U.S. History

Goal 10 Test

1. Which of the following was not a major cause of WWII?

A. the Treaty of VersaillesC. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

B. the rise of totalitarianism D. hyper-inflation in Germany

2. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII?

A. Joseph StalinC. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolph HitlerD. Winston Churchill

3. Who was the leader of Italy during WWII?

A. Joseph StalinC. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolph HitlerD. Winston Churchill

4. Who was the leader of Great Britain during WWII?

A. Joseph StalinC. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolph HitlerD. Winston Churchill

5. Who ran a Communist country and “purged” anyone who disagreed with him?

A. Joseph StalinC. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolph HitlerD. Winston Churchill

6. Which of the following would not be true of a totalitarianistic leader?

A. would be very nationalistic

B. would be for military expansion

C. would be open and democratic

D. would not allow freedom of speech

7. Which of the following is not true of Adolph Hitler?

A. Was a WWI veteran who became the leader of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party

B. Wrote a book called Mein Kampf which outlined his plans of territorial expansion

C. Rises to power primarily because of his plans to return Germany to economic stability

D. Does not build a strong army because he doesn’t want to violate the Treaty of Versailles

8. What was the Third Reich?

A. Hitler’s most elite group of soldiers

B. the first concentration camp opened in Poland

C. the German empire Hitler created

D. Hitler’s “brown shirts” and “storm troopers”

9. Which of the following was not a result of Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, Korea, and China?

A. The League of Nations protests but doesn’t do anything to stop it

B. Italy and Germany take note of the weak response from the League of Nations and start to expand

C. Mussolini has Italy invade Ethiopia

D. The United States backs China and declares war on Japan

10. What was it called when France and Britain allowed Hitler to invade Yugoslavia?

A. AnschlussC. Non-aggression Pact

B. Munich PactD. Blitzkrieg

11. What major technological advance gave Britain an advantage during the Battle of Britain?

A. radioC. submarines

B. tanksD. radar

12. What did the Nuremberg Laws do?

A. established a curfew and draft in Germany

B. helped the German economy

C. stripped Jews of their civil rights

D. put high ranking Nazi officials on trial

13. What was Kristallnacht?

A. a concentration camp

B. a ghetto where Jews were relocated to

C. a night of vandalism and arrests aimed at Jews

D. Hitler’s book that outlined his goals for the Third Reich

14. What three countries signed the Tripartite Treaty and made up the Axis Powers?

A. Russia, Germany, and FranceC. Germany, Russia, and Japan

B. Russia, Germany, and ItalyD. Germany, Italy, and Japan

15. What modern day organization was a goal of the Atlantic Charter?

A. League of NationsC. War Production Board

B. United NationsD. Air Force

16. Which of the following is not true of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

A. it occurred on December 7th, 1941

B. Hirohito and Tojo were the big name Japanese guys behind the attack

C. it actually had little impact on the U.S. pacific fleet

D. it caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan which led Germany to declare war on the U.S.

17. Which of the following is not true of U.S. mobilization?

A. 10 million soldiers were drafted to prepare for a war on two fronts

B. only a small number of minorities enlisted in the armed forces

C. The Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps was founded

D. The War Production Board was formed

18. Which of the following government agencies was in charge controlling inflation?

A. War Production BoardC. Treasury Department

B. Office of Price AdministrationD. Office of Scientific Research and Development

19. Which of the following government agencies rationed wartime materials?

A. War Production BoardC. Treasury Department

B. Office of Price AdministrationD. Office of Scientific Research and Development

20. Which of the following is not true of the Office of Scientific Research and Development?

A. created the insect repellent DDTC. gave birth to the term Rosie the Riveter

B. Oversaw the Manhattan Project D. Employed Robert J. Oppenheimer

21. Which battle saw Germany lose control of the eastern front of the war?

A. StalingradC. Battle of Britain

B. Battle of MidwayD. Battle of the Bulge

22. Which battle was Germany’s attempt to stop the allied invasion of Germany?

A. StalingradC. Battle of Britain

B. Battle of MidwayD. Battle of the Bulge

23. Which of the following is not true of D-Day?

A. it occurred on June 6th, 1944

B. Beach landings and parachute jumps were part of the timed invasion of Normandy, France

C. Germany surrendered on this day

D. D-Day is also known as operation Overlord

24. What is V-E Day?

A. The day the Allies invaded Germany

B. The day Japan surrendered to the U.S. on the USS Missouri

C. The day the Battle of the Bulge started

D. The Day Germany surrendered

25. How did Hitler die?

A. a Russian sniper shot him

B. he was hanged for committing war crimes

C. suicide

D. bomb blast inside a bunker

26. Who was the U.S. commander in the Pacific?

A. George PattonC. Winston Churchill

B. Dwight D. EisenhowerD. Douglass MacArthur

27. Which battle was a turning point in the Pacific as Japan lost much of its naval power?

A. MidwayC. Doolittle’s Raid

B. GuadalcanalD. Iwo Jima

28. Which was the last major battle of the Pacific (showed the U.S. atomic bomb might be necessary)?

A. Iwo JimaC. Midway

B. OkinawaD. Leyte Gulf

29. Which of the following is not true of the dropping of the atomic bomb?

A. there were two bombs dropped (“little boy” and “fat man”)

B. bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

C. the name of the plane that dropped the bombs was the Enola Gay

D. the attack was a kamikaze attack

30. What was the name of the last meeting of the “big three” were they decided how to divide up Germany?

A. Munich PactC. Yalta

B. Nuremberg TrialsD. United Nations

31. Which of the following was not an impact of WWII?

  1. Unemployment fell and wages rose in the U.S.
  2. Women played an increasingly vital role in the workplace
  3. Marriage and birth rates soared after WWII
  4. The GI Bill made it difficult for veterans to get an education

