Tennis player's styles –

Important tournaments

~25/02 Kuala Lumpur (some players receive cash for show themselves)

~08/04 Houston

Shanghai (ATP): very hot and very quick surface; the indoor courts are super fast; the ball is keeping low
BNP Paribas, Paris: Hard Indoor, medium speed, clay guys are quite good in this tournament

Lista trenerów:

Things to describe

ñ  physical features

ñ  psychology features

ñ  surface preferred

ñ  offense/defense

ñ  home/away help

ñ  power of serve (powerful/strong)

ñ  power of BH (double/single) & FH (double - more control but limited assassination, can be more powerful; single - possible rotation)

ñ  number of W/UE

ñ  long rallies habitats

ñ  using of serve&volley play on fast courts

ñ  variety of game

ñ  condition

ñ  injuries


FH – forehand

BH – backhand

1-HD – one handed

2-HD – two handed

DF – double fault

UE – unforced error

W – winner
TB – tie break

CH - challenger

S&V – serve and volley

counter puncher – he/she likes to play defensive minded game and rely on the opponents mistakes

Tą czcionką komentarze z 10.2007.


Nicolas Almagro

ESP, 1985

Prefer clay (play deep in the court), but style suits to hards also

Good on fast clay courts: Bastad, Gstad, Hamburg; favourite tournament: Valencia


Strong serve at the beginning of the match

Very strong FH

Average BH mostly to strike through the net

Play at the net to improve (2007)

Kevin Anderson

RSA, 203cm

strong accurate serve, good kick-serve

Offensive (Good volley skills. Powerful FH.)

Good moving, doesn't go to the net?

Makes mistakes when forced to play longer rallies.

Plays too short balls sometimes.

Slow when moving side to side.

Might face difficulties when forced to play long 5-set matches. (Cristian)


Elbow injury 2012/2013?

Igor Andreev

RUS, 1983 (live in Valencia?)

Defensive: good clay, hard ok, grass poor

Good serve

FH is his the biggest atut

Weak BH (if possible he use FH)

Bombarding from the baseline


Pablo Andujar

ESP, 1986

Prefer only clay (77% matches on clay, loosing on others)

Defensive (Doesn't like to dictate points and is more comfortable when in defence. Doesn't like to play S&V types on fast courts.)

Average serve


He’s very consistent. He can be aggressive, especially with his FH (Raonic)

Makes mistakes when hurried into the shot. (Cristian)

Mathias Bachinger


Solid serve?

Good game from the deep court?

Marcos Baghdatis

CYP, 1985

Offensive, often risks play near to lines/corners

prefer fast surfaces

Great serve, very strong FH & BH

Good runner, no lost balls

Rather offensive player dangerous when he believes in himself

Sometimes loosing his concentration

Has problems with players going often to the net

Thiemo de Bakker

Tall guy

powerful serve

His style of play is more suited to indoors or hard courts.

2-HD BH.

Hit and miss type of player.

Inconsistent from the back.

Tries to finish the points as quickly as possible. Very often when he tries to close out the point, he ends up making mistakes.

Benjamin Becker

GER, 1981
Very poor on clay, plays Hard & Grass
Good serve
Looks calm

Aljaz Bedene

Probably fixing guy.

won't play again in 2013. "Bad news: Season is finished for me, injury is serious so I have to stop for at least 2 months! I hope my wrist will be fine after the rest." (30.09.2013)

Thomaz Bellucci

BRA, 1987, 189cm/72kg
Larri Passos go trenuje


Offensive baseliner

Slow starter? Need time to get rhytm

Average serve 180, 150km/h (best 200km/h), hard to read?

