Course: Design 11

Teacher Name: N. MacDonald

Date of Exam: Monday to Friday, June 10-14, 2013

Monday, January 17, 2013

Student Name: ______

Section / Comments / Score
1. Design Process / Design Proposal marked out of 15
2. Product drawing, model and prototype / Design Proposal marked out of 25 / 5 points on term
3. Product Development / Design Build marked out of 10 / 5 points on term
4. Communication Design / Communication Design marked out of 20
5. Environmental Design / Environmental Design marked out of 10 / 5 points on term
6. Reflection on the Design Process / Designer Show and Reflection marked out of 20 / 5 points on term
Total / 100 / /20 pts

Part 1. Design Process (15 pts)

DP1 / Develop and refine a proposal for an investigation or the development of a product, communication or environment
DP2 / Identify information needs and locate and evaluate resources
DP3 / Share research and reflections
DP4 / Make project decisions which demonstrate creativity, innovation and a willingness to take risks
DP5 / Set deadlines and develop a work plan to manage time and resources

In this section, you describe the design problem posed by the idea you choose. Then write a design brief stating what you will design. Extra paper is provided.

Part 2. Product drawing, model and prototype (25 pts)

DF1 / Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and universal principles of design
DF2 / Render forms through drawing, modeling, sculpting and/or software
DF3 / Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between form and function of objects
DF4 / Apply understanding in cultural/historical contexts when making decisions
DF5 / Demonstrate an understanding of applications for a range of materials, treatments and finishes
PD6 / Demonstrate competency in the use of tools useful in the design of products
PD7 / Apply the elements and principles of design and processes associated with design as they apply to product design

1.  You will create 3 or 4 sketches of your product ideas ON THE PAPER PROVIDED. Attach to this booklet.

2.  In consultation with the teacher, you will select one sketch to develop into a two point perspective drawing ON THE PAPER PROVIDED. Attach to this booklet.

3. You will create a model in modelling clay of your product.

3.  You will create a prototype of your product using the materials supplied

and any materials which you bring in to add authenticity to your product.

Part 3. Product Development (10 pts)

PD1 / Demonstrate knowledge of the factors which influence effective product design
PD2 / Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human form in the design of products (ergonomics)
PD3 / Describe how the design of products may be affected by the environment in which they are to be used including extreme and toxic environments
PD4 / Describe the responsibility designers have toward the human and natural environments

In this section, you will outline in as much detail as possible, the materials required to manufacture your product, any safety testing or regulations which must be met and how it will be packaged. Keep in mind the environmental concerns for least amount of packaging and ecofriendly materials. Be sure to comment on how your product meets these requirements.

Part 4. Communication Design (20 pts)

CD1 / Use a variety of communication tools to design and create texts for a range of purposes
CD2 / Identify and interpret the strategies used to create texts for specific purposes

In this section, you will create an advertising campaign to promote your product. You must create one print ad and one other type of advertisement

which could be created using the programs available on our computers.

Attach your sketches to this booklet.

In the space below explain who your target audience is.

In the space below explain why you chose this approach to advertise your product and in what media it would be published.

Part 5. Environmental Design (10 pts)

BE2 / Describe how the environment has an impact on design
BE5 / Describe the responsibility design has toward the human and natural environments
PD3 / Describe how the design of products may be affected by the environment in which they are to be used including extreme and toxic environments
PD4 / Describe the responsibility designers have toward the human and natural environments

Describe the materials which will be used in the manufacture of your product. Are they environmentally friendly? Explain.

Describe the packaging for your product. Is it environmentally friendly? Explain.

Part E. Product Exhibition and Reflection on the Design Process (20 pts)

Your completed product will be on display and be evaluated according the attached rubric.

In your own words, reflect on the work you have done in creating this product. How has it been successful?

What part(s) would you change if you could? Why?

Design 11 Rubrics for the Examination

Design Proposal (Problem and Brief) 15 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Design Problem / Student exceeds
the standard for describing the main design problems in this project. / Student has described the main design problems in this project. / Student approaches describing the main design problems in this project. / Student attempts describing
the main design problems in this project.
Design Brief / Student exceeds the standard for a written brief which clearly states what the student will construct based on problems and constraints. / Student has written a brief which clearly states what the student will construct based on the design problems and constraints. / Student approaches writing a brief which clearly states what the student will construct based on the design problems and constraints. / Student attempts a brief which clearly states what the student will construct based on the design problems and constraints.writing
Communication of information / Student exceeds the standard for clearly communicating the required information. / Student has clearly communicated the required information. / Student approaches clearly communicating the required information. / Student attempts clearly communicating the required information.
Total Score

