2017 County Baseball Rules and Regulations
Revised 2/14/2017
1)Playing time - Every player must participate for a minimum of 6 consecutive outs and bat once. The penalty for this rule is as follows. The player involved shall start the next game, play any previous requirement for previous game and meet the current games requirements before being removed from game. In addition, the team manager will be reprimanded in the following manner:
First Offense – Written warning
Second Offense – Suspension for the next scheduled game
Third Offense – Suspension for the remainder of season
Note 1: If the violation is determined to have been intentional, a more severe penalty may be assessed by the Board of Directors. Forfeiture of a game may or may not be invoked.
Note 2: There is no exception to this rule; unless the game is shortened for a reason such as the 15 or 10 run rules, weather or darkness.
Note 3: Only the county board can determine if a forfeiture is required.
2a) A district shirt must be worn by all players and coaches. No travel or just a similar colored shirts are allowed.
2b)There is a maximum of 4 coaches in the dugout at one time (The head coach, two assistant coaches, and a scorekeeper)
3) A younger player may not “play up” in a game if enough roster players are present and available to play. (i.e., a 9- or 10 year-old player from any other team is not permitted to play in a Little League game for 11 and 12 year-olds if there are enough players from the Little League team present and able to play.)
4a) Free Substitution: when a player is taken out and then reinstated, they must go back into the same position in the batting order. 4b) A player should be inserted into the game as a replacement for an injury,even when all the team’s players have already been in the lineup, then that player will be allowed to reenter the line up at the injured player’s spot, even if that is not where the player batted before. The last substitute out of the game shall be used as this replacement
5) If only 8 players in the batting line up, the ninth position will be considered an “out”. In the case of an injury and only 8 players are available, then the injured player’s spot is NOT considered an out.
6) If a player is injured (shaken up) during the game, play stops immediately. If a player is taken out of the game due to injury, that player may be reinstated at a later time. The intent is to give each player the opportunity to play, while at all times ensuring the safety of the player.
7a) A game can not start with just one umpire, unless he is patched. Two umpires are required for a game to be official. Spectators can be used as umpires if both coaches agree to the choice. 7b)It is the home team’s responsibility to notify umpires and the opposing coach, at least one hour prior to game time, if the game is being cancelled due to field issues. If the visitors’ field or another field is available the game should be moved!
7c) Any coach that knowingly permits an adult on the field or in the dugout without clearances will be removed from all coaching responsibilities for the remainder of the season.
8a)Rainout Rule--After four full innings, the game is considered official. Leading team wins. A tie at the time of rainout is an official game suspension and the game will resume on another day. A rainout after one full inning but before four full innings is also a suspension, to be resumed on another day. 8b)In both instances, play begins exactly as it stopped (i.e., players on bases, balls/strike count, etc.) 8c) If a rainout occurs before one full inning then the game will start over on another day as if it were a brand new game.
9a)MAKE UP GAMES -All games must be rescheduled within 2 weeks of the originally scheduled date. The home team is responsible for all make up games. If the home team cannot get a response from the visiting team, 1) the home team’s coach will contact his president or commissioner to make them aware of the issue. 2) If the representative from the home team does not get a response from the visiting team or their district representative a forfeit may result and the home team will receive the victory. If the home team does not proceed as mentioned above, they will receive a loss, but the visiting team will NOT receive the win.
9b) If at all possible the two district representatives will reschedule the game and inform both coaches of the game time and location. If a coach refuses to play the game, the county board may find it necessary to suspend a coach or coaches.
10) Mercy rules are in effect. After the losing team bats in the 4th inning and is trailing by 15 runs or more, the game is officially over. After the losing team bats in the 5th inning and is trailing by 10 runs or more, the game is officially over. However, the losing manager has the option to continue the game, but the final score remains the same as at the end of the 4th or 5thinning.
11a) Throwing the bat when batting will result in the following action:
First offense: The team will be warned
Second offense: The batter will be called out
11b)Throwing equipment on or off the field of play by a team member will result in the following action:
First Offense – The offending team will be given a warning
Second Offense – The team will be assessed an additional out
Third Offense – The offending player and/or coach will be ejected from the game
12a) When players or coaches are ejectedfrom a game for any reason by an umpire, that coach or player will miss the remainder of that game and serve a one game suspension the following game. Both head coaches and umpires should inform their district representative of any ejections immediately following the game. Even if the ejection was not on his team.
12b) If the same player or coach is thrown out of a second game in the same season, they will be removed for the remainder of the existing game and serve a 3 game suspension for the next 3 games.
12c) Further ejections will result in a season long suspension including any county tournaments that may follow this suspension.
13) Playing an EH (Extra Hitter) is optional. The EH must fulfill the 2 inning minimum in the field for each game.
14) A designated hitter (DH) is also optional. This player would only bat (no fielding requirements) and be the only DH in team line for the entire game. If because of injury or illness he or she cannot bat then that spot in the team line up would be considered an “out”! The same player or players cannot be continually used as the DH game after game.
15) A Coach can bat his entire line up if he chooses. The batting order cannot change during the game.
