How to Complete


Prior to submission to the University Academic Program Committee (UAPC), the proposal must be approved by the relevant School committee(s). Please consult with your Academic Manager or Head of School as to the approval processes within your school.

  • Appropriate Sign-offs (Section 5) must be obtained before submitting an electronic copy(word document) of this form, including a scanned signature section, to the University Academic Program Committee by emailing it to . The school should TRIM the original hard copy of the form which contains the appropriate signatures. Only Amended Course approval Forms with a scanned signature section will be considered by UAPC.

Key Deadlines for 2019submissions are:

  • All AMENDED Courses for 2019are to be submitted to UAPC by 30 April2018.

Following approval by UAPC, the proposal will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor for final approval.

Completing the form

  • Copy all Course Rules and Plans from the Course and Unit Catalogue and use track-changes to indicate the changes to the course. Course amendment forms submitted without track changes will not be accepted by UAPC.
  • An Amended Course Approval Form is required for:
  • Changes to the total credit point value of any component of the Program of Study;
  • Amending, Removing or Adding a Major/Combined Major;
  • Adding or removing units from the course;
  • Changes to any other component of the currently approved Course Rules.
  • Complete relevant sections of the form.

The information in the right-hand column is an example of what should be entered. Only enter data if information is going to change.


1.1Owner of course eg school – in full / School of Arts
1.2Course Title – in full / Bachelor of Languages and International Business
1.3Official abbreviation for courseif name changedeg GradDipSc (post nominal) / Enter information only if changed
1.4Course Duration (full-time equivalent in years)if changed / Enter information only if changed
1.5Total Credit Pointsif changed / Enter information only if changed
1.6Academic rationale and summary of changes for course amendment in approved format for Academic Board (see How to Complete Form). Please include if this is a result of an internal or external review (eg a Course Review, or a Course Accreditation process). / Rationale (why?) and summary (what?)
Provide an initial summary paragraph of rationale for and nature of changes as follows:
(i)state reason for amendment (e.g. result of external course review, or new accreditation requirement outside review cycle [see further examples below; suggest one sentence];
(ii)describe consultation that has occurred inside and beyond School [suggest one sentence];
(iii)summarise magnitude and type of changes (e.g. minor or major amendment, adding or removing (a) major(s)/core unit(s)/elective unit(s) [see further examples below; suggest one or two sentences];
(iv)state impact on current students [suggest one sentence];
(v)provide TRIM number where final approved document will be located.
If further detail required, then elaborate in subsequent paragraphs. Further examples of rationale and summary information to provide:
a) The name is being changed from 'Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics)' to 'Master of Applied Linguistics' because applied linguistics is studied by students across a range of interests and has no special relationship with 'Arts', and the convention of brackets is normally reserved for badged majors, not basic degree names.
b) The new major TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) has been introduced in direct response to student demand, emerging from the DEPAC MAAL student questionnaire. There is a significant cohort of current and potential MAAL students who want an applied linguistics degree, but they also want TESOL qualifications in order to meet the accreditation requirements for the domestic Adult Migrant English sector. The National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme does not accredit particular degrees or institutions, but rather provides national standards that must be met in order to claim accreditation for teaching Adult Migrant English in Australia. The introduction of a badged TESOL major, which meets those standards, will allow MAAL students, many of whom are currently working overseas, to return to Australia with genuinely useful qualifications. We anticipate that this change will attract a new cohort of students who previously passed over the MAAL because of their need for specific TESOL qualifications.
Summary (what?)
The proposed amendment to the MAAL involves a) a change of name, and b) the introduction of a new, badged major.
Minor amendments to units available – addition and removal. All 400 level units in this award have been recoded to 500 level in line with other Masters Programs.
Enter N/A unless students’ progression is affected by the change.
Eg: Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business:
Students can continue under pre-2011 rules or apply to transfer to the 2014 rules, the result/feasibility of the latter will depend on whether or not they have already completed units that are no longer part of the core.
1.7Transitional arrangements for current students – where core or prescribed units have been deleted provide alternatives / Enter N/A unless students’ progression is affected by the change.
Eg: Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business:
Students can continue under pre-2011 rules or apply to transfer to the 2014 rules, the result/feasibility of the latter will depend on whether or not they have already completed units that are no longer part of the core.
1.8Will these changes impact on existing credit assessment agreements? If so provide details.
1.9Cross-School consultation, implication and collaborations.
Does this course have cross-school implications?
If YES, please provide copies of the correspondence (eg emails) / Enter N/A or
Provide documentation of the consultation that has taken place. Eg any email correspondence relating to the issue
1.10CRICOS Registration / Is this course CRICOS registered? (If it is there will be a CRICOS code on the Course Further Information tab on CAUC.)
If yes, please note that there may be implications on CRICOS registration for amendments to course title, course duration, work-based training components, mode of study, and arrangements with other providers.
Does this course require CRICOS registration?
Information Management will consult with UNE International regarding the impact upon CRICOS registration if any of the above identified components have changed.
1.11AQF Compliance / Do the proposed changes impact on any aspect of the AQF Course Mapping documentation for the course?
(L1 – Course Learning Outcomes to AQF qualification descriptors;
L2 - Alignment of unit outcomes to course outcomes;
L3 – Unit assessment details.)
Please provide the TRIM reference number of the document.
TRIM Ref Number:
Information on compliance can be found at the following url:


