Students Entering Fifth Grade

Summer Reading Books

Choosetwo books from the list below to read over the 2016 summer. You must have the projects completed on the first day of school,Tuesday, August 16, 2016. You are to create a hanging mobile and a movie poster for your two books.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyleby Avi

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Blood on the River: Jamestown 1607 by Elisa Carbone

Fever by Laurie Halse Anderson

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis

The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

Savy by Ingrid Law

If you have any questions about summer reading, please email one of the fifth grade teachers at or .

Happy Reading,

Mrs. Heinen & Mrs. O’Donnell

Hanging Mobile Book Report

Instructions:Create a hanging mobile that tells about one of your summer reading books.

The top should include your name, the author, and title. Use a wire hanger.

Components:On all components, illustrations on one side and text on the other in complete sentences – type all text

  1. Characters – Describe 1-3 main characters in the book. Write about their background, physical traits, personality, and a key event that has affected them in the story. Describe how the character has changed throughout the book. Included a picture of the character. If you have more than one main character, create more than one hanging component for this category.
  1. Problem/Solution – What was the main conflict in the book, and how was it resolved? Draw a picture on the back that represents the conflict.
  1. Setting – Where and when did this story take place? Draw the setting on the back.
  1. Vocabulary – Write 10 words from the book that you learned. Write the definitions of the words. You do not need to illustrate.
  1. Review – Write a review for the book. Would you recommend this book to other students? Why or why not?

Hanging Mobile Book Report Rubric

5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Components / Project includes required elements (main characters, problem/solution, setting, review vocabulary, and figurative language) / Project includes all elements, but 1 of the elements does not include enough detail. / 1 or 2 of the elements are missing or the information required is incomplete. / More than 2 of the required elements are missing. The information is incomplete or incorrect.
Title, Author, and Name Card / The
title/author/name card is clearly labeled and creatively presented. / The title/author/name card is clearly labeled and easy to read. / The title/author/na-me card is missing key information or incorrect. / The title/author/name card is missing.
Graphics & Pictures / Graphics/illustrat-ions go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. / Graphics/illustrat-ions go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. / There are only 1 or 2 illustrations or the illustrations do not match the text. / No graphics or illustrations are included.
Attractiveness & Organization / The mobile is neatly completed, exceptionally attractive and well organized. / The mobile is neatly completed, attractive formatting and organized. / The mobile is organized, but could be neater. / The mobile is poorly organized and is not neatly completed.
Writing & Mechanics / Spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation are correct throughout the mobile. / There are 1 or 2 spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation errors. / There are 3-5 spelling, grammar, capitalization errors. / There are numerous spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation errors.

Movie Poster Book Report

Project Description: Create a movie poster that advertises one of the novels you have just read.


  • Must be created on a small,poster board (about 12” x 18”)
  • Title of novel must be in large writing and should stand out on your movie poster. Your name will appear on the poster as either the director or producer. A major illustration or picture should be the focus of your poster. It should give the audience a good idea of the theme of the novel.
  • A minimum of one critic review shall be incorporated on the poster. It can be about one of the following: a) focus on the plot (What were the major problems in the book) b) focus on the characters (Did anyone do anything interesting, special, or courageous)
  • The main characters of the novel will be the “cast” in your “movie”.
  • Choose famous movie stars or television stars that you know of and “cast” them in the different character roles for your “movie”. The “stars” of your “movie” should be named on your poster.
  • The movie poster must have a graphics and pictures that representthe plot or theme of the novel.
  • A rating of the novel must be on the poster. Example: “Four stars! Recommended for the movie fan seeking a suspenseful and exciting adventure!” OR “Two thumbs down! Not recommended for the movie fan that hopes to be entertained and thrilled.”
  • Notes: a) This movie poster should reflect several weeks of thought and work. Detail, creativity, and neatness will be heavily considered in the grading process. b) You may use different types of art supplies for your poster (marker, paint, glitter, color pencils, crayons, etc.). Be creative!

Movie Poster Rubric

5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Title, Author, and Name / Poster includes title, author, and your name in a creative way. / Poster includes title, author, and name. / 1 or 2 of the elements are missing or the information is incomplete. / More than 2 of the required elements are missing. The information is incomplete or incorrect.
Critic Review / Poster includes a well-developed and creative review. / Poster includes review. / Poster includes review but is off topic and does not answer the questions. / The review is missing.
Movie Stars / Movie stars are assigned to the main characters in the book with their names displayed clearly. / Movie stars are assigned to most of the characters. / 1 or 2 of the elements are missing or the information is incomplete. / More than 2 of the required elements are missing. The information is incomplete or incorrect.
Rating & Recommendation / Poster includes a rating and descriptive recommendation for those who should read the book. / Poster includes a rating and recommendation. / 1 of the elements are missing or the information is incomplete. / More than 2 of the required elements are missing. The information is incomplete or incorrect.
Graphics & Pictures / Poster includes graphics and pictures that clearly represent the novel in a creative and meaningful way. / Poster includes graphics and pictures that relate to the novel. / Graphics and pictures do not represent the book. / Poster does not include any graphics or pictures.