Meeting #2
October 2, 2016
Room #273
II. ROLL CALL – 10:04 AM
Office / Name / Start / End
President / Chelsea Ott / P / P
Vice President / Nicholas Falci / P / P
Evening Vice President / Nakicha Joseph / P / P
Secretary / Joseph DiCarlo / P / P
Treasurer / Jason Sumbaly / P / P
Social Chair / Sierra Kresin / P / P
Parliamentarian / Timothy Gonzalez / P / P
Office / Name / Start / End
4L Senator / Christopher O’Hearn / P / P
Latoya Dawkins / A / A
3L Senator / Paul Agrapidis / A / A
Joe Dellera / P / P
Jesse Lieberman / A / P
Beata Safari / A / A
Brent Saferstein / P / P
Porter Strickler / A / A
3LE Senator / Justin Roxas / A / A
(vacant) / A / A
2L Senator / Mary Bessemer / A / A
Zachary Hansen / P / P
Max Mescall / P / P
Ameya Pendse / P / P
Daniel Roman / A / A
Logan Stagnitto / P / P
2LE Senator / Ahmad Aburas / A / A
Andrew Landman / A / A
Christopher Medina / A / A
1L Senator / Omar Debs / P / P
Andreas Diakos / P / P
Brooke Emery / P / P
Claire McSherry / P / P
Marjan Moussavian / A / A
Ali Thompson / P / P
1LE Senator / Robert Jenkin / P / P
Tamires Oliveira / P / P
Vanessa Pinto / P / P
No. Present: 14
Quorum: Yes / No. Present: 14
Organization / Start
Arab Law Student Association / P
Asian Pacific American Law Students Association / P
Black Law Student Association / A
Corporate Law Society / P
Criminal Law Society / A
Employment Law Forum / P
Entertainment and Sports Law Society / P
Environmental Law Society / A
Evening Student Forum / A
Family Law Society / P
Federalist Society / P
Health Law Forum / P
Intellectual Property Law Association / P
International Law Society / A
Irish American Student Law Society / P
Jewish Law Society / A
LAMBDA Law Alliance / P
Latin American Law Student Association / P
Muslim Law Students Association / A
Public Interest Network / P
Real Estate Law Association / P
Rodino Society / A
Sports Club / P
St. Thomas Moore / P
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund / P
Tax Law Society / P
Student Veteran’s Association / A
Women’s Law Forum / P
a. Approval of September 11, 2016 Meeting Minutes
a. Senator Pendse – Suggests that we don’t have meetings on long weekends because of the issue of having quorum
i. President Ott – only a few meetings a year, so we try our best. We appreciate all of you that are here and we will pass that information to the next year’s E-Board.
b. Entertainment and Sports Law Society – Thursday, October 6th at Taste
c. Student Veteran’s Association - going to be sponsoring a study hall on Fridays
i. Going to try and get a room booked and will let everyone know
a. Chelsea Ott, President
i. Moment of Silence
1. Recognized
ii. Important upcoming dates
1. President Ott: Highlighted some of the important dates and events coming up; list of events below
- Stressed the Peter Harvey Diversity Speaks – October 17
iii. Motion to Approve the minutes from last meeting – Senator Stagnito
1. Motion Passes
Fall Break
October 9 – October 16
Diversity Speaks
October 17 at 4pm in the Larson Auditorium
Rodino Banquet
October 19 at 6pm in the Newark Club
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
October 20 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
Diwali Dinner
October 24 at 4pm in the Student Lounge
SBA Meeting
October 30 at 10am in Room 273
Tax Law Panel
November 3 at 4pm in the Faculty Library
Mentor and Mentee Lunch/Dinner
November 8 at 12pm (Day groups) and 4:30pm (Evening groups)
Holiday Party
November 17 at Maize in Newark
SBA Meeting
November 20 at 10am in Room 273
Reading Days
December 2 – December 5
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
January 19 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
SBA Meeting
January 29 at 10am in Room 273
Chinese New Year
January 30 at 4pm in the Student Lounge
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
February 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
Circuit Review and Legislative Journal Joint Symposium
February 15
SBA Meeting
February 19 at 10am in Room 273
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
March 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
SBA Meeting
March 19 at 10am in Room 273
Barristers Ball
March 31 at Maritime Park in Jersey City
SBA Meeting
April 9 at 10am in Room 273
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
April 20 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
b. Nicholas Falci, Vice President
i. Approval of Committees
1. Happy about the amount of interest, especially from 1Ls
2. Looking forward to reading committee reports
3. If anyone new is recruited to your committees, lease let Vice President Falci know
4. Suggests meetings around 5pm to accommodate evening students
ii. Mentor Update
1. Good to see the mentors helping 1Ls, especially with outlines
2. Mentor/Mentee mixer is going to be a great event
- It’s a good way to relax after the break, but before finals
iii. Committee Update
c. Nakicha Joseph, Evening Vice President
i. Relaying information to your sections
1. Make sure you are emailing and relaying your information to your sections
2. Senator Oliveira – Can we get a retype of all of the dates/minutes for our sections
- President Ott – yes (agreed by Secretary DiCarlo)
d. Jason Sumbaly, Treasurer
i. New Budget with Appeals (attached in email to Senators)
