must indicate the level of English language fluency in Section R of the nomination form.

-  Ecuadorian citizenship. Candidates with Ecuadorian and U.S. citizenship are not eligible for this program. Green card holders are not eligible for this program as well

-  Most participants will be between 30 to 50 years old

-  Be a highly motivated and experience teacher at secondary school, teacher trainer, curriculum developer, textbook writer, secondary school administrators, Ministry of Education official

-  Hold a degree equivalent to to a licenciatura or título de tercer nivel minimum.

-  Currently teaching a course on American Studies or planning to incorporate contents of the program to the curricula of the institution where the participant works. Please be aware that this program is not for English teachers.

-  Teaching experience in a secondary education institution

-  Excellent level of written and spoken English, TOEFL score of 550 / 84 iBT

-  Preference will be given to candidates with little or no prior experience in the U.S.


-  The application form (begins in page 4 of this document) printed. Don´t forget to sign it.

-  Letter of support from the high school/institution where you are currently working. This letter should say the institution supports you to apply for the program in the sense that if selected, you can introduce what you learn in your classes. Remember that all costs are covered for the selected participants.

-  Copy of the diploma / diplomas of undergraduate and graduate studies, if applicable. Do not submit translations of diplomas.

-  Copy of passport bio-page (the page that has information as your name, date of birth, etc.). This document is not necessary for the application but if you have this document, please attach a copy.

-  Copy of a valid (taken within two years) TOEFL or IELTS score report. If you have not taken the TOEFL or IELTS test see below.**

-  Detailed curriculum vitae in Spanish

-  Copy of National Identification

For inquiries about the program, write to


** If you have not taken the TOEFL exam register for an English exam on or before December 21, 2017 writing to .

We will administer an English test only to candidates applying for the Study of the U.S. Programs on January 5, 2018 in Quito and Guayaquil.

Pre-selected candidates will be invited to an interview during January 2018. Interview date will be announced to invited candidates only.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications for this program must be received on or before January 8, 2018, at the Fulbright Commission in Ecuador.

You can bring your application personally or sent it to the address below. Please remind that your application should arrive on or before January 8, 2018:

Programa Study of the U.S.

Comisión Fulbright del Ecuador

Diego de Almagro N25-41 y Colon

Quito, Ecuador

Teléfono: (02) 222 2103

Note: The Study of the U.S. program is not a Fulbright Program. It is sponsored by the Education and Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Department of State of the United States of America.

The Fulbright Commission in Ecuador will be administering this program.


Noviembre 2017 / Apertura oficial del concurso
Diciembre 21, 2017 / Fecha límite para inscribirse para examen de inglés. Escriba a para obtener información del examen
Enero 5, 2018 / Examen de inglés en Quito y Guayaquil. Contáctese con la Comisión para registrarse para este examen.
Enero 8, 2018 / Fecha límite para entrega de documentos
Mediados de Enero, 2018 / Entrevistas
Finales de enero, 2018 / Notificación de nominaciones (Se nominarán candidatos por el Ecuador, no es una selección final. La selección final se hará por comités independientes, por programa en EE.UU.
Abril, 2018 / Notificación de seleccionados
Junio, 2018 / Inicio del programa

Study of the U.S. Institutes for Secondary School Educators


A.  Program you are applying:

B.  Applicants full name (if you have a passport, please include a copy of the biographical page of your passport)


Last name: Click here to type the information

First name: Click here to type the information

Middle name: Click here to type the information

C.  Gender: Male Female

D.  Date of birth (type month/day/year):

E.  City of Birth:

F.  Country of Birth:

G.  Country (ies) of Citizenship,

H.  Country of Residence:

I.  Medical, Physical, Dietary or other Personal Considerations:

Please describe any pre-existing medical conditions, including any prescription medication you may be taking, allergies, or other dietary or personal consideration. This information will not affect selection, but will enable the host institution to make any necessary accommodations. If you do not have any medical conditions, please write “none”.

Click here to type the information


J.  Candidate Contact information

a)  Home address:

b)  City:

c)  Province:

d)  Postal code:

e)  E-mail address:

f)  Phone and cell phone numbers:

g)  Emergency Contact Name:

h)  Relationship to you (mother, father, husband):

i)  Emergency Contact Phone number:

j)  Emergency Contact Email:


K.  Current Position, Title, Institution

Position Type:

Title (cargo):

Institution Name:

Institution Address, include city and province in the address:

L.  Work Experience including previous positions and titles. If needed, attach a sheet with information about your work experience. Please give more detailed information in your CV.

month and year / To:
month and year / Title or Position / Institution / Full or
Part time?

M.  Education, Academic and Professional Training:

Please list all earned degrees and all current teacher qualifications you have such as certificates, licensures, beginning with most recent.

Degree Earned
(in Spanish) / Year Earned / Specialization / Institution / Teacher Qualification Expiration Date
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro
Select oneDoctorado, Ph.D.Candidato doctoralMaestríaIngenieríaLicenciaturaTecnologíaCertificado / LicenciaOtro

Additional professional training:

N.  Active Professional Memberships: this is independent of current professional responsibilities. These should not include university committee work or other professional duties directly related to your current employment:

Position / Title / Organization
Select onePresident/Board Chairperson/DirectorBoard MemberEditorial Staff / OfficerContributing MemberMember
Select onePresident/Board Chairperson/DirectorBoard MemberEditorial Staff / OfficerContributing MemberMember
Select onePresident/Board Chairperson/DirectorBoard MemberEditorial Staff / OfficerContributing MemberMember

O.  Publications Related to the Institute Theme (up to 10)

Please list all titles in English, including whether book, chapter, journal article, newspaper article, web article, etc.

Publication Type / Year / Publisher
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public
Select oneBookEdited Volume / primary / Co EditorBook ChapterJournal ArticleNewspaper / On-line articleConference / University / Government Public

P.  Previous Experience in the United States: please list any or all trips you have made to the United States or to other countries. If you have never traveled abroad please write “none”.