2.1Teaching Period and Delivery Mode.
Indicate the teaching period and delivery mode in which students can commence the course.
Double click tick box and select checked. / Trimester 1 Dom Int’l
On Campus Full time
On Campus Part time
Online Full time
Online Part time
Trimester 2
On Campus Full time
On Campus Part time
Online Full time
Online Part time
Trimester 3
On Campus Full time
On Campus Part time
Online Full time
Online Part time
Enter the period that the course is to be offered by double-clicking the appropriate box(es) and select checked. Course Plans are required for each teaching period the course is offered in.

3.1List course aims and a minimum of three and maximum of seven course outcomesif changedAccredited courses may request more than 7 learning outcomes if required for accreditation. / Have course aims and learning outcomes been reviewed to ensure they are appropriate to the AQF level of the course?
Course aims:
Enter information only if changed.
Course learning outcomes:
If changing existing course learning outcomescopy existing outcomes into spaces below and track-change amendments (see page 7 of this document).
If adding for the first time type into the spaces below.
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Learning Outcome 1: Eg: understand the development of history as both an academic discipline and a broader field of human inquiry, which is multifaceted and global in nature.
Course Learning Outcome 2:
Course Learning Outcome 3:
Course Learning Outcome 4:
Course Learning Outcome 5:
Course Learning Outcome 6:
Course Learning Outcome 7:
3.2Attributes of a UNE Graduate. Indicate how the teaching, assessment and practice of these attributes will be carried outif changed. / If changing existing graduate attributes copy existing attributes into spaces below and track-change amendments (see page 7 of this document).
If adding for the first time type into the spaces below.
Reference should be made to the Graduate Attributes Procedures:
Knowledge of Discipline (includes a global perspective)
Communication Skills
Problem Solving
Information Literacy
Ethical Conduct and Social Responsibility
Lifelong Learning
Independence and Collaboration
3.3Course Overview – an enticing description of the course to capture the attention of potential students for display on the Course and Unit Catalogue if changed / Enter information only if changed.
3.4Career Opportunities for display on the Course and Unit Catalogueif changed / Enter information only if changed.
3.5Summary Details of Course – required for the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS). Summary details of all courses should follow this exampleif changed / Enter information only if changed.
3.6Features of Course – required for AHEGSif changed. / Enter information only if changed.
3.7Pathway to Further Study – required for AHEGSif changed / Enter information only if changed.
3.8 Course Accreditation – required for AHEGS if changed / Enter information only if changed.
For guidelines on course structureplease refer to ‘Guidelines for UNE Courses and Units to Facilitate Compliance with the Australian Qualifications Framework’ document.

