Friday 7 June 2013
Conference Room 4ER, St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh
Calum Campbell – Chief Executive NHS Borders (Chair)
Alan Boyter – Director of HR and Organisational Development, NHS Lothian
Annie Buchanan – Nursing Director, NHS Fife
John Callaghan – Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
John Connaghan - Director of Health Workforce and Performance, Scottish Government
Stewart Donnelly – Royal College of Nursing
Sharon Duncan - Unite
Derek Feeley – Director General, Health and Social Care, Scottish Governmentand Chief Executive, NHSScotland
Theresa Fyffe – Director, Royal College of Nursing
Donald Harley for Martin Woodrow –British Medical Association
Aileen Keel – Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Government
Rona King – Director of HR, NHS Fife
Derek Lindsay – Director of Finance, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Patricia McNally – Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
Lilian Macer - Unison
John Matheson – Director of Health Finance, Scottish Government
Hugh Masters for Ros Moore – Scottish Government
Jackie Mitchell for Gillian Smith – Royal College of Midwives
Mark O’Donnell for Jill Vickerman – Scottish Government
Shirley Rogers – Deputy Director, Workforce, Scottish Government
Elizabeth Stow – Scotland officer, Society of Radiographers
Lyn Turner - Unite
Sally Winning – British Medical Association (via Video Conference)
In attendance:
Karen Algie for Laura Simpson, Society of Personnel & Development (SPDS)
Marilyn Barrett – Scottish Government
Anna Gilbert – Scottish Government
Annie Ingram – NHS Grampian
Lynne Khindria – NHS Lothian
Lorraine Johnstone – Scottish Government
Janice Lennen - Scottish Government (Minute)
Janis Millar - MSG
Liz Reilly – NHS Tayside
Garrick Smyth – COSLA
Kate Thomas – Scottish Government
Fiona Farmer – Unite
John Gallacher - UNISON
Lorraine Hall – NHS Shetland
Jane Hamilton, Head of Staff Governance and Employee ExperienceUnit, Scottish Government
Anne Hawkins – NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Colin McKenzie – COSLA
Pamela McLauchlan – Scottish Ambulance Service
Ros Moore – Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government
Claire Ronald – Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
Andrew Russell – NHS Tayside
Jacqui Simpson - Director of Regional Planning for South East and Tayside
Gillian Smith – Royal College of Midwives
Tom Waterson – UNISON
Jill Vickerman – Policy Director, the Quality Unit, Scottish Government
Martin Woodrow – Scottish secretary, British Medical Association
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members were informed of the list of apologies (noted above) and that the meeting today was quorate.
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes and summary of action points of meeting held on 5 February 2013
The minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2013were agreed by SPF members as an accurate record.
Progress on action points were noted and agreed.
Action: Garrick Smyth agreed to share a paper on Local Authorities Industrial Relations Model with SPF members. Garrick to forward paper to Janice Lennen for cascade around members.
Agenda Item 3 –Issues and learning for Scotland from Francis Report
Mark O’Donnell led a discussion around the Francis report into the “serious failings” at Mid-Staffordshire hospital. During the discussion the following points were noted:
- The report considers why the serious problems at the Trust were not identified and acted on sooner;
- The report makes 290 recommendations and highlights some important lessons for future patient care;
- Parts of the report concern issues which will need to be addressed on a UK basis such as professional regulation and many of the recommendations do not apply directly to Scotland;
- The report provides an important opportunity to reflect upon the Scottish model of healthcare and consider if current mechanisms and plans are sufficiently robust to meet the challenges highlighted by Francis. The failure to listen to staff and the loss of organisational focus on delivery of safe effective compassionate care;
- Scotland already has in place a range of measures to address many of these challenges e.g. Scottish Patient Safety Programme, Patient Rights Act, Person Centred Health and Care Collaborative; the new Confidential Alert Line and PIN polices;
- Scotland does not have any policies that prevent staff from raising concerns;
- The Scottish Government is committed to delivering safe, effective and person-centred care;
- The Quality Strategy and 2020 Route Map continues to underpin the Scottish approach to healthcare.
Outcome:SPF members noted the update and agreed that the challenges highlighted by the Francis report will inform the direction of travel for NHSScotland.