1. Allocated the rest of the budget
2. $200 left in case of appeals
ii. Recognized – Sierra for Fall Fest, Chelsea for Symposium on Thursday
e. Joseph DiCarlo, Secretary
i. Master contact list
1. I will finish it soon, please get your info in
ii. Organization/Senator Nameplates
1. They are all here!
iii. Oops! Box
1. Coming soon
f. Sierra Kresin, Social Chair
i. Recap - Fall Fest
1. Hope you all had fun!
ii. Holiday Party – 11/17
1. Looking forward to it, planning in progress
2. A little more formal than Fall Fest
g. Timothy Gonzalez, Parliamentarian
i. Robert’s Rules
1. Please no more laptops; if everyone needs agendas, Parliamentarian Gonzalez can print them out
2. Need to Suspend the Bylaws to vote on New Business
- Senator Dellera – “YOLO”
ii. LALSA – Goals for justice – Soccer tournament; end of October
1. Senator Saferstein – Law Schools from the City come as well
a. Motion to Suspend the Bylaws to move New Business to Old Business
i. Motion Passes
a. Approval of Committees – Nick Falci
i. Motion made to approve by Senator Stagnitto, committees pass as approved
b. Vote to Approve theLeadership Fellows Initiative (LFI) as Provisional Organization
i. Jason Castle speaks on behalf of the program
1. Senator Mescall – reasons it shouldn’t pass
a. Senator Pensde – Question about Professor Franzese
b. Senator Mescall – Professor Franzese told Castle that it may not be a good idea to move forward with the club
2. Senator Thompson – Question to President Ott
a. President Ott – spoke about her conversation with Castle
3. Senator Stagnitto – worried about new initiatives
4. Secretary DiCarlo – not ready
a. Needs to be more focused
b. Funding going forward
5. Treasurer Sumbaly – needs to be a separate and distinct entity for the class
a. There are other opportunities to help in Newark
6. President Ott – should work instead with Senator Emery’s Committee, the Community Outreach Committee to get awareness out for their events
7. Parliamentarian Gonzalez – can work with St. Thomas Moore; there are other ways for this club to get involved
iii. Motion to Vote – Senator Dellera
1. Motion to approve does not pass – Organization does not pass
2. Unanimous rejection of the organization; abstention from Senator Mescall
iv. Senator Oliveira – question for clarification about the club
1. Treasurer Sumbaly – Clarifies for her
v. Senator Hansen – there should be a rule against asking other organizations for money
1. President Ott – there is no rule, but the Org leaders do not have to agree
2. Senator Pendse – can always make a rule in the constitution
a. President Ott
i. Social Chair Kresin – fall fest
ii. Dean Marabale – for all of your work with student organizations
iii. Entertainment/Sports – Taste football events are great
iv. Judges Reception – great event, good for our students
v. Rodino Bocce Ball
b. Senator Pendse
i. Happy Rosh Hashana to our Jewish Members
1. Appreciate not having class so they can celebrate
c. Secretary DiCarlo
i. Good luck 1Ls on the midterm!
a. Treasurer Sumbaly
i. Federalist Society will be having a meeting soon
b. Senator Hansen – Entertainment and Sports Law Society
i. General Meeting for the society will be announced soon
ii. Taste venue events will continue on Thursdays
c. President Ott
i. Committee leaders please be ready to give a brief recap of your committee’s progress at the next meeting
a. Senator Dellera – motion to adjourn
i. Motion passes – Meeting adjourned