German-Turkish Scientific and Technological Cooperation (STC)

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and the International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (IB des BMBF) invite Turkish and German universities and non-university institutions active in research to submit joint proposals for scientific and technological cooperation.

1. Background and objectives

Germany has an outstanding position in science and research in Europe and in a worldwide comparison. Turkey is one of the globally most strongly expanding national economies. There is thus an attractive potential for scientific and technological cooperation in the two countries, which, however, has not yet been adequately perceived by their scientific communities.

The International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (IB des BMBF) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) therefore support cooperation between German and Turkish institutions in scientific research, technological development and education for the preparation and implementation of joint projects, especially in the thematic priorities of the European RTD Framework Programme and national research programmes.

1.1 Legal basis

The legal basis for the Scientific and Technological Cooperation (STC) between Turkey and Germany is the Cooperation Agreement and Executive Protocol of January 1997. The submission of an application does not establish a legal claim to funding.

2. Nature of support

Support is generally provided for the exchange of experts aiming at

  • Exploring opportunities for cooperation
  • Establishing and intensifying contacts with Turkish and German institutions, respectively
  • Organizing bilateral workshops
  • Performing feasibility and pilot investigations
  • Conducting mobility projects
  • Preparing joint projects for national or European research programmes, and/or
  • Building up sustainable cooperation structures
2.1 Thematic priorities
Preference will be given to projects in the field of applied research related to the following thematic priorities of relevance for the specialist programmes of the BMBF, the priority technological areas identified by the Turkish Supreme Council for Science and Technology SCST, and the European RTD Framework Programme:
Life Sciences (Health Research, Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology)
New Technologies (Information and Communication Technologies, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies, Renewable Energies)and
Sustainability (Environment, System Earth including Climate Change)
3. Who will be supported?

Applications may be submitted by German and Turkish universities and non-university research institutions, including business enterprises headquartered in Germany or Turkey and clinics active in research. Only joint applications of at least one partner from each country will be eligible for evaluation. Applications involving small and medium-sized enterprises will be preferred. The incorporation of Mediterranean countries of the Barcelona Process, the Black Sea Cooperation or other partner countries within the framework of corresponding cooperation agreements is possible.The cost of such participation shall normally be borne by third countries.

Applications with proven experience with EU projects of at least one partner will be treated preferentially. If none of the partners involved has such experience, it should be described in the project planning how the project period will be used to create the prerequisites required for a competitive research proposal within the European RTD Framework Programme.

4. Prerequisites for funding

The International Bureau generally only provides a contribution to the additional costs caused by the cooperation (supplementary financing). It is expected that the cooperation partners are able to bear their share in the direct project costs at home and abroad (basic financing) and that the experts involved are in a national employment relationship and are seconded by their home institution.

TÜBİTAK, may provide additional research funds to the Turkish project teams beyond the support for exchange of project researchers, in case it is requested in project proposal.

5. Type, scope and rates of funding

Funds will be awarded as non-repayable grants.

For the exchange of experts, the sending party (IB or TÜBİTAK) will cover all related costs connected with travel and lodging according to their own regulations and allowances. This includes folowing terms:

TÜBİTAK will cover the following expenses of the Turkish researchers:

International flight tickets (economic class);

Daily allowances

80 Euro/day

IB will cover the following expenses of the German researchers:

International flight tickets;

Daily allowances

Short term visits (up to 22 days) max. 82 Euro/day

Long term visits (up to 3 months) max. 1840 Euro/month and mx. 61 Euro/day for the remaining days

If further partner countries are involved, it is assumed that they bear the associated analogous costs.

In special cases, for the German side additional expenditure can be borne (e.g. expendables for feasibility or pilot studies, contracts for work and services), unless this is to be allocated to the institutions' national basic financing. For further information, please contact IB officials at the coordinates given below.

For the Turkish Side, TÜBİTAK may provide additional research funds whenever they consider it appropriate. For further information, please contact TÜBİTAK officials at the coordinates given below.

The duration of the project should not exceed 3 years.

6. Other terms and conditions of funding

It is expected that the project partners, during the project period, keep track of the relevant national funding programmes and the EU RTD Framework Programme and consult with the BMBF project management agencies ( ) and the National Contact Points for the EU RTD Framework Programme ( , order to ensure that the cooperation can lead to a competitive project under a national funding programme or the EU RTD Framework Programme. The result is to be described in the final report.

In general, the project should be completed by a concluding workshop – if possible, including further strategic partners. This workshop should serve to discuss and disseminate the project results, and to agree on the further procedure to stabilize the cooperation, including the perspectives to develop a project proposal for the European RTD Framework Programme or other relevant programmes. The expenditure involved can be included within the framework of the project.

7. Decision-making procedure
Proposals will be evaluated independently by TÜBİTAK and IB des BMBF using their own procedures, and only those approved by both sides will be funded.
7.1 Selection criteria

The projects will be assessed according to the following selection criteria:

Scientific quality of the project and originality of the approach

Impact on the bilateral scientific and technological relations and mutual benefit

Intensity of the collaboration with the foreign partner(s)

Technology transfer and human resources development and promotion of early career scientists

Perspectives for building up proposals for the EU RTD Framework Programme or other research funding programmes as follow-up

Perspectives for social and economic impact

7.2 Submitting an application

The relevant project proposal forms must be duly filled in English and signed by the German and Turkish project-coordinators. Curricula vitae of both research teams should be attached.

The Turkish coordinator must submit two hard copies and one CD of the proposal to TÜBİTAK at the address given below.

The German coordinator must submit the proposal to IB des BMBF in writing and beforehand electronically (without signatures) at the address given below.

The submission of an application does not establish a legal claim for funding.

7.3 Application forms

The documents and forms for applications in Germany are available on the International Bureau's website at .

The documents and forms for applications in Turkey are available on TÜBİTAK’s website at under the link “Ikili ve Coklu Iliskiler Mudurlugu” > Federal Almanya/Jülich Araştırma Merkezi > Genel Bilgiler/Proje Öneri Formu

7.4 Deadlines for applications

Applications are accepted and processed continuously.

8. Contact

Applicants in Germany should contact:

Internationales Büro des BMBF
am Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
D-52425 Jülich

Dr. Akın Akkoyun
Tel.: +49 228-3821-1470
Fax: +49 228-3821-1444

Applicants in Turkey should contact:

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Department of International Cooperation
Atatürk Bulvarı No.221
TR-06100 Ankara, Turkey

Tel.: +90 – (0)312 – 427 50 39 +90 – (0)312 – 468 53 00/3636
Fax: +90 – (0)312 – 427 74 83


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9. Further information and advice

The project management agencies are available for providing advice on the funding programmes of the BMBF. Information, addresses and contacts are available from:

Förderberatung des BMBF
(Funding Advice Bureau)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
Wallstr. 18
D-10179 Berlin
Free hotlines (inside Germany):Research funding:+49 – (0)800-2623 008
SME funding:+49 – (0)800-2623 009

The national contact points of the Federal Government inform and advise applicants on the EU funding programmes. The German portal of the Sixth and Seventh Research Framework Programmes at provides initial information, addresses and details of contact persons at the national contact points.

Further information on the Internet:
The Federal Government's Funding Data Bank on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)provides complete and up-to-date information on the funding programmes and regulations at federal, Länder and EU level.
Information on the research institutions in Germanycan be obtained, e.g. at or or

Information on completed and ongoing BMBF and BMWi research funding projects is available at

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