Copy Course Rule, Program of Study and Course Plans from the Course and Unit Catalogue.Use track-changes (mode must be black strike through and underline for additions) to indicate the changes to the course. Documents submitted without track changes cannot be accepted.

Unit Definitions

Core units:

  • Compulsory units that all students must do in a course
  • Core units count towards the Course but not the Major
  • Core units are those that would not normally be substituted for any other unit
  • There is usually no choice in Core units but may be justified under certain circumstances eg a choice of MATH120 or STAT100
  • Please note that Core units must be offered every year

Prescribed units:

  • Compulsory units that students must do towards a Major
  • Prescribed units are those that would not normally be substituted for any other unit
  • There is usually no choice in Prescribed units but may be justified under certain circumstances
  • Please note that where there is no choice or a restricted choice Prescribed units must be offered every year

Listed units:

  • A choice of units that students choose which contribute to a Major, or where a Course does not have Majors, contributes to the Course and support the Core units.
  • Where approved, a Listed unit could be substituted for another unit


  • Elective units are those chosen from anywhere in the University subject to prerequisites being met.
  • Elective units count towards the Course and not the Major.

Procedure for inserting amendment:

  • Copy appropriate section(s) from the most recent course rules, program of study and or course plans from the current Course and Unit Catalogue. This is the most recently approved version of the course
  • Open the Course Amendment Form
  • Paste the copied sections from the Course and Unit Catalogue into this part of the course amendment form

  • Turn on Track Changes

Click on down arrow to reveal options and select ‘Change Tracking Option’

  • Under the ‘Mark Up’ section, of the Track Change Options, select underline (for insertions) and strikethrough (for deletions). All colours should be in black as indicated in the three boxes below.

  • Now commence making the necessary changes – in the following example the Physiology major in the Bachelor of Science is being amended. ANAT310 is being deleted and is being replaced by PSIO366.

Bachelor of Science


Program of Study / Credit Points
Core Units
Complete the following units as part of this Major: / 24 cps
Unit Code / Unit Title / Unit cps
BIOL110 / Biology I / 6
BIOL120 / Biology II / 6
CHEM110 / Chemistry I / 6
CHEM120 / Chemistry II / 6
And complete 6 credit points from the following units: / 6 cps
MATH101 / Algebra and Differential Calculus / 6
MATH102 / Integral Calculus, Differential Equations and Introductory Statistics / 6
MATH120 / Introductory Mathematical Methods in Science and Economics / 6
STAT100 / Statistical Modelling for the Sciences I / 6
Prescribed Units for this Major
Complete the following units: / 36 cps
PHAR222 / Pharmacology / 6
PSIO210 / Introductory Physiology I / 6
PSIO220 / Introductory Physiology II / 6
PSIO331 / Advanced Physiology I / 6
PSIO332 / Advanced Physiology II / 6
PSIO336 / Gastrointestinal and Renal Physiology / 6
Course Requirements / 78 cps
To achieve an overall total of 144 credit points candidates must complete a further 78 credit points by either:
Completing a second Major and Elective Units
Completing Elective Units to the value of 78 credit points.
Total / 144 cps
  • Save the course amendment form as follows:

UAPC_Course Amendment_Name of Course

Eg: UAPC_Course Amendment_Bachelor of Science

  • Submit completed form to inserting the document name in the subject of the email.
  • Please note that documents submitted which have not been track-changed as outlined above will not be accepted.


5.1Director of Information Technology - – only required if there are IT resource implications / Comments:
Print Name:
5.2Pro Vice-Chancellor Educational Innovation and International or nominee – if the course is to be offered internationally or through a partnership agreement / Comments:
Print Name:
5.3Course Coordinator / Print Name:
5.4Head of School / Print Name:

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