32. What two countries “fought” a cold war against each other?

A. United States and RussiaC. United States and Italy

B. United States and GermanyD. United States and Japan

33. Which of the following is not a term associated with the Cold War?

A. PopulismC. McCarthyism

B. CommunismD. Containment

34. Who was the leader of Communist China?

A. Chiang Kai-ShekC. Vladimir Lenin

B. Joseph StalinD. Mao Zedong

35. Which of the following is not true of the Chinese civil war?

A. the United States backed Chinese Nationalists

B. Russia backed the Chinese Communists

C. the Communists won

D. it showed the U.S. that their containment policy was going to work

36. Which of the following is not true of the Korean War?

A. Korea was divided along the 38th parallel

B. The UN took a Police Action in sending ½ a million troops to Korea

C. The U.S. won the war convincingly

D. The U.S. backed South Korea and Russia backed North Korea

37. Which U.S. general was fired by Truman for trying to invade China without permission?

A. EisenhowerC. Patton

B. MacArthur D. Barrett

38. What is WI senator Joseph McCarthy famous for?

A. fighting in the Korean War

B. he was a Communist spy

C. led the Communist “witch hunt” in congress

D. he tried to assassinate the president

39. Who was convicted of selling U.S. atomic bomb information to the Russians?

A. The RosenbgergsC. Eugene Debs

B. Joseph McCarthyD. Douglass MacArthur

40. Eisenhower’s policy of threatening nuclear war as a way to stop Communism was known as what?

A. ContainmentC. Marshall Plan

B. BrinksmanshipD. Iron Curtain

41. The imaginary line dividing Eastern and Western Europe was called what?

A. ContainmentC. Steel Curtain

B. 38th Parallel D. Iron Curtain

42. Which policy tried to help prevent Communism from spreading by pouring money into Turkey and Greece?

A. Eisenhower DoctrineC. Marshall Plan

B. Truman DoctrineD. McCarthyism

43. Which of the following best describes the Berlin Airlift?

A. U.S. planes flying in to Berlin to rescue American POW’s

B. Russian planes flying supplies to the Germans trapped in Berlin

C. Flying in supplies to the people of West Berlin who had been cut off by a Russian blockade

44. Which of the following was the military alliance Russia formed during the cold war?

A. NATOC. Iron Curtain

B. Warsaw PactD. Band of Brothers

45. What agency was founded by the U.S. to spy on Communist countries during the cold war?

A. United Nations

B. House Un-American Activities Committee



46. Which of the following was not something the UN did during the cold war era?

A. sent troops to Korea during the Korean War

B. broke up the Suez War between Egypt and Britain / France

C. created the Jewish state of Israel

D. sent in troops to stop Russia’s Communist invasion of Hungary

47. Which of the following ended any hope of peace during talks between Eisenhower and Khrushchev?

A. U-2 incidentC. Korean War

B. SputnikD. Khrushchev choked on a Bojangles Bo-berry biscuit

48. In which year was the U.S. defense budget probably the highest?

A. 1890C. 1960

B. 1920D. 2000

49. What law helped returning soldiers go to college and receive business loans?

A. Soldier Recovery ActC. Veterans Affairs Act

B. GI Bill of RightsD. Patriot Act

50. Which of the following was not true of housing during the 1950’s?

A. Whites moved out of the cities and into the suburbs

B. Blacks moved out of the country and into the cities

C. Suburbs were very uniform in their appearance (like Levittown)

D. Suburbs were open to all – there was no racial discrimination involved

51. What policy of Harry Truman’s tried to continue FDR’s New Deal programs?

