Name / John SampleE-mail /
Telephone number / +420 123 456 789
Study programme / Ekonomické teorie
Study branch / Ekonomie
Enrolment date into the study programme / 22. 9. 2014
Standard length of study / 4 years
Form of study / Prezenční (regular attendance)
Institute / IES FSV UK
Supervisor / Prof. RNDr. Karel Školitel, CSc.
Supervisor’s work place / institute / IES FSV UK
Supervisor’s email /
Consultant (if assigned) / ---
Consultant’s work place / institute / ---
Consultant’s email / ---
Doctoral dissertation theme:
The impact of oil prices on the operation of small, medium-sized and large companies in the Czech Republic
The work will deal with ...
Selective list of references:
Will, S, Thorton, M. (1997). An economic model of everything. Quarterly Journal of Economics 12 (1), pp. 85-114.
Form and scope of the dissertation:
Time-schedule of progress on the dissertation:
1st year of study:
Work on the first dissertation article with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
2nd year of study:
Work on the second dissertation article with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
3rd year of study:
Completion of the dissertation with the third article, "Effect of oil prices on large firms companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
4th year of study:
Pre-defense and Defense of the dissertation.
Scheduled date of the state doctoral examination: / November 2016
Scheduled date of the pre-defence: / November 2017
Scheduled date of the defence of the dissertation: / May 2018
Publications required to register for the state doctoral exam and defence:
1st year of study:
· Publication of an IES WP based on my diploma thesis, with an expected title "The best of the thesis". This WP will be a joint work with my diploma thesis supervisor Karel Školitel.
· Submission to the IES WP series with an expected "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
· Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database. The paper will be based on my diploma thesis, with an expected title "The best of the thesis". In case of very positive reviews on the IES WP version, we first plan to submit to the famous Journal of Best Diploma Theses (5-year IF = 0.6). In case of rejection in this journal or in case of less positive reviews from IES WP we send the paper to the Journal of Almost Best Diploma Theses (Scopus journal without impact factor), followed by the Journal of Very Good Diploma Theses, Bulletin of Diploma Theses, and Diploma Theses Letters (all Scopus journals without impact factor).
· Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad". In case of very positive reviews on the IES WP version, we first plan to submit to the famous journal Energy Policy (5-year IF = 1.9). In case of rejection in this journal or in case of less positive reviews from IES WP we send the paper to the Journal of Energy and Development (Scopus magazine without impact factor), followed by the Journal of Energy Finance and Development, Energy Studies Review, and Resources and Energy (all Scopus journals without impact factor). The next steps in this "submission tree" will be Prague Economic Papers and AUCO Czech Economic Review.
2nd year of study:
Submission to the IES WP series with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
3rd year of study:
Submission to the IES WP series with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on large companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on large companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
4th year of study: Finishing of the dissertation thesis.
Exams, courses (code / name / semester / form of completion):
1st year of study:
WS: JED109 Alternative Approaches to Economic Modeling
SS: JED415 Quantitative Methods II
2nd year of study:
WS: JED209 Economics and Law in Banking and Finance
SS: JED415 Quantitative Methods II
3rd year of study:
WS: JED309 Economic Theory, Policy and Measurement
SS: JED415 Quantitative Methods II
4th year of study:
WS: JED412 Nonlinear Dynamic Economic Systems: Theory and Applications
SS: JED415 Quantitative Methods II
Internships and stays abroad:
2nd year of study: six-month stay at the LSE. During the stay ...
Grant activities:
1st year of study: application to the Grant Agency of the UK competition with an expected topic ... In case my project will not be accepted for financing, I will submit new application in subsequent years of study.Next, I will apply for a GDN grant entitled ...
By the end of the 4th year of study, I will actively participate in at least two international scientific conferences.Others:
Teaching WS 2014/2015: JEB003 - Economics I
Teaching SS 2014/2015: JEB004 - Economics II
Teaching WS 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018: one seminar
Teaching SS 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018: one seminar
Time-schedule of progress on the dissertation:
Work on the first dissertation article with the expected title "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
Scheduled publications:
· Publication of an IES WP based on my diploma thesis, with an expected title "The best of the thesis". This WP will be a joint work with my diploma thesis supervisor Karel Školitel.
· Submission to the IES WP series with an expected "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad".
· Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database. The paper will be based on my diploma thesis, with an expected title "The best of the thesis". In case of very positive reviews on the IES WP version, we first plan to submit to the famous Journal of Best Diploma Theses (5-year IF = 0.6). In case of rejection in this journal or in case of less positive reviews from IES WP we send the paper to the Journal of Almost Best Diploma Theses (Scopus journal without impact factor), followed by the Journal of Very Good Diploma Theses, Bulletin of Diploma Theses, and Diploma Theses Letters (all Scopus journals without impact factor).
· Submission to a foreign journal listed in the Scopus database with an expected title "Effect of oil prices on small companies in the Czech Republic and abroad". In case of very positive reviews on the IES WP version, we first plan to submit to the famous journal Energy Policy (5-year IF = 1.9). In case of rejection in this journal or in case of less positive reviews from IES WP we send the paper to the Journal of Energy and Development (Scopus magazine without impact factor), followed by the Journal of Energy Finance and Development, Energy Studies Review, and Resources and Energy (all Scopus journals without impact factor). The next steps in this "submission tree" will be Prague Economic Papers and AUCO Czech Economic Review.
Exams and courses:
WS: JED109 Alternative Approaches to Economic Modeling
SS: JED415 Quantitative Methods II
Internships and stays abroad:
Grant activities:
Application to the Grant Agency of the UK competition with an expected topic ...
Submission of a contribution "..." to the international conference Computations in Economics and Finance 2015, London.
Teaching WS 2014/2015: JEB003 - Economics I
Teaching SS 2014/2015: JEB004 - Economics II
Supervisor PhD student
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Place: ...... date:...... Place:...... date:......
Approved by the Subject Area Board of the doctoral study programme / branch …………......
Date of approval …………………………..
Chair of the Subject Area Board
Place:……………...... date:…………………......