FH with dangerous rotation & precise

often avoid 2-HD BH (flat, deep, cross-corner, irregular), good angle play

Good tacticker, good read - various play from both wings (offensive, defensive, change of the rhythm)

Weak net play (often chooses bad moments to attack)

Julien Benneteau

double handed BH, poor one

Tomas Berdych

CZE, 1985, tall

Sometimes psychologically weak

Smart powerful serve, Strong FH

Great return

Plays precise & carefully


5.10.2013 back injury retired

Carlos Berlocq


Defensive, prefers clay

Probably mentally strong.

Probably fixing guy.

He's got good intensity, forehand and backhand," he said. "Can play on the baseline. He's actually really improved a lot on the slower hard courts. (Federer 28.08.2013)

Simone Bolelli

ITA, 1985
making quite a lot of errors when he's pushed to attack

one-handed BH

Marin Cilic

CRO, 1988, tall

Offensive, good play at the net

Slow starter

Strong serve

Not good in tie-breaks against big servers

Flavio Cipolla

ITA, 1983, small
Defensive (very regular, good runner, good at the net, lack of energy on fast courts)
He prefers opponents not very regular & playing strong, many breaks in regular-opponent matches
Poor BH (too high)
Was trained by his father
Has some „strange” results in the past

Pablo Cuevas

URU, 1986
Play mostly clay (74% of all matches)
Aggressive, but play at the net to improve
Good serve?
Not regular FH?
Good BH gives him winners?

Frank Dancevic

CAN, 1984
Comprehensive player
Perfect serve
Good at american Hard, weaker in Europe
Can play strong FH down the line
not bad 1-HD BH
Good at the net, can attack
Not good from shortcuts
Good strateg, can move opponent over the court, peaceful, even flegmatic
Mentally inmature? Looks like some matches lost before the start
Dobrze gra się mu z rywalami o mocnym serwisie, którzy grę opierają na mocnej siłowej grze z forhendu, typu Roddick. Ma patent na Del Potro, w tym roku 3:0.
Należy mu dać jeszcze czas na dojrzewanie do zwycięstw.

Steve Darcis

Very dangerous on clay, good game read
Very good return (big weapon against poor servers)
Good in long rallies
Very good 1-HD BH
Doesn't like players with strong, ending stroke

Nikolay Davydenko

RUS, 1981


Can loose some own games in a row just so

Irregular strong serve

Great return?

Strong, regular BH?

Good runner

Probably he fixed one match (play on him only in the Grand Slams if so)

Juan Martin Del Potro

ARG, 1988, 195cm, 82kg, pro 2005
Operacja lewego nadgarstka w 06.2015
Franco Davin wkroczył w 2008 by Potro wskoczył z 44. na 9. pozycję ATP; Franco powiedział: „The coach's influence is a little one. But it means a lot at the same time. I believe it involves 15 or 20 percent of a player's game.”
Very good serve
Good concentration in the key moments (last games in the set, tie-break)
Probably the most powerful BH in ATP
12.09.2013 left wrist is bothering him; 26.09 feels much better hitting 2-HD BH with full force

Amer Delic



Strong but irregular serve

Very average return

Bad moving

Often goes to the net

Grigor Dimitrov

Offensive, Aggressive
Slow starter?
Powerful serve & winning FH
Rather regular

Novak Djokovic

SRB, 1987, 187cm, 80kg
Marian Vajda doprowadził go do 6 wielkoszlemowych tytułów (10.2013) i skoczył o 35 pozycji w górę rankingu ATP w ciągu roku

He „likes” to loose his own gem when he is a big favourite

Rather poor appoaches to the net

9.10.2013 right ankle small injury (probably achilles)

Wszystko wskazuje na to, że to przyszły numer jeden światowego tenisa. Świetny na każdej nawierzchni. Bardzo dobry serwis, umiejętnie plasowany. Jeden z najlepszych oburęcznych bekhendów wśród obecnej czołówki. Bardzo szybki. Myśli na korcie, umie dostosować grę do każdej sytuacji, do każdego przeciwnika. Pewny siebie. Właściwie nie miewa słabszych dni.
Mówi się, iż powinien jeszcze popracować nad wytrzymałością, po kilku meczach o wysokiej skali trudności, kondycyjnie nie wytrzymuje, co było dobrze widać w tegorocznych szlemach. Przyszły sezon może należeć do niego.

