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Gallatin County School District #7 Board Meeting Date May 15, 2014 Time 8:00 p.m.



LOCATION Gallatin County Educational Complex, 5175 Highway 13, Junction IL 62954, HS Library

TIME 8:00 p.m.


Steve Galt David Aud

(Presiding Officer)

Richard Case

Rob Wood

Russ Ramsey ______

Gary Clayton

Jim Lawler

Lucinda Schmitt (Superintendent of Schools)

Gallatin County School Board Meeting

Gallatin County High School Library

May 15, 2014 at 8:00 p.m.

The Gallatin County School Board met on May 15, 2014, at 8:00 p.m. in the high school library at the Gallatin County Education Complex, 5175 Highway 13, Junction, Illinois 62954. The meeting was called to order by Steve Galt at 8:00 p.m.

Those present were: Steve Galt, Jim Lawler, Richard Case, Gary Clayton, Russ Ramsey, and Rob Wood

Those absent were: David Aud

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey, second by Richard Case for approval of consent agenda. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Russ Ramsey, yes.

The board heard a letter of resignation from Robert Patton as High School Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton, second by Rob Wood to accept the resignation of Robert Patton as High School Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Richard Case, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

The board hears a letter of resignation from Doug Miller as High School Boys’ Junior Varsity Basketball Coach.

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey, second by Gary Clayton to accept the resignation of Doug Miller as High School Boys’ Junior Varsity Basketball Coach. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Steve Galt, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; and Rob Wood, yes.

Approval: Steve Galt

Jim Lawler

The board heard a letter of resignation from Jeff Herrmann as Freshman Boys’ Basketball Coach.

--- Motion by Richard Case, second by Gary Clayton to accept the resignation of Jeff Herrmann as Freshman Boys’ Basketball Coach. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: Russ Ramsey, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

The board heard a letter of resignation from Judy Kaegi as Substitute Teacher and Aide Caller effective at the end of the 2013 – 2014 school year.

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey, second by Jim Lawler, to accept the resignation of Judy Kaegi as Substitute Teacher and Aide Caller effective at the end of the 2013 – 2014 school year. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: Steve Galt, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes and Rob Wood, yes.

The board heard the Superintendent’s Report given by Mrs. Schmitt:

The May 2nd teacher in-service went well. Title I professional development grant funds were used to purchase Chrome Books through the ROE. Teachers were then trained by Butch Wilson, an ROE staff member who showed the teachers how to incorporate the new Chrome Books in the classroom and utilize them for state testing.

School is quickly coming to an end. Graduations are next week with 8th grade at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 22nd and high school Friday, May 23rd at 7:30 p.m. There will be no school on Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day. Our teacher in-service is June 2nd and students are not in attendance. The final day of school is a full day on June 3rd.

We received word that we did not receive the IEMA safety grant that we applied for.

The state has just recently caught up the back payments owed to the school. As of today they only owe the school $505.05.

The board heard the High School Principal’s Report given by Mrs. Kaegi:

Prom was a huge success. Thanks to junior sponsors Ms. Rushing, Ms Plunk, Mrs. Joan Kaegi, Mr. Richey, parents, and the junior class for a great prom. Also, thanks to Richard and Chris Siler for a wonderful and fun after-prom.

I’d like to give a shout out and thank you to Ms. Linda Scherrer and Mrs. Becky Mitchell for the senior class first grade reunion. Seniors enjoyed snacks, reminiscing, and watching a video from their first grade on Wednesday.

The end of year Incentive Trip was Thursday, May 14. To be eligible, students must never had ACR, lunch detention, no unexcused absences and not missed more than 10 days during the year. There were 59 students that enjoyed bowling at Ross Cottom Lanes and had lunch at Pizza Hut. It was an excellent trip.

The seniors left this morning at 6:00am on their senior trip to Cincinnati, Ohio and will return on Friday evening at 9:00pm.

Graduation is May 23 at 7:30pm.

The board heard the Junior High/Elementary Principal’s Report given by Mrs. Schmitt for Mr. Fromm.


Elementary has been going on their end of the year field trips.

The 4th, 5th and 6th grade just participated in a soil and water conservation field day.

The elementary school just had their fun day, thank you to Mrs. Brandi Rushing and all the teachers for making this happen, the kids really enjoyed themselves.

The Parents In Action conducted their reward party for the students. Thanks to Mrs, Siler for this.

The Talent Show was a success, thank you to Karen Walters and those that helped.

Junior High:

The eighth grade trip to Holiday World will be this Monday, the 19th.

Awards day is Thursday, May 22nd.

