Curriculum Vitae

Kathleen Jones-Trebatoski


Private Practice

Adjunct Professor/Lecturer

Educational Leadership and Counseling

University of Houston-Victoria

TAMU-San Antonio


TAMU-Corpus Christi




Ph.D. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 2009

Dissertation in Counseling Education: A Single Group Multiple Base Line Design: Clinical Hypnosis as a Technique in the Reduction of Stress Related Symptomatology in Graduate Students.

M.A.Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, 1991



American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Certified Clinician #20326, Issued 2007

National Board for Certified Counselors

National Certified Counselor # 228916, Issued 2007

Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

Licensed Professional Counselor,License # 14662, Issued 1998

Approved Supervisor #3313, Issued 2007

Texas LPC Provider Number 1268

Texas SW Provider Number 5834

Texas MFT Provider Number 526


Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 2011-present

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Adjunct Professor/Lecturer

Texas A&M University-San Antonio, 2012-present

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Adjunct Professor

University of Houston-Victoria, 2012-present

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Adjunct Professor

Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, TX, 2013-present

Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling

Adjunct Professor

Private Practice, 1999-Present

Consultation, Supervision, and Counseling

Provide individual and group out patient therapy, referral to support network.

Provide training in mental health programming.

Provide counseling and workshops for EAPs.

Provide counseling and workshops for the Veterans Association.

Provide contract and consultant services: Services include counseling, mental health assessments, medication review along with the development of treatment plans and behavioral therapy programs for community and government agencies.

Hypnosis for pain and anxiety management.

Provided Animal Assisted therapy for the mentally disabled.

Contact therapist at DuBois Psychological Clinic

Sea view Mental Health / CMHC, November 1997- March 1999

Treatment Coordinator

Coordinate a psychosocial program for the chronically mentally ill, chemical dependent and personality disorders.

Maintained third party documentation and quality control.

Conducted psychological assessments, individual and group therapies.

Supervision of eight Master level therapists.

Coordinated marketing of the program.

Nueces County MHMR, January 1993-November 1997

Case worker and Residential Psychologist

Coordinated a bio-psychosocial assessments, treatment plans, staff training, community liaison programs for the Chronically mentally ill and the mental retardation programs.

Conducted individual and group therapies.

Supervision of Master level and Bachelor level therapists and caseworkers.

Corpus Christi State School, August 1991 – June 1993

Associate Psychologist

Assess behaviors, mental status and medication effectiveness of In-patient dual diagnosed clients (MR and MI).

Development of behavior modification programs through the interdisciplinary approach.

Development of the Dual Diagnosed Program along with grant writing.

Honors and Awards

Texas Counseling Association

2012 Distinguished Service Award

Texas A&M University -Kingsville

TAMUS Student Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence

Spring Semester 2012.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Student Affairs Leadership Scholarship 2008-2009 ($1,000.00).

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2008 Conference: Art of Emotional Release. 1st Place for the Research Poster Presentation. Co-presented with Lucy Williams. Austin, TX.

Counseling Program Honored

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology was named the best counseling program in the nation in 2007 by the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors.

The Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award is not presented every year, but only when there is a particularly deserving program.



Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2008). Where’s the metaphor: The use of allegories in counselor education. Gulf Coast Counseling Association Newsletter.

Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2011). Where’s the metaphor: The use of allegories in counselor education. SACESNewsletter.

Calley, T., & Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2013). The Technology Gap. Texas Association of College Teachers February E-Bullitin. (Submitted for Publication)

Non-peer reviewed

Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2012). Self-hypnosis for increased sports

performance (CD).

Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2012). Self-hypnosis for pain management (CD).

Jones-Trebatoski, K. (2012). Self-hypnosis for stress management (CD).


Jones-Trebatoski, K. (1993). Awarded $15,000 Grant from the State of Texas for the Corpus Christi State School to develop a Dual Diagnosis Program.

Conference Presentations and Seminars (Based on refereed proposals)

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2014: The Game of Managing Stress. Corpus Christi, Texas.

20th Annual Counselor’s Institute 2014: Game of Managing Stress.South Padre Island, Texas.