Alexandr Dolgopolov

Probably fixing guy. He has some lost with low-ranking players after winning 1st set (very high).

Big and heavy serve.Likes to go for high shots, doesn't play the waiting game.Plays very fast between points.

Bardzo słabiutki w ataku, w miarę niezła obrona i dobry serwis to stanowczo za mało by się wybijać nawet na poziomie CH. Na szybkich nawierzchniach go nie widzę, natomiast ze słabszymi zawodnikami na ziemi Oleksandr powinien sobie radzić.

Evgeny Donskoy

Likes hard courts, but open ones (sandacz
25.09.2013 back problems

Benedikt Dorsch

GER, quite small
Not bad serve?
Lack of ending shot? Must run for every point

Matthew Ebden

defensive player, likes go from time to time to the net

Roger Federer

SUI, 1981
Spokojny i opanowany

Powerful, precise serve

Sometimes gives up opponent game when has break advantage - good energy management, but can lost concentration

1-HD BH, fail sometimes with the racket edge

Very fast

Problems with: Nadal, Del Potro, Berdych

David Ferrer

has withdrawn from Monte Carlo next week with a thigh injury. "The thigh is hurting from the Miami tournament and I will not be in Monte Carlo. I hope to recover in time to play in Barcelona." (11.04.2013)

Slow starter

Strong serve

Can loose some games in a row with average players

Mardy Fish

Offensive (Big serve, good volley skills.)
Erratic play when on clay.
Poor BH (All he does on the BH is to keep the ball in play.)

Marton Fucsovics

HUN, 1992, young, ambitious
Powerful, strong serve
Precise ball placement (corners, lines)
Don't know yet how strong psychologically he is

Jese Huta Galung

NED, 1985

-Hit and miss type of guy. Big serve, one-handed BH where he likes to accelerate on the long-line. Good effective long line back hand shot. Can get into a patch where he play too many sliced BH's

Guillermo Garcia-Lopez

ESP, good phisically conditions

Doesn't like good defensive players

Strong serve

Plays deep in the court

A lot of UE (one handed BH like „balloon”)

Hiszpan obdarzony dobrymi warunkami fizycznymi. Mocny serwis i bardzo duża ilość niewymuszonych błędów. Żilermo lubi przesiadywać na końcowej linii i cierpliwie przebijać. Bh 1-ręczny, ale balonowaty, fh lepszy. Gdy trafi na solidnego cierpliwego gracza, który potrafi utrzymać piłkę w korcie to ma Hiszpan problemy. Ostatnio Pashanski i Chela udowodnili jak trzeba grać z G-Lopezem. I jego chwiejna forma, aczkolwiek szczególnie mobilizuje się na turniej w Estoril gdzie od kilku lat regularnie melduje się w ćwierćfinałach, półfinałach.

Richard Gasquet

FRA, 1986, 185cm, 75kg

Slow starter (a lot of 3-sets matches)

Comprehensive player (rather defensive), prefer Hard (45% 84-47), Ihard (21% 40-21)

Typical technique player: he thinks on the court and not using strength too much

Good strateg mixing his game a lot

Not so strong but very technically, various serve (small guy)

Very good from passing shots

Plays from the baseline, good at the net also

One-handed winning BH

- doesn't like to play the types of players who force him on the back foot, play attacking balls, hard stroke

- prefers defensive players

- condition problems (injuries, drugs)

Młody Francuz o wielkim talencie. Typowy "shooter", rozgrywający mecze zza końcowej linii. Posyła świetne forhendowe bomby, umie rozrzucić rywala po kątach. Posiada świetny, jednoręczny bekhend, bardzo w stylu Federera, którego już raz pokonał.Stopniowo pnie się w górę rankingu.Wydaje się jeszcze trochę dziecinny,nieco niedojrzały.
Preferuje nawierzchnie szybkie, na clayu grywa rzadziejŚwietne występy na trawie, potrafi świetnie zagrać serve & volley. Pokonać go potrafią cierpliwi przebijacze pokroju Nalbandiana czy Ferrero, świetnie natomiast radzi sobie z hardowymi graczami o mocnym serwie : Ljubicicem, Blake'em, czy Murrayem.