Agenda Item 4 – Integration of Health and Social Care
Kate Thomas provided a verbal update on progress Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill. During the update and discussion, the following points were made:
- The Bill has now been introduced to the Scottish Parliament;
- The Bill may change during its progress through Parliament;
- Secondary legislation will be created putting in place further requirements of statutory bodies as a result of the Act;
- The Bill is likely to be enacted in 2014 but regulations and consult through Parliament first;
- The Act is expected to come into force in April 2015;
- The Bill includesprovisions for a Chief Officer, (called a Joint Accountable Officer in the consultation), to be appointed by the IntegrationJoint Board within the body corporate model; and for the Chief Officer to be an employee of either the Health Board or Local Authority seconded to the Integration Joint Board;
- Some of the arrangements around this appointment have been included in the Bill because it is of key importance that Chief Officers are appointed at sufficiently senior level to exert influence and authority necessary to deliver what is required;
- Powers have been taken in the Bill for Ministers to make secondary legislation in relation to the staffing, employment, transfer or secondment of staff to the body corporate, although at this stage, transfers of staff in Scotland will neither be required nor prohibited under the legislation;
- Short Life Working Group (SLWG) members have drafted a Job Description, which has been evaluated in this generic format through Local Authority routes in 8 Council areas. 2 posts (based on the composite Job Description but actual substantive Job Descriptions) have been evaluated by the NHS National Evaluation Committee (NEC). The salary ranges are comparable to date, although each post will require to be evaluated separately as partnerships move forward;
The Workforce Development Strategic Group, led by Jim McGoldrick is working with NES and Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) on organisation development aspects of integration;
- Staffside members expressed concerns around Partnership working and the Integration agenda. Local Authorities have a different model of working with Staffside representatives fromthe NHS and NHS Staffside see this as crucial to getting the integration staff governance policies right.;
- The paper being provided by Garrick Smyth will confirm the Local Authority Industrial Relations Model.
Outcome: SPF noted the work in progress.
Action: Integration speaker notes to be circulated around SPF members. Completed
Agenda Item 5 – Financial Position of NHSScotland
John Matheson presented an update on the Financial Position of NHSScotland and during this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:
- Subject to audit review the provisional 2012/13 Financial Outturn for Health is Breakeven as previously forecast;
- The UK Comprehensive Spending review will be announced on 26 June 2013 – this will cover a one year period 2015 -16. We do not expect any further changes to the Scottish Government 2014 -15 figures beyond those announced within the 2012 Autumn Statement. A one year extension to the 2011 Scottish Spending Review will follow and will be announced in September 2013;
- NHS Boards Financial Plans for 2013 -14 were all signed off by 31 March 2013.
Outcome: SPF members noted the update and asked for a copy of the power-point sides to be cascaded around members.
Action: Janice Lennen to circulate power-point slides to SPF members. Completed
Agenda Item 6 – 2020 Workforce Vision
The 2020 Workforce Vision has been discussed by SPF members at numerous meetings. Marilyn Barrett presented an update and during this and subsequent discussion the following points were noted:
- 2020 Workforce Vision programme is progressing according to the project plan;
- The input of over 10,000 NHSScotland and other staff have informed the development of the Vision;
- The Vision has been named “Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision” and will be launched at the NHSScotland event on 12 June 2013 by Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing;
- An 8 page booklet “Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision” will be published on 11 June and includes the vision statement, NHSScotland core values, key messages, implementation arrangements and next steps;
- Staffside are asked to have a large presence at the NHS event to help support the launch of the Vision;
- An implementation framework is being developed, with the first of a series of annual implementation plans being developed for issue in November 2013.
Outcome: SPF members noted the update
Action: Janice Lennen to circulate power-point slides to SPF members. Completed
Agenda Item 7 – Staff Experience Project
Liz Reilly presented an update on the Staff Experience Project. During this presentation and the subsequent discussion, the following points were noted:
- This is a unique Co-production Model which may informand influence future NHS Staff Surveys;
- Systemic and Systematic with results delivered at team level and aggregated up to Board level
- Staff Governance principles become central to daily working lives;
- Produces accurate and reliable Employee Engagement Index;
- Enhances Corporate, Directorate and Team resilience;
- The outcome of this project provides a Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model which will support the aims and deliverables of the 2020 Workforce Vision;
- SWAG Committee will discuss the future implementation of the Staff Experience Framework across NHSScotland at their next meeting on 12 July 2013;
- SPF requested that the implementation roll-out timeline is sense checked through HRD network prior to going to SWAG Committee.
Outcome: Progress noted and it was acknowledged that this is an excellent piece of work.
Action: Janice Lennen to circulate power-point slides to SPF members. Completed
Action: Staff Experience Project to be invited back to a future SPF meeting
Agenda Item 8 – Quality Strategy
A paper “A Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care” was circulated to the group in advance of the meeting. Mark O’Donnell led a discussion on this paper and during the subsequent discussion the following points were noted.
- The Route Map describes 12 priority areas for action for pursuing the 2020 Vision for high quality sustainable health and social care services in three domains:
- the quality of care
- the health of the population
- value and financial sustainability
- These domains are often referred to as the “Triple Aim”;
- For each of these domains there will be a small number of priority areas for action, often building on existing work and all requiring focused attention and acceleration;
- The Route Map and its related priorities are now the context for all our future business planning, HEAT target setting, performance management and improvement activity;
- It also provides the context required to establish clarity and focus on how we will address the immediate and imminent challenges in securing the high quality and sustainable health and care services we are all committed to providing.
Outcome: SPF members noted the update on the Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care.
There was no other business raised.
Date of Next Meeting – The next SPF meeting will be held on Friday 9 October 2013 in Conference Rooms C, D & E, St. Andrews House, Edinburgh from 10.00 – 13.00. Chair will be John Gallacher.
Directorate for Health Workforce and Performance
Staff Governance and Employee Engagement
T: 0131-244-1718