A. Fair DealC. American Deal

B. My DealD. Lets Make A Deal

52. Which of the following does not belong in the 1950’s?

A. the Beat Movement

B. Creation of the Federal Communications Commission

C. the start of Rock n’ Roll

D. radio as the most successful media

53. Which of the following does not pertain to the cold war era?

A. Nikita KhrushchevC. Munich Agreement

B. Warsaw PactD. McCarthyism

54. Who was John F. Kennedy’s vice president?

A. Harry TrumanC. Lyndon Baines Johnson

B. Dwight D. EisenhowerD. Richard Nixon

55. Which of the following did not help Kennedy during the presidential election of 1960?

A. his family’s great wealthC. his TV debate with Richard Nixon

B. that he was a Roman CatholicD. that he was young and relatively attractive

56. Which of the following best defines the “Kennedy mystique?”

A. the curse the Kennedy family appears to have on them

B. how nobody really knew him because he was mysterious and stayed out of the public eye

C. how he dealt with people in a very sneaky way

D. that average Americans wanted to be just like the Kennedy’s

57. Which of the following was the way Kennedy wanted to handle crisis situations?

A. BrinksmanshipC. Appeasement

B. Truman DoctrineD. Flexible response

58. Which of the following was not a problem Kennedy had to deal with during his presidency?

A. the Berlin WallC. The Cuban Missile Crisis

B. the Bay of PigsD. dropping “the bomb” on Hiroshima

59. America’s failed invasion of Cuba was called what?

A. the Bay of PigsC. the Battle of Midway

B. the Battle of Leyte GulfD. the Cuban Missile Crisis

60. For how many days did the Cuban Missile Crisis last?

A. 1C. 13

B. 3D. 27

61. Which of the following was not a goal of Kennedy’s?

A. boosting the economyC. increasing the national defense of the U.S.

B. providing international aidD. starting a war with Russia

62. Which of the following is not true of the Peace Corps?

A. it was a program Kennedy started to aid foreign countries

B. most of the volunteers were college age

C. Peace Corps volunteers often work as teachers and health care workers

D. it gave $12 million in aid to Latin America to fight Communism

63. Which country was the first to get a man into space?

A. USAC. Britain

B. USSRD. Germany

64. What was the name of the investigation into JFK’s assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald?

A. Presidential inquiryC. Albertson Affair

B. Warren CommissionD. Johnson Council

65. Which of the following best describers LBJ’s relationship with FDR?

A. they hated each other

B. FDR was LBJ’s role model and mentor

C. FDR tried to keep LBJ out of the White House because they disagreed politically

D. they met at Bojangles, got into a fight, and spilled sweet tea everywhere

66. Which of the following was not a goal of LBJ’s great society?

A. end povertyC. create equal opportunities for all

B. end racial injusticeD. lower the standard of living

67. Why was Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring so important?

A. it uncovered corruption in the government

B. it showed who really killed JFK

C. it talked about the danger of the use of pesticides

D. it demonstrated that global warming was real

68. Which of the following was not a concern of LBJ’s great society?

A. the environmentC. civil rights

B. educationD. build up of military strength

69. In the mid-1930’s, Britain and France were to appeasement as the U.S. was to _____.

A. militarismC. aggression

B. neutralityD. expansion

70. Winston Churchill wrote “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the

tigers are getting hungry.” Which statement best explains the meaning of Churchill’s metaphor?