16) There is no fixed rule stating that a runner passing first base must turn right. He or She is susceptible to be tagged out only if he/she makes an attempt to reach 2nd base. This is a judgment play, and will be determined by the Umpire.
17a)Sliding: If there is a play made at homeplate the runner must slide, this is not an option. If the player does not slide he will be called out by the umpire. The judgment of a "play at home" will be decided by the umpire(s).
17b) A slide into 2nd or 3rd will be determined by the umpire with the "no harm, no foul" rule in effect.
17c)No head first slides. There will be NO warnings and the player will be ruled out. This shall not preclude a player from diving back to a base after being involved in a run down or when a play has been made on him.
17d) If there is intent to run over or harm a player with or without the ball in hand during a play at any base or run down situation, the runner will be called out and ejected from the game.
17e) A defender without the ball should surrender the base without an interference. If interference is determined by the umpire, then an extra base will be given to the runner.
18) No “delayed steals” permitted
19) The infield fly rule WILL NOT be in effect.
20) There are no balks.
21) 4 balls is a walk
22) If the pitcher is NOT on the rubber with the ball, then the runners are free to advance (see rule 23).If the pitcher is on the rubber and the catcher is in the catcher's box, a runner cannot lead off. Once the pitch reaches the plate, the runners are free to leave their bases.Any player caught leaving base early will be given a team warning. The next occurrence is an automatic out.
23) Any player not attempting to steal a base must immediately go back to that base. (No clapping/dancing permitted).
24) Bunting is allowed. NO fake bunting. If a player squares to bunt, he must attempt to only bunt. He may not swing at or slap the ball. This is an automatic out. No warnings will be issued.
25a) There is no limit to the number of innings a player may pitch in a week. One pitch to a batter constitutes an inning pitched! There is no official “pitch count” !
25b) A pitcher may pitch a maximum of 2 innings (6 outs) per game.
26)When the pitcher is removed from his position as pitcher, he cannot return to that position.
27)A courtesy runner may be used for the catcher with two outs. A bench player first,if one is not available, then the player with the last out should be used.
Supplemental Rules for 9&10 Year Olds
1) Playing with 10 players (4 outfielders). No “rovers” are allowed.
2) Base runners can steal 2nd and 3rd base. If a base runner is in the process of stealing 2nd base and the ball is overthrown to 2nd base, the base runner may advance to 3rd base. Base runners CAN NOT STEAL HOME. At No time can a base runner advance home on an overthrow to 2nd base or 3rd base when the base runner is stealing. However a base runner CAN advance home if a play is made on a base behind the runner. (Example: A play from the catcher made behind a runner on an OCCUPIED base makes the ball live. Thus a first and third situation - the catchers throw to second base is not to an occupied base so the runner on third may NOT score. If first and third and the catcher attempts to pick off the runner at first, the ball becomes live. The ball stays live as if it were a batted ball. The runners can take as many bases as they want.)
3) There is a limit of 6 runs per inning except the last inning (s). (Example: Team A scores 5 runs in one inning and bases are now loaded with 1 out. Player batting hits a grand slam. That's more than 6 runs but in the scorebook it is counted as only 6 runs in the inning.) Coaches have the option to finish the play out.
Pitching Rules for 9&10 Year Olds
1) A 9 year old must pitch 2 consecutive innings (6 outs) of the first 4 innings of the game. This does not have to be the same 9 year old for all six outs. Example: Two 9 year olds may pitch 3 outs each. The game maybe forfeited and a suspension handed out to the head coach if this rule is broken.
2) If a pitcher hits 3 batters in one inning he/she must be removed from the position of pitcher, even if the third batter is hit by ball four.
3) A pitcher must be removed during the coach’s third trip to the mound (same pitcher) in one inning or the fourth trip in a game.
Supplemental rules for 11 & 12 year olds
1) A Dropped third strike: The batter may advance on a dropped third strike by the catcher, not including foul tips, under the following circumstances.
a) Less than 2 outs: The runner may advance on a dropped third strike only if first base is unoccupied.
b) Two outs: The batter may advance on a dropped third strike with two
outs even if first base is occupied, Example: If the bases are loaded the catcher may step on home plate to force the third out instead of throwing to first base.
2) Base runners can steal home on any play as long as the pitcher is not on the rubber. (example: passed ball or wild pitch) (also see rule 18 & 22)
3) The first four innings have an 8 run limit per each half inning. The final two innings are unlimited runs.
Pitching Rules for 11&12 Year Old
1)An 11 year old must pitch 2 consecutive innings (6 outs) of the first 4 innings of the game. This does not have to be the same 11 year old for all six outs. There will be no manipulation of this rule, six consecutive outs in the first four innings pitched by an 11 year old. Breaking this rule may result in a forfeit and a suspension of the head coach.
2)If a pitcher hits 2 batters in one inning he/she must be removed from the position of pitcher, even if the batter is hit by ball four.
3) A pitcher must be removed during the coach’s second trip to the mound (same pitcher) in one inning.