20th Annual Counselor’s Institute 2014: Wisdom in a Jar.South Padre Island, Texas.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2014.Conference: Beyond Words: How to Incorporate Creative Activities and Techniques within your Classroom.Austin, TX. Co-Presenter: T. Calley

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2013 Conference:Profs on wheels: The use of adjunct professors in Educational Counseling. San Antonio, TX. Co-Presenters: T. Calley & S. Mudge.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2013 Conference:The technology gap within a cohort counseling graduate students.San Antonio, TX. Co-Presenters: T.Calley,

S. Mudge, & M. Duran.

Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES) 2013 Conference: The Game of Managing Stress: Creativity and Innovation for Stress Management in Counselor Education and Supervision. Round Table Session. Co-Presenters: T. Calley & S. Mudge. Denver, CO .

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2013: A Call for What?: The Ethics in Mentoring Greaduate Sudents in the Professional Organizational Submission Process and Poster Presentation. Co-Presented with Tracy Calley, PhD and Peter Crespo, MS, LPC-Intern. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2013Conference:The Game of Managing Stress: Creativity and Innovation for Stress Management in Counselor Education and Supervision.Austin, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2013 Conference: Wisdom in a jar: Should you incorporate creative elements into your supervision program?Poster Session.Austin, TX.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2012: Wisdom in a Jar. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2012: The Game of Managing Stress. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Association for Creative Counseling (ACC) 2012 Conference: The Magic of Unicorns and Animals: The Use of Animals in Counseling. Memphis, TN.

Texas College Counseling Association (TCCA) 2012 Conference:Creativity and Art of Counseling. Ft.Worth, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2012 Conference: Wisdom in a jar: Should you incorporate creative elements into your supervision program? Austin, TX.

18th Annual Counselor’s Institute 2012: Hocus Pocus: What are the ethical issues involved in utilizing self hypnosis as a stress management strategy?South Padre Island, Texas.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2011 Conference: Where’s the Metaphor?: How Allegories are Utilized in Counselor Education and Supervision.Poster Session. Austin, TX.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2011: Hocus Pocus: What are the ethical issues involved in utilizing self hypnosis as a stress management strategy? Corpus Christi, Texas.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2011: Wisdom in a Jar. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES) 2011 Conference: The Art of Emotional Release. Poster Session. Nashville, TN.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2011 Conference:Hocus Pocus: How can self hypnosis be utilized as a stress management strategy in counseling?Ft.Worth, TX.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2011 Conference:Calling All Graduate Students! Are you Taking Good Care of Yourselves? Co-presented with Dr. Melissa Alvarado.Ft.Worth, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2010 Conference: Art of Emotional Release. Poster Session. Austin, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2010 Conference: Look deeply into my eyes: Should you incorporate stress management courses, including clinical hypnosis into your master’s counseling program.Co- presented with Dr. M. Holt. Austin, TX.

Center for Educational Development, Evaluation & Development (C.E.D.E.R.) 2010

Conference: Hocus Pocus: What are the ethical issues involved in utilizing self hypnosis as a stress management strategy?Co-presented with Dr. M. Holt. Corpus Christi, TX.

Association for Creative Counseling (ACC) 2010 Conference: Hocus Pocus: What are the ethical issues involved in utilizing self hypnosis as a stress management strategy?Portland, OR.

Association for Creative Counseling (ACC) 2010 Conference: TheArt of Emotional Release. Portland, OR.

Association for Creative Counseling (ACC) 2010 Conference: Where’s the Metaphor?: How Allegories are Utilized in Counselor Education and Supervision.Portland, OR.

Center for Educational Development, Evaluation & Development (C.E.D.E.R.) 2009

Conference: What the Professional Learning Community Should Know About Stress Management in the Line of Duty. Co-presented with Dr. M. Holt. Corpus Christi, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2009 Conference: What’s Up? Maybe It’s Our Blood Pressure! How To Manage Your Stress. Round table presented with Lucy Williams and Dr. M. Holt. Austin, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2009 Conference: The Magic of Unicorns and Animals: The Use of Animals in Counseling. Round table presented with Lucy Williams and Dr. M. Holt. Austin, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2009

Conference: The Use of Metaphors in Counselor Education and Supervision. Co- presented with Lucy Williams and Dr. M. Holt. Austin, TX.

Secondary School Counselor Conference (2009). The Art of Emotional Release. Co presented with Lucy Williams. Austin, TX.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2009: The Use of Metaphors in Counselor Education and Supervision. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2009 Conference: The Magic of Unicorns and Animals: The Use of Animals in Counseling. Dallas, TX.

