1. Teams must register with Tournament Site Director one hour before their first pool game.

2. Proof of insurance must be shown at registration.

3. Only ASA rosters will be accepted at registration. No additions will be allowed after this point. Make

sure you have a copy to leave with Site Director.

4. Proof of age must be available upon request.

5. In Pool Play:

a) Continuous batting order is required.

( All non-injured, rostered players who are present must bat.)

b) Unlimited substitutions and re-entries are allowed at the half inning. no defensive substitutions

will be allowed once the first pitch of each half inning is made. ( Pitchers and injured players may

be substituted for at any time.)

c) Courtesy runners may be used for pitchers and catchers. The courtesy runner shall be the first

available ( Not on base) player preceding that pitcher or catcher in the line-up.

d) Each team will award an MVP medal to a player of the opposing team following each pool game.

e) No protests will be allowed in pool play. Umpire decisions are final.

6. Run rule: 15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings.

7. 1 hour 15 minute Drop Dead time limit for pool play games. If home team is winning in the bottom

of the inning it will be considered a complete inning, otherwise it will revert to the last completed

inning. In Pool Play a maximum of 2 extra innings will be played ( time permitting). If, at that time,

the game is still tied, each team will be credited with 1/2 game with 1/2 game loss. 1 hour 15 minute

time limit for all tournament games. International tie-breaker format will be used after 7 innings or

the time limit ( Whichever occurs first). Tournament and Consolation Championship will have no

time limit.

8. Teams must be ready to play 10 minutes after the end of the previous game. Be Ready! Teams not

ready to play at the time of the pre-game conference will Forfeit.

9. Coaches are responsible for checking the game board for changes in time and field assignments.

10. On-Deck batters will stand to the batters back ( Behind the batter).

11. ASA rules or Continuous batting will be used during all Tournament and Consolation games.

If using continuous batting it will be same format as pool play rules. Tournament protests may be

made over a rule interpretations only. A protest must be made at the time of the rule disagreement

not after the game. A $100 cashprotest fee must be submitted at the time of the protest. The game

game will be suspended and the ruling of the Protest Committee made prior to continuing the

game. This fee will be refunded only if the protest is upheld by the Protest Committee (Tournament

Site Manager, Umpire In Chief, and a Selected Coach).

12. Sportsmanship will be stressed. Any player or coach ejected during Pool Play is ejected for the

remainder of Pool Play.

Any ejection during Tournament or Consolation play is for the remainder

of the Tournament.

13. Winning teams are responsible for reporting scores to the Tournament Site manager for posting

after each game. Unreported pool games will be recorded as a double forfeit and Tournament

games will be counted as a single forfeit.

14. Seeding will be based on: won-lost record, the head to head, then runs allowed, then runs scored,

and then coin flip.

15. There will be NO CARRY-INS ALLOWED. only cooler allowed is team cooler with water. Anyone with

a cooler will be asked to take to their car. This includes in the parking lot. We have full concessions

available. Please pass this to all your parents.

16. Games maybe shortened or Pool Play games maybe eliminated due to weather. This is the

decision of the Tournament Site Director. 1 Completed game consists of a full played
