Anne M. Leahy, ci/ct/nad v
P.O. Box #1244 Falls Church, VA 22041-1244 703.627.5592
Selected Workshop / Conference Highlights
The parenthetical numbers listed in the first column indicate how many times the group hired me that year. I have included ample work in the interpreting field, demonstrating my colleagues’ confidence in my skills at their own events. The ‘*’ indicates working with a Deaf presenter and # coordination services.
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenterColloquia/Presentations50+* #
GeorgetownCenter for the Study of LearningNeuroscience Research 20+ * #
Department of Homeland SecurityLegal and Public Policy Events50+* #
American Association of People w / DisabilitiesNational Meetings and Events 12 * #
Federal Communications CommissionPolicy Meetings12*
World BankInternational Development4
Business Leadership NetworkPolicy Meetings2*
Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.Policy, Advocacy, and Internal Mtgs7*
Department of EducationPolicy Meetings2 #
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenterColloquia/Presentations50+* #
GeorgetownCenter for the Study of LearningNeuroscience Research 20+ * #
Department of Homeland SecurityLegal and Public Policy Events50+* #
American Association of People w / DisabilitiesNational Meetings and Events 11 * #
National Emergency Management AssociationMid-year Conference2 * #
Registry of Interpreters for the DeafCommittee Meetings3
Take Back AmericaNational Conference4 * #
Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.Policy, Advocacy, and Internal Mtgs6*
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenterColloquia/Presentations50+* #
GeorgetownCenter for the Study of LearningNeuroscience Research 20+ * #
Department of Homeland SecurityLegal and Public Policy Events50+* #
Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe Mock Trial Legal Training6* #
World BankInternational Development9
American Association of People w / DisabilitiesNational Meetings and Events 11 * #
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenterColloquia/Presentations50+* #
Department of Homeland SecurityLegal and Public Policy Events50+* #
GeorgetownCenter for the Study of LearningNeuroscience Research 20+ * #
American Sign Language Teachers AssociationLegislative Policy and Advocacy 3 * #
National Council on DisabilityPublic Policy and Media Events6*
World BankInternational Development6
Deaf Studies TodayAcademic Presentations 3 *
Registry of Interpreters for the DeafRegional Conference3*
National Organization on DisabilityNational Preparedness Conference3* #
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
Potomac Chapter of the RIDBoard Meetings2*
Registry of Interpreters for the DeafNational Conference[1]6*
Deaf History InternationalInternational Conference [2]5*
Department of Education Region 10Deaf/Rehab Conference [3]3*
NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenterColloquia/Presentations50+* #
ASLTALegislative Lobbying3*
National Council on DisabilityPolicy and Legislative Meetings5*
History Through Deaf EyesDocumentary Pre-Interviews 3*
Atlantic Corridor Cultural ExchangeIrish Delegation Tour2*
US International Council on DisabilityBoard Meeting2
Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe Mock Trial Legal Training6* #
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
Potomac Chapter of the RIDAffiliate Chapter Conference2*
Maryland Office of the Deaf/HHTown Hall Meeting1*
World Health OrganizationInternational Conference [4]5*
ParalympicsBoard Meeting1*
Potomac Chapter of the RIDBusiness Meeting1
Maryland Relay ServiceBoard Meetings2*
National Council on Independent LivingNational Conference1
The Deaf Way IIInternational Conference7*
JFKCenter for the Performing ArtsAudio Describer Training5
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
Nat'l Assoc of School PsychologistsNational Convention3*
Amer. Assoc of People w/ DisabilitiesBoard Meetings2*
Deaf Way II Artists SymposiumPlanning Committee1*
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing in Gov'tNational Training Conf.3*
Registry of Interpreters for the DeafNational Conference [5]6*
Nat’l Federation of the Deaf of MexicoInternational Conference [6]3*
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
MicroStrategy, Inc.Annual Business Meeting7
AAAS (Amer. Assoc for Advancement of Science)National Convention3 *
Deaf and HH in Federal GovernmentNational Training Conference3*
Very Special Arts of MexicoThird International Congress [7]3*
Int’l Psycho-Social Rehab ServicesInternational Conference2*
American Behavioral AssociationNational Convention3
National Nutrition SummitNational Conference2
USA Deaf Sports FederationInternational Baseball Trnmt4*
National Association of the DeafNational Convention [8]5*
RID Region II Regional Conference2*
American Psychological AssociationNational Convention5
TISLR (Theoretical Issues in Sign Lang. Research)International Conference [9] 4 *
All events took place in the Washington, DC metro area.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
GallaudetUniversity Alumni Assoc.Meeting and Training2*
Gallaudet Legal Interpreting SeriesWorkshop 2
Federal Deaf Employees National Training Conference1
Gallaudet Nat’l Mission Programs (2)Shared Reading Project6*
GallaudetUniversityInternational Educator Training2*
Nat’l Council of Independent Living National Conference4
Potomac Chapter of RIDAnnual Meeting2*
HarvardUniversityInnovations In American Gov’t 3 *
Assoc. of Late-Deafened AdultsNational Convention1*
Maryland Association of the DeafStatewide Convention1*
All events took place in Chicago, Illinois unless otherwise indicated.
Title of Organization/EventDescriptionDays BookedRoles
Illinois RID (2)Board Meetings1*
National Arts in Education Assoc.National Conference3
Region III RID ConventionWorkshops and Training5*
Chicago Linguistics SocietyAcademic Papers / Discussion2*
Association of Late-Deafened AdultsNational Conference3*
Illinois RIDLegal Interpreting Workshop1*
Illinois RIDBiennialState Conference1
Indiana RIDAnnual Convention2*
Disabled Peoples InternationalWorld Assembly [10]5*
ColumbiaCollege ITDDeaf Culture Lecture Course17*
[1]Chicago, Illinois
[2]Paris, France
[3]Seattle, Washington
[4]Trieste, Italy
[5]Orlando, Florida
[6]Mexico City, Mexico
[7]Mexico City, Mexico
[8]Norfolk, Virginia
[9]Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[10]Mexico City, Mexico