Rio Grande Valley Association: 14th Annual Counselor’s Institute, Jan 24-26, 2008: Stress Management and Belly Dancing. This was presented twice. Co-presented with Lucy Williams. South Padre Island, TX.

American College Counseling Association (ACCA) 2008 Conference: Art of Emotional Release. Savannah, GA.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2008 Conference: Art of Emotional Release. Won 1st Place for the Research Poster Presentation. Co presented with Lucy Williams. Austin, TX.

American Counselors Association (ACA) 2008 Conference: An Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis and Its Applicability to Selected Psychological Disorders. Co-presented with Dr. Holt. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Elementary School Counselor Conference (ESCC) 2008: School Counselors and Special Populations: What They Didn’t Tell You in Graduate School. Co-presented with Lucy Williams, Lyoda Ake, Maricela Garza. Galveston, TX.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2008 Conference: Hypnosis for Personal and Professional Use. Co-presented with Dr. M. Holt. Houston, TX.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2008 Conference: The Use of Metaphors inCounselor Education and Supervision. Co-presented with Dr. M. Holt and Lucy Williams, LSSP. Houston, TX.

Southern Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (SACES) 2008Conference: Poster Session; The Magic of Unicorns and Animals: The Use of Animals in Counseling. Houston, TX.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2007 Conference: Development of a Doctorial Level Research Consortium in a CACREP Counselor Education Program. Austin, TX..

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2007 Conference: Poster Session; A survival Guide for Masters and Doctoral Students: 6 Ps or Perish. Austin, TX.

Graduate Student Association Research Symposium 2007:

The Art of Emotional Release. Corpus Christi, TX.

Graduate Student Association Research Symposium 2007:

Development of a Doctorial Level Research Consortium in a CACREP Counselor Education Program. Corpus Christi, TX.

Graduate Student Association Research Symposium 2007:

Poster Session; A Survival Guide for Masters and Doctoral Students: 6 Ps or Perish. Corpus Christi, TX.

Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) Workshop 2007: The Art of Emotional Release. Corpus Christi, Texas.

Texas Counselors Association (TCA) 2007 Conference: Counselor’s Role in Art and Play. Corpus Christi, TX.

Texas Counselors Association (TCA) 2007 Conference: Relaxation and Stress Relief through Belly Dancing. Corpus Christi, TX.

Texas Counselors Association (TCA) 2007 Conference: A Collaboration Model for Response to Intervention and Function Implications for School Counselors. Corpus Christi, TX.


University of Houston-Victoria

Long Distance classes in Master level counseling:

COUN 6321 Professional Orientation to Counseling

Fall 2012/ Spring 2013

COUN 6350 Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Spring 2013/Summer2013

COUN 6345 Research and Program Evaluation

Spring 2014

TAMU-San Antonio: (Approved Graduate Faculty)

EDCG 5310 Introduction to Counseling

Fall 2012

EDCG 5328 Group Techniques

Spring 2013/ Fall 2013 (traditional course)/Summer 2013 (hybrid course)

EDCG 5356 Practicum

Spring 2013/ Fall 2013/ Spring 2014

EDCG 5317 Counseling Techniques

Summer 2013 (hybrid course)/ Fall 2013 (traditional course)

EDCG 5321 Abnormal Behavior

Fall 2013

EDCG 5311 Theories of Counseling

Spring 2014

EDCG 5335 Human Development Across Lifespan

Spring 2014


EDCG 5355 Materials and Techniques for Career, Vocational and Occupational Education

Fall 2011/ Spring 2012 (traditional course)/ Summer 2013 (hybrid course)/ Fall 2013 (online)

EDCG 5311 Theories of Counseling

Fall 2011

EDCG 5329 Educational Research (hybrid course)

Spring 2012

EDCG 5357 Field Practicum for Counselors

Spring 2012 (2 sections)/ Fall 2012 (2 sections)/Spring 2013/Fall 2013/

Spring 2014 (2 sections)

EDCG 5324 Assessment (long distance course)

Summer 2012

EDCG 5320 Education Special Problems in Guidance and Counseling

Summer 2012 (traditional course)/Summer 2013 (hybrid course)

EDCG 5339 Human Growth and Development (online course)

Summer 2013/ Spring 2014

EDCG 5321 Abnormal Behavior

Spring 2013

EDCG 5310 Profession Orientation and Ethical Procedures

Spring 2013

TAMU-Corpus Christi:

