Español I - Semestre I

Jill Hutchins

763-571-9116 ext 714

A. Instructional Objectives

By the end of this semester:

·  Students will understand basic spoken and written Spanish about topics such as greetings and leave-takings, the classroom, school life and family.

·  Students will demonstrate the skills necessary to speak and write about these topics in Spanish.

B. Expectations

In order for students to be the most successful in acquiring their new language, they must fully and actively be engaged during class. This means students are to do their very best to actively listen every day as well as fully participate in all activities. Participation in the activities is how students will "try out" their new Spanish skills. The most successful language students have fun with the language, are willing to take risks, and are not afraid to make mistakes.

Students are expected to have the utmost respect and support for one another. While having fun, students will refrain from talking while others are talking, and not make unwanted or hurtful comments to others.

What to bring to class each day:

·  Your covered textbook, activity book and practice book

·  Your completed homework. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! However, you will receive THREE late homework passes per SEMESTER.

·  Your Spanish 3-ring binder (1½ inches, with an ample supply of loose leaf paper)


Tardy policy: Be in the classroom when the bell rings. If you arrive late you must have a pass or you will be tardy. After the second unexcused tardy, you will receive a skip for the class and the skipping rule will go into effect. Two skips result in failure of the class. (See student handbook, page 20.)


Students who demonstrate academic dishonesty by any of the following means will receive a zero on the assignment or task, a referral to an administrator, and a parental notification, Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:

·  Copying an assignment or response on a test

·  Submitting original writing (sentences, paragraphs, projects, etc.) that is identical or nearly identical to that of another student

·  Misusing technology (i.e. using an Internet translator as anything more than a dictionary)

·  Sharing information about the content of a test or a quiz with a student who has not taken it.

·  Submitting work that has been written OR revised by someone else.

Please refer to the handbook pp. 13-15 for a more thorough explanation of academic integrity at TG.

If you are disrespectful and/or disruptive, you can expect one or more of the following:

·  A warning

·  A conference with me, after class or after school

·  A phone call to your parents or guardians

·  A conference with you, me, and your parents or guardians

·  If there are repeated offenses, or a serious offense, there will be an office referral to Mr. Ferguson

C. The grading scale:

100-94 A / 93-90 / A-
89-87 / B+ / 86-84 / B / 83-80 / B-
79-77 / C+ / 76-74 / C / 73-70 / C-
69-67 / D+ / 66-64 / D / 63-60 / D-
59-0 / F

Tests and quizzes - 40%

Tests are usually given at the end of a unit. Retakes are not an option. You are encouraged to review at home on a daily basis, participate actively in class, do your daily assignments and see me if you need extra help. If you do all of these things, you should be well prepared by the time unit exams are given.

Homework - 40%

Homework is your opportunity to practice and refine the skills necessary to be successful. Homework is assigned daily and will be checked each class period. No credit is received for late work! However, you will receive three free homework passes to be used for the semester. Your work is required on time and needs to be completed before class begins.

Participation - 10%

Each day in class provides you the opportunity to practice your Spanish skills, especially speaking and listening. Participation points can be earned by utilizing your Spanish during classroom activities, being prepared for class (remembering to bring your covered textbook, workbook, binder, writing utensils, etc.) and staying on task when working alone, with a partner, or with a group. Any behavior that is off task, including not utilizing Spanish when expected for certain activities, can lead to negative participation points. If you have any concerns about participating, please see me.

Midterm Assessment 5% / Final Exam - 5%

Student grades can be viewed on Powerschool. Please use this resource to check student progress. Students should reconcile any discrepancies as soon as they notice them. If students need any additional help or support, please don’t hesitate to ask!



I have read and understand the Policies and Expectations of Spanish 1. I agree to comply and to do my best to make this a positive and productive semester.

Signature of Student: ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______