1. No person other than the Trust’s approved gravedigger shall be permitted to dig the grave.
  2. Double plots may be purchased, but we cannot reserve adjacent spaces at the site.
  3. Purchase of a burial plot does not give any legal ownership of or right to the land.
  4. Bodies should be wrapped in ecologically approved wrappings. The coffins should be of cardboard, willow, bamboo, softwoods or recycled wood. Handles on coffins must be rope or wooden, not plastic
  5. Bodies must not be embalmed.
  6. No trestles or any other equipment is provided for burials.
  7. Grave markers must be no larger than 6 inches in length and 3 inches in width with a small wooden surround. These will be removed when the tablet is laid. They will be held by the Trust for 4 weeks following removal for the family to collect.
  8. Markers may be collected from the Trust offices at Occombe Farm ,Preston Down Road, Paignton TQ3 1RN
  9. Each grave for burials and the burial of ashes can be marked with a small granite tablet, set in the ground alongside the grave. The tablets are all to be of the same design and will be ordered by Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust. These are payable separately.
  10. No memorial items are to be placed, or plantedon any part of the site including flowers, plants, bulbs, mementoes, trees, glass or vases. The Trust reserves the right to remove and dispose of any items left at the site. Removed items may be collected from the Trust Office at Occombe Farm, Preston Down Road, Paignton, TQ3 1RN.
  11. The Trust will not enter into any grave maintenance agreements.
  12. All graves are liable to sinkage after interments have taken place and will be subject to grave levelling.
  13. Graves are prepared in strict number order and you are unable to select a grave space.
  14. All cremated remains must be interred in a bio-degradable casket or poured directly into the grave space
  15. No cremated remains can be scattered on the grave or at the site other than at the designated scattering areas which must be booked with the Trust.
  16. In the summer months, the grass at the site and on the graves will be left long to encourage wildbirds, flowers and insects. Paths and around tablets will be cut regularly.
  17. The burial site is a natural environment and the ground at the site is uneven. As far as possible, families should make mourners attending burials aware of the nature of the site.
  18. There is vehicle access for the hearses but there will not be individual paths to each grave.
  19. The Woodland is a natural space and trees are not marked, or identified in any way. It may also be necessary to thin trees out as they grow bigger and although we aim to replace any trees which die in the first 3 years, after that, as in any natural woodland, trees which die may not be replaced. Conqueror Wood is subject to woodland management Scheme.
  20. Gravediggers and memorial fees are paid at the time of burial. Reserving a burial plot grants an exclusive right of burial for 40 years, after which the rights of burial cease and return to Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust. Burial rights can be extended after 40 years. You will need to let us know if you change address, as if we cannot contact you after 40 years, your plot may be offered to another family.
  21. The Trust will only have contact with the signatory on the application form and will not enter into any discussion or contract with any other individual.

I have read, understood and agree to the above Terms and Conditions for Cockington Woodland Burial Site


Please retain a copy of the above Terms and Conditions for your records and return a copy to Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust with the booking form.

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Terms and conditions – Conqueror Wood

December 2017