Design Proposal (Drawing, Model and Prototype) 25 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Drawing / Student exceeds the standard for a neat drawing which accurately describes the project. / Student renders a drawing which is neat and accurately describes the project. / Student approaches rendering a drawing which is neat and accurately describes the project. / Student attempts rendering a drawing which is neat and accurately describes the project.
Model / Student exceeds the standard for creating a plasticine model which is closely based on the original drawing. / Student creates a plasticine model which is closely based on the original drawing. / Student approaches creating a plasticine model which is closely based on the original drawing. / Student attempts creating a plasticine model which is closely based on the original drawing.
Prototype / Student exceeds the standard for a prototype in suitable material which is closely based on the model and drawing. / Student creates a prototype in suitable material which is closely based on the model and drawing. / Student approaches creating a prototype in suitable material which is closely based on the model and drawing. / Student attempts creating a prototype in suitable material which is closely based on the model and drawing.
Time on Task / Student exceeds the standard for finishing the work within the given time frame. / Students uses his or her time well and finishes the work within the given time frame. / Student approaches using his or her time well and finishes the work within the given time frame. / Student attempts using his or her time well and finishes the work within the given time frame.
Total Score

Product Development (Design Build) 10 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Materials / Student exceeds meets the standard of creating a product with appropriate materials and closely resembling the original drawing. / Student creates a product with appropriate materials and closely resembling the original drawing. / Student approaches creating a product with appropriate materials and closely resembling the original drawing. / Student attempts creating a product with appropriate materials and closely resembling the original drawing.
Safety / Student exceeds the standard for outlining the safety features of the product in a complete manner. / Student outlines the safety features of the product in a complete manner. / Student approaches outlining the safety features of the product in a complete manner. / Student attempts outlining the safety features of the product in a complete manner.
Environmental Concerns / Student exceeds the standard for explaining the environmental impacts of the design in a thorough manner. / Student explains the environmental impacts of the design in a thorough manner. / Student approaches explaining the environmental impacts of the design in a thorough manner. / Student attempts explaining the environmental impacts of the design in a thorough manner.
Total Score

Communication Design 20 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Target Audience / Student exceeds
The standard for describing the target audience for the ad campaign. / Student clearly describes the target audience for the ad campaign. / Student approaches describing the target audience for the ad campaign. / Student attempts
describing the target audience for the ad campaign.
Print Ad / Student exceeds the standard for creating a print ad suitable for the target audience. / Student creates a print ad suitable for the target audience. / Student approaches creating a print ad suitable for the target audience. / Student attempts creating a print ad suitable for the target audience.
Other Ad / Student exceeds the standard for creating an alternative ad suitable for the target audience. / Student creates an alternative ad suitable for the target audience. / Student approaches creating an alternative ad suitable for the target audience. / Student attempts
Creating an alternative ad suitable for the target audience.
Communication of Information / Student exceeds the standard for communicating
an alternative ad suitable for the target audience. / Student clearly communicates the product’s features to the target audience. / Student approaches clearly communicating an alternative ad suitable for the target audience. / Student attempts
Clearly communicating
an alternative ad suitable for the target audience.
Total Score

Environmental Design 10 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Product Materials / Student exceeds the standard for describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for this product. / Student uses or describes the ideal eco-friendly materials for this product. / Student approaches describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for this product. / Student attempts describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for this product.
Packaging Materials / Student exceeds the standard for describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for the packaging of this product. / Student uses or describes the ideal eco-friendly materials for the packaging of this product. / Student approaches describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for the packaging of this product. / Student attempts describing the ideal eco-friendly materials for the packaging of this product.
Communication of Information / Student exceeds the standard for communicating the information required. / Student clearly communicates the information required. / Student approaches communicating the information required. / Student attempts communicating the information required.
Total Score

Designer Show and Reflection 20 points

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Innovation / Student exceeds the standard for a design product that is innovative and unique; not a copy of an existing product. / Student’s design product is innovative and unique; not a copy of an existing product. / Student’s design product approaches being innovative and unique; not a copy of an existing product / Student’s design product attempts being innovative and unique; not a copy of an existing product
Exhibit / Student’s display exceeds the standard for enhancing the design product. / Student’s display enhances the design product. / Student’s display approaches enhancing the design product. / Student’s display attempts enhancing the design product.
Communication of Information / Student exceeds the standard for clearly communicating the required information about his/her design product. / Student clearly communicates the required information about his/her design product. / Student approaches clearly communicating the required information about his/her design product. / Student attempts clearly communicating the required information about his/her design product.
Overall Presentation / Student exceeds the standard for making an effort of present his/her design product in a positive manner. / Student makes an effort of present his/her design product in a positive manner. / Student approaches making an effort of present his/her design product in a positive manner. / Student attempts making an effort of present his/her design product in a positive manner.
Total Score