Orientation for Rotation in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Dear Residents and Students,
The Endocrine Division is delighted that you will be taking our Endocrinology and Metabolism Elective. Our clinic is located in Durham near Southpoints Mall off of Hwy 54 (Highgate Specialty Center, 5316 Highgate Dr, Suite 125, Durham NC, 27713. 919-484-1015). The majority of your time will be spent in the clinic working with various attendings and seeing a variety of Endocrine patients. On rare occasions, when too many residents/students are assigned to Endocrinology, you may be asked to spend a few days with the inpatient team.
Clinic Operations
Highgate Specialty Center opens at 7:30am and closes by 5:30pm. Please arrive by 8:30 each morning and look for Dr. O’Connell who will help coordinate the attending with whom you will work (usually Dr. O’Connell the first day and any day that other attendings are not available). We will try to have you work with almost every attending during your two weeks so you can see a wide variety of patients and styles. Dr. O’Connell is never at Highgate on Thursdays so if your first day is Thursday, simply come and introduce yourself to another attending who is present that day. Dr. Ontjes is usually there on Thursdays and is always amenable to working with residents and students.
The clinic is closed most Thursday afternoons to allow everyone to attend Thursday afternoon Endocrine Conferences.
Thursday afternoon Endocrine conferences as described below are from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. You are expected to attend these while on your Endocrine rotation. They are located in the GCRC conference room, 3rd floor bedtower.
3pm: Fellows conference: a faculty member will give a didactic lecture to the fellows/residents
4pm: Endocrine Journal Club:
5pm: 30 minute case presentation and discussion by one of the fellows
Please give your evaluation form (students) to the Elective Director, who will then distribute it to the fellows and faculty in the division. Evaluations (students and residents) are compiled by the Elective Director after input from other members of the division.
We appreciate your attention to these matters and hope that you find your rotation with us to be educational and enjoyable. Please bring any concerns to our immediate attention.
Tom O’Connell, MD (pager 216-6359)
Resident Elective Director
Endocrinology and Metabolism