CNEP 5366 Introduction to Hypnosis

Fall 2013

University Courses Taught as a Teaching Assistant (TAMU-Corpus Christi)

CNEP 5384 Process

Spring 2007/Fall 2007/ Spring 2008

CNEP 6365 Stress Management

Spring 2007/Fall 2007

CNEP 5366 Introduction to Hypnosis

Spring 2008/Spring 2009

CNEP Introduction to Play Therapy: Taught a class on Art Therapy

Summer 2008

Guest Lecturer TAMU-CC

CNEP 5371 Psychometrics (Feb 14th, 2013)

CNEP 5371 Psychometrics (March 25th, 2013)

How to make a conference submission

DISSERTATION EXPERT PANELIST (Volunteer)Spring 2011 Department of Counseling & Human Services Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA 23529


Spring 2011Introduction to Counseling. Guest speaker on Community Mental Health



Member, University Student Organization:Representative for CERC (2006-2007);

Counselor Education Research Consortium (CERC)

The purpose of CERC is to promote the scholarly productivity of research and facilitate the professional development of counselors and counselor educators. CERC will work collaboratively with counseling faculty, doctoral students in the Counselor Education program, and master candidates in counseling. CERC is dedicated to developing creative research interests, fostering mentor relationships, and developing professional identities. Furthermore, CERC will act to serve as an academic vehicle in order to develop professional communication and collaboration between graduate students and faculty members.

Chi Sigma Iota (2007-present).

Professional Service/ Offices

American Counseling Association (ACA) 2013: Conference Learning Institute Reviewer.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2013 Reviewer Conference Program Proposals.

American Counseling Association (ACA) 2012: Conference Education Session Reviewer.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2011-2012: Co-chair of the TCA Graduate Student Involvement Committee.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 2010-2011: Awards Committee.

Texas Counseling Association 2006 Convention volunteer.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES)

Reviewer Conference Program Proposals, 2007 and 2012.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) 2012 Conference:

Sponsored graduate student breakfast as co-chair of the TCA Graduate Student Involvement Committee.

Chi Sigma Iota Board member (2007-2008); Student Representative and co-treasurer.

Alpha Theta Mu ChapterBoard officer, 2007-2008

Liaison to University Student Organization, 2007-2008

Supervision of Master level counseling students interns and practicum atTAMU-CC (2007-2008).

Guest teacher for counseling courses at TAMU-CC (2006-2008).

Gulf Coast Counselors Association (GCCA)

Scholarship Selection Committee, 2008

CERC Founding member, 2006-2007

Liaison to University Student Organization, 2006-2007

Community Service

Cullen Middle School (2009-present). Decision and Advisory Board.

Stress Reduction Workshop for the YWCA Leadership seminar for at risk teens (2010).

Free Stress Reduction Workshop for the supervisors of the Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Department (2010).

Fourth Annual Autism Awareness Walk(counselor referral booth) Corpus Christi, TX. (2010).

Free Community Workshop:What’s Up? Maybe It’s Our Blood Pressure! How To Manage Your Stress. Four Week, one hour series in Corpus Christi, TX. 2009.

Guest speaker for Flour Bluff High School psychology classes (2005-2007).

Human Right’s Board member for the Mentally Retarded (1991-2006).

Professional Memberships and Leadership

American Counseling Association (ACA)

Member, 2006- present.

Animal Assisted Therapy in Mental Health (AATMH)

Member, 2009- present.

American College Counseling Association (ACCA)

Member, 2007- present.

Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES)

Member, 2006- present.

Association for Creative Counseling (ACC)

Member, 2007- present.

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)

Member, 2000- present.

Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Convention

(SACES)Member, 2008- present.

Nueces County Psychological Association (NCPA)

Member, 2008- present.

Texas Counseling Association (TCA)

Member, 2006- present.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES)

Member, 2006–present.

Texas Mental Health Counselors Association (TMHCA)

Member, 2007- present.

Gulf Coast Counselors Association (GCCA)

Member, 2007- present.

Scholarship Selection Committee, 2008

Honor Society Membership

Chi Sigma Iota, Alpha Theta Mu Chapter, 2006-present

Board officer, 2007-2008

Liaison to University Student Organization, 2007-2008


Founding member, 2006-2007