Marc Gicquel
Dobrze się broni, przesiaduje na końcowej linii i bombarduje z Fh (lubi obiegać na Fh i kończyć piłki z odwrotnego Fh, z Bh czuje się słabiej). Aczkolwiek przy siatce też czuje się całkiem nieźle. Naturalnie zdarzają się błędy wynikające z jego mocnej gry. Najsłabsza jego strona to umiejętność gry tylko we Francji i Maroku J. Maroku, bo akurat tam są jedyne Afrykańskie turnieje tenisowe. Marc bowiem pochodzi z Tunezji, urodził się w Tunisie. Tamtejsza ziemia i francuskie hale (szczególnie nawierzchnia dywanowa) to miejsca gdzie z czystym sumieniem można grać Gicquela. Gdy nie czuje się pewnie to wtedy jego atuty ulatają gdzieś daleko, zaczyna niemiłosiernie psuć i przegrywa. Jest jednak na tyle solidny, że raczej nie przegrywa byle z kim. Rywali spoza pierwszej 100 ATP odprawia z kwitkiem by dalej się ogrywali w CH. Potrafi sporo, ale nie zawsze potrafi to pokazać poza swoimi 'terenami'.

Marc Gicquel

FRA, 1977
Can beat TOP20 if he is fit (10.2007)
Good defensor
Strong serve, strong FH (likes to run around BH)
Average BH
Curve return up to end of the line
27.09.2013 krecz

Federico Gil

POR, average physically conditions
Can surprise
counter puncher, but good technique (nice angle play)

Daniel Gimeno-Traver

ESP, 1985
Very strong FH?
Average BH?

Robby Ginepri

Average service

Probably mentally weak (lost severelly in the 2nd set: 5-7 1-6 with Yen-Hsun Lu 21.03.2013)

Santiago Giraldo

Decent serve
Likes to dictate play with his FH. Likes to run around the BH to hit the FH.
Clean looking shots.

Oliver Golding

1993, tall

Powerful service

Marcel Granollers

ESP, 1986

Ernest Gulbis

Offensive, tall

Prefers hard courts, plays on clay only when must

doesn't like long rallies

smart powerful serve

strong, regular FH


Zdecydowanie preferuje nawierzchnie szybkie, do gry na których predestynuje go wysoki wzrost, oraz bardzo dobry, regularny mocny forhend. W swoim arsenale posiada świetny wyrzucający serwis, nie tylko bity „na chama”. Na clayu grywa tylko kiedy musi, zdecydowanie nie jest to jego ulubiona nawierzchnia, choć pierwszą rundę Roland Garros 2007 przeszedł pokonując Tima Henmana.
Zdecydowanie leżą mu zawodnicy opierający swą grę na mocnym serwisie, gorzej grywa mu się z technikami pokroju Ferrero czy Santoro, w dłuższych wymianach nie wytrzymuje długo i spala się, wywalając piłki na aut.
Świetnie zaprezentował się na tegorocznym US Open, gdzie doszedł aż do 1/16, pokonując Tommy ‘ego Robredo.
Kariera przed nim, na pewno musi poprawić grę w długich wymianach, oraz nieco popracować nad techniką.

Tommy Haas

GER, 1978, 187cm, 84kg, pro since 1996



Very good at the net, good passing shots

Robin Haase

NED, 1987, tall

Mentally not stable (arguing with umpire)

Offensive (very strong serve, good play at the net)