Minutes of a meeting held at Derryvolgie on Friday January 12th from 11.00am.

Present: Paul Tranmer (Chair), Nuala Mooney, Sam Hall, Eric Lesage, Ken Hammond.

In Attendance: Michael McFaul (Hon. Secretary)

  1. Apologies

None. All present.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on October 15th 2017

The minutes were agreed by all present.

  1. Matters Arising

Item 5: There was uncertainty as to whether Toni Sproule & Dymphna Friel had accepted the offer of being Reserve Pair for the forthcoming Lady Milne. If not then SC members would agree to nominate a different partnership.

Action: MMcF to check

Item 6. PT confirmed that Wayne Somerville had been selected by the Youth Committee as Coach and NPC for the Junior Camrose.

  1. Camrose 1st weekend.

John Ferguson’s NPC report had been previously circulated to non-conflicted members of the committee. He was congratulated for the timeliness of his report and thanks were also extended to Hilary Ferguson for her invaluable assistance in helping the Camrose run smoothly.

  1. Camrose 2nd weekend.

PT confirmed that Robin Burns would not be available.

PT and SH left the room while remaining members agreed to select Ian Hamilton & Sam Hall as the third pair. It was further agreed to appoint John Ferguson as NPC for the 2nd weekend.

  1. Procedure following withdrawal of a selected player/pair.

It was agreed that a named reserve pair would automatically be selected in the first instance. Should a named reserve pair not be available then the finishing table of triallists would be adhered to in strict order. For non-Home International events or when no trial has been held then the Committee will use their discretion in selection. These procedures to be added to the SC manual

Action: MMcF to update SC Manual

  1. Inter-Provincials Open Team

KH asked why many of the strongest players did not play in this event. He suggested that teams from Premier 1 league be offered places in future years and this was agreed in principle

  1. Teltscher Trials

Closing date for entries to be February 11th.

Action: MMcF to send out trials notice and confirm KM to be available.

  1. Moylan Trophy

It was agreed to invite entries for this event to be held in April

Action: MMcF

The meeting ended at 12.20pm. The next meeting to be held on February 23rd at Derryvolgie, provisionally from 1.30pm.

Michael McFaul

Hon. Secretary