A. Churchill believed that the Italian and German armies were eager to begin active warfare

B. Churchill sensed that the Italian and German armies were not truly loyal to their leaders

C. Churchill knew that the Italian and German voters were eager to overthrow their dictators

D. Churchill believed that if Britain and France continued to appease Hitler, all would be well

71. Out of the following, what is the most likely reason Germany lost the war?

A. It was dividing its forces, trying to fight on several fronts at once

B. It was ruled by a military dictator

C. Its treatment of non-Aryans aroused the outrage of the rest of the world

D. Adolf Hitler committed suicide in 1945

72. The following statement is from a bill passed in Congress: “As the Commission documents, these actions were

carried out without adequate security reasons and without any acts of espionage or sabotage documented by the

Commission, and were motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political

leadership.” Which issue does this bill most likely address?

A. Equal payC. Japanese internment

B. G.I. RightsD. Bracero program

73. Which is the most serious disadvantage of deficit spending?

A. Achieving prosperity in the short run

B. Accruing debt that will have to be paid in the future

C. Outlawing racial discrimination in hiring

D. Lending more money than one borrows

74. What is the most likely reason Stalin insisted on a buffer zone between the Soviet Union and Western Europe?

A. To prevent another invasion like the Nazi invasion of 1941

B. To acquire markets for exportation of sugar, rubber, and coffee

C. To ensure Eastern European participation in the Marshall Plan

D. To prove to the West that the Soviet Union was a peaceful nation

75. It is “nothing but a vicious American scheme for using dollars to buy its way into European affairs.” Which was

Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov most likely referring to?

A. The YALTA ConferenceC. The iron Curtain

B. The Truman DoctrineD. The Marshall Plan

76. The Warsaw Pact was to Eastern European nations as _____ was to western nations.

A. The UNC. The League of Nations

B. NATOD. The Tripartite Alliance

77. Which best describes a 1941 measure that broke a string of Neutrality Acts passed by Congress in the 1930’s?

A. TVAC. Atlantic Charter

B. Lend-Lease ActD. Pearl Harbor

78. Which best describes the significance of “Rosie the Riveter” during WWII?

A. The contribution of many women to the war

B. Advertising for the manufacturers of munitions

C. U.S. radio propaganda

D. A nickname for President Roosevelt

79. Gettysburg was to the Civil War as D-Day was to _____.

A. Korean WarC. World War II

B. World War ID. The Cold War

80. Which best describes the goal of the Manhattan Project?

A. Radar air defense for New York City

B. Construction of five new aircraft carriers in the Pacific

C. End of World War II

D. Development of the atomic bomb

81. Which best describes the aim of the Truman Doctrine?

A. To lower an iron curtain between Asia and the Soviet Union

B. To prevent the further expansion of Communism and the Soviet Union

C. To develop Pacific nations devastated by World War II

D. To keep Asians from immigrating to the United States

82. Which best describes the significance of the 38th Parallel?

A. The boundary crossed by North Korean troops to try to take over South Korea

B. The boundary between East and West Germany

C. Line of demarcation for the iron curtain

D. Line marking U.S. naval influence around Japan

83. Which best describes the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

A. An alliance for economic progress

B. A postwar plan of aid to Western European nations

C. Diplomatic recognition of the state of Israel

D. An agreement for mutual military assistance

84. Which of the following progressions of U.S. presidents is true?

A. Roosevelt, Truman, Taft, KennedyC. Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy

B. Truman, Taft, Kennedy EisenhowerD. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy

Ch 27 Reading Guide Questions

  1. About how many women had been discharged from the armed forces by the summer of 1946?

A. 10 millionC. 5 million

B. 15 millionD. None they were forced to stay in

86. What percentage of new homes built in the 1950’s were built in the suburbs?

A. 50%B. 85%C. 25%D. 80%

87. How much money did a 1 minute ad cost on TV in 1941?

A. $10B. $11C. $9D. 1 million dollars!

88. What cabinet position was created to help with urban renewal?

A. HUDB. InteriorC. HousingD. IRA