Graduation is May 24th, 7:30 p.m.

The Scholar Bowl ended their season with a winning season, they did a great job.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton, second by Rob Wood to approve the Administrator Reports as presented. MOTION CARRIED by acclamation.


--- Motion by Steve Galt, second by Richard Case to adopt the 2nd Reading of the Policy Manual as presented. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Richard Case, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton, second by Jim Lawler to award all Dairy bids to Prairie Farms for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Richard Case, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler, second by Richard Case to award all Bakery bids to Lewis Baker for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Rob Wood, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Richard Case, yes and Gary Clayton, yes.

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey, second by Gary Clayton to award the Diesel bid to SynEnergy for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; and Richard Case, yes.

--- Motion made by Gary Clayton, second by Russ Ramsey to award the Gasoline bid to Wabash Valley for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Rob Wood, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, Jim Lawler, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case, second by Rob Wood to award the Pest Control bid to Orkin for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Steve Galt, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; and Richard Case, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case, second by Gary Clayton to award the Snow Removal bid to Golden Enterprises for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Richard Case, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Rob Wood, yes.

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey, second by Gary Clayton to award the Student Insurance bid of School Time and 24 Hours to Gerlock for 2014 – 2015. NOTE: This was a late bid but it was also the only bid received. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Jim Lawler, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood yes; Steve Galt, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; and Richard Case, yes.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler, second by Gary Clayton to award the Trash Removal bid to Republic Service for 2014 – 2015. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Richard Case, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; and Rob Wood, yes.

Mrs. Schmitt presented the board with the tentative 2013 – 2014 Amended Budget.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler, second by Gary Clayton to set the budget hearing for 8:00 p.m. on June 19, 2014. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton second by Rob Wood to move the June 2014 meeting from 8:00 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6– 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

--- Motion by Russ Ramsey second by Richard Case to approve the corrected 2013 – 2014 school calendar, as presented. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

Pat Koester addressed the board with information about the Busses.

Shannon Sauls addressed the board with information about IMRF rulings and upcoming IMRF expenses.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler, second by Rob Wood to employ Doug Miller as the High School Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Steve Galt, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Richard Case, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes and Rob Wood, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case second by Gary Clayton to employ Jeff Herrmann as the High School Boys’ Junior Varsity Basketball Coach. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Richard Case, yes and Steve Galt, yes.

Mr. Fromm and Mrs. Kaegi gave the board the tentative 2014 – 2015 teacher assignments and schedules for informational purposes.

--- Motion by Richard Case second by Gary Clayton to move into executive session at 8:40 p.m. in compliance with 5ILCS 120/2C stating: Executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity – 5ILCS 10/2Ó(1). (NOTE: An independent contractor is not an “employee” within the meaning of the Act. 5ILCS 120/2(d).) In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Rob Wood yes; Gary Clayton, yes; and Richard Case, yes.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton second by Rob Wood to move from executive session at 9:11 p.m. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6– 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler second by Gary Clayton to accept the minutes of the executive session as presented in executive session. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Steve Galt, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case, second by Gary Clayton to employ Caitlin Siler as elementary teacher for the 2014 – 2015 school year. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Steve Galt, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Richard Case, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Jim Lawler, yes and Rob Wood, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case second by Rob Wood to employ Stephanie Oldham as elementary teacher for the 2014 – 2015 school year. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: VOTING: Russ Ramsey, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Richard Case, yes; and Steve Galt, yes.

--- Motion by Jim Lawler, second by Richard Case to employ Amy Price as special education teacher for the 2014 – 2015 school year. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0: VOTING: Gary Clayton, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Rob Wood, yes; and Richard Case, yes.

--- Motion by Richard Case, second by Gary Clayton to employ Lindsay Adams as physical science teacher for the 2014 – 2015 school year. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: Jim Lawler, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Richard Case, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; and Russ Ramsey, yes.

--- Motion by Rob Wood, second by Jim Lawler to employ Mitchell Barnett as 2nd shift custodian. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: Steve Galt, yes; Rob Wood, yes; Jim Lawler, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Richard Case, yes; and Gary Clayton, yes.

--- Motion by Gary Clayton, second by Richard Case to approve the separation agreement for Teresa Nussbaum as presented. In a roll call vote, MOTION CARRIED 6 – 0: Rob Wood, yes; Gary Clayton, yes; Russ Ramsey, yes; Steve Galt, yes; Richard Case, yes; and Jim Lawler, yes.

--- Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Russ Ramsey second by Rob Wood at 9:14 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by acclamation.