Name: ______Date: ______
- Earth has FOUR main systems that interact: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere.
- The atmosphere is the layer of gas that surrounds the earth more commonly known as “air”.
- The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations and locations throughout the world, including air pressure, temperature, and water vapor.
- The atmosphere has five layers, including the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
- Each layer is at different elevations.
- 90 % of the gas is in the lowest layer, the troposphere.
- We can’t see, smell, or taste the gases of the atmosphere, but air is actually made up of molecules of many different gases and tiny particles of solid matter.
- NITROGENT is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
- Nitrogen: 78%
- Oxygen: 21%
- Argon: 0.93%
- Carbon dioxide: 0.04%
-HUMIDITY is the amount of water vapor in the air, and varies place to place.
- Water vapor can be up to 4% of the atmosphere.
- Circle which has more water vapor/humidity: Flagstaff, Arizona or Zebulon, NC?
-GREENHOUSE GASES trap heat in the atmosphere so that Earth has a moderate temperature.
- Natural greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, and methane.
- CFCs and other man-made compounds are also greenhouse gases.
- Human activities may increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
- PARTICULATES (tiny particles) in the atmosphere include: dirt, dust, pollen, or salt.
- Some particulates pollute the air.
- Particulates are needed for water to condense on. Without particles, water vapor could not condense, clouds could not form, and we WOULD NOT HAVE RAIN!!
- Where does the dust come from?
- Where does the ash come from?
- Where does the salt come from?
- Where does the soil come from?
- Without the atmosphere, Earth would look a lot more like the Moon.
- Atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), and oxygen ( O2 ), are extremely important for living organisms.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS: plants use carbon dioxide and create oxygen.
- Responsible for nearly all the oxygen in the atmosphere!
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon dioxide + water + light energyGlucose (sugar) + oxygen
RESPIRATION: animals then use oxygen to convert sugar into food energy they can use.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + useable energy
Glucose (sugar) + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy
NITROGEN CYCLE: Nitrogen promotes growth and is an important ingredient in the chemicals that make up living things.
WATER CYCLE: Water spends a lot of time in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is an important reservoir for water.
- OZONE (O3) makes life on Earth possible by absorbing high-energy ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun.
- Protects living things on Earth’s surface from the Sun’s most harmful rays.
- Highest concentration of ozone is in the second (Stratosphere) layer of the atmosphere.
- The atmosphere helps keep Earth a moderate temperature. Without an atmosphere, the Earth would be frigid at night and scorching hot during the day.
- GREENHOUSE GAS EFFECT (see notes above)
- The atmosphere is made of gases that take up space and transmit energy, like sound waves.
- No atmosphere = NO SOUND
- Explosions in space are silent! How weird is that?!!!