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Patient Participation Annual Report and Patient Survey Results
River Lodge & Ringmer Surgeries’ Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The Practice’s PPG was originally formed in September 2011 and has continued to develop over the course of 2012-13 and 2013-14. There have been a number of changes to the Group’s members with the Chair and Secretary stepping down in November 2013 and two other members of the group also stepping down throughout the year. The Group now has a new Chairperson and Secretary in place.
At the start of the year, the demographics of the group included a 70:30 split between female and male members, with a 50:50 split of patients who attended each surgery. The age groups ranged from 45 to 79. The group also contained one carer.
Following the changes to members, there are now 5 active patient members in the group. This consists of an 80:20 split between female and male members, with a 60:40 split between those attending our branch and main site. The age group range remains the same.
Although the PPG does not represent all of the practice demographics, the group is conscious of this when recruiting new members to the group and endeavour to encourage new members in areas not covered by current members.
Throughout the year, the Group have continued to provide a Newsletter for patients with up-to-date news about the group and the Practice and also focusing on topics applicable at the time of publication (such as the influenza and ‘Keep Warm in Winter’ campaigns). They have also aided the Practice with their annual patient survey and have been consulted on a number of changes within the Practice. One member of the group is also a practice PPG representative for the High Weald Lewes Havens Clinical Commissioning Group’s Patient Participation Forum to aid communication between the CCG and patients. The group also aided the Practice in conducting their annual patient survey (see below).
Patient Survey 2013-14
· Preparation of the Survey
The decision for this year’s survey was made between both the PPG and the Practice. It was agreed, following a discussion to expand on last year’s survey in order to gain more understanding of our patient’s satisfaction levels and to discover any changes that could be made to increase patient satisfaction. A number of additional questions were also added to the survey.
It was agreed that, to gain a larger understanding of the patient’s satisfaction with the survey, 50 surveys were to be received for each GP at the Practice, meaning we would receive 400 completed surveys to analyse.
By extending the survey from the previous year, the PPG hoped that the results would show if patients felt any improvements from the previous year had been made and to also provide further objectives for both the Practice and the Group to focus on.
· Distribution of Survey
Part of the survey was based on the patient satisfaction of the consultation they had that day with the GP and therefore surveys were given to patients when signing in for their appointment at Reception. However, as we have patients who regularly attend to see a named GP, it was also agreed that the Practice would make the survey available on the Practice website as well to provide wider circulation of the survey.
· Survey Results
The Practice received the 400 responses as planned. Out of these responses, where specified the majority were completed by female patients (62% by female patients, 35% by male patients). There was a fairly even split between patients completing the survey at either site (49% completed for River Lodge and 44% for Ringmer). 50% were completed by patients over the age of 60, 25% between 41 and 60 and 16% between 21 and 40). 65% had been to see their usual GP.
Points of note from summary results:
- Overall patient satisfaction from the survey was 74% which is an increase in comparison to surveys conducted in previous years.
- For the section regarding the GPs, individual satisfaction for each GP ranged from 89% to 96%.
- 77% of patients felt that, if they needed to see a GP early they could get an appointment on the same day
- When patients wanted to see a particular GP, 36% felt they could get an appointment in 5 days or more, 17% felt they could get an appointment on the same day
- With regards to the Practice website, 83% of patients who completed the survey either had not accessed the website in the last six months or had no internet access.
- 89% felt the Practice was open at convenient times to them
- 65% were not aware that the Practice had a PPG in place
- 87% had not seen the PPG’s newsletter
Comments made in the survey included:
- Telephone system: a number of patients commented about the 0844 number used by the Practice.
- Appointment system: patients commented regarding the appointment system and difficulties they have in obtaining an appointment at the Practice.
- Privacy: a number of patients mentioned the lack of privacy in the Reception/waiting area, particularly at River Lodge Surgery.
Full survey results can be found below:
· Action Plan
Following a review of the survey results, a full action plan has been agreed by the Practice and the PPG. This can be found below.
Area / Description / Action By / By WhenTelephones / · The Practice has negotiated a new system with regards to the telephones which removes the 0844 system. This will take 2-3 months to be put in place by the telephone contractors.
· Advertising campaign to patients with regards to the change in telephone number. / Telephone Contractors
TB / 31.05.14
Privacy / Practice to review privacy in waiting room which includes two issues; privacy concerns in relation to overhearing conversations held in the main office (which backs on to the open Reception area) and conversations overheard between the patient and receptionist.
· Quotes to be obtained in relation to creating a separation between the Reception area and the main office.
· Screens to be obtained to provide privacy at Reception
· Notices to be displayed asking patients to keep a distance between the person at Reception and them if there is a queue at Reception.
· Privacy screen for the waiting room blood pressure monitor
· Music system to be repaired / renewed in order to provide a distraction in the waiting room with non-obtrusive music/radio. / TB
TB / 31.05.14
PPG Awareness / As the survey revealed a large majority of patients were unaware of the group’s existence, an awareness campaign will take place:
· Re-design of PPG notice-boards at both surgeries
· Re-design of PPG section on the Practice website
· Organise another Open Day
· Participate in the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP) PPG Awareness week
· Develop strategy to improve patient engagement with the group, including the possibility of a virtual group. / PPG
PPG / 30.06.14
Appointments / The survey highlighted a lower satisfaction level for patients with regards to how quick they can see either their usual GP or any GP. Satisfaction regarding how long patients wait for their consultation to begin was also lower than previous years.
· Audit and review current appointment system and capacity in relation to booking on-the-day and pre-bookable appointments
· Audit and review waiting times for each GP to see if any patterns occur which may show improvements that could be made to lessen waiting times
· Advertising campaign regarding extended hours as a number of patients who completed the surgery were unaware of the extended hours offered by the Practice. These hours are currently advertised on the front entrance of both sites and also on the Practice website. / TB
TB / 30.06.14
Practice Opening Hours
River Lodge Surgery Anchor Field Surgery
Mon: 8.00am* – 6.30pm Mon: 8.00am* – 6.30pm
Tue: 8.00am - 6.30pm Tue: 8.00am - 6.30pm
Wed: 8.00am - 6.30pm Wed: 8.00am - 6.30pm
Thu: 8.00am - 6.30pm Thu: 8.00am - 6.30pm
Fri: 8.00am* - 6.30pm Fri: 8.00am* - 6.30pm
Sat: 8.00am - 12.00noon* Sat: 8.00am - 12.00noon*
*Extended Hours: On Mondays and Fridays, the Practice offers extended hour appointments from 7.00am. The Practice also opens on Saturday mornings. These hours are alternated between the two sites on a weekly basis and are on appointment-only basis.