Penkivil Precinct Minutes
Chairperson: Vivian Falk
Secretary: Gersha Shteyman
In Attendance: Constable Fiona O’Brien, Councillor Ingrid Strewe, Councillor George Copeland, Community Liaison Coordinator Nicole Stevens.
Apologies: Kerrie Lee, Allan Kennedy
19 people attended the meeting.
The meeting commenced at 7.40pm.
The chairperson welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.
1. Police Report
There has been a murder recently in Bondi Junction. This is still being investigated.
Constable O’Brien warned about touching any suspicious objects and need to call police.
Stolen cars in area are of concern. Residents asked to keep an eye out and take extra security precautions with cars.
Waverley Police Station - Telephone (02) 9369 9899
Bondi Police Station - Telephone (02) 9365 9699
Constable O’Brien left the meeting at 7.55pm.
2. Year in Review
From Co-chairs Vivian Falk and Kerrie Lee (via email)
Issues arising from Precinct meetings throughout the year (some resolved and some not)
1. 64 Penkivil Precinct – backpacker accommodation
No longer backpacker accommodation – now being developed – surrounding residents not very happy but issue has been resolved.
2. SurfSchool 133 Old South Head Road
This matter has been of concern to the precinct for more than 18 months and come up in nearly every Precinct meeting. In spite of council earlier finding that the school was operating illegally, they seem to be unable to demand that it cease operating.
The mural on Bon Accord Avenue wall, however, has been painted over.
3. Residents Parking scheme
At the June meeting, it was reported that there was a slight majority of survey responses in favour of the parking scheme; however, because of the poor overall return rate of about 23%, council was not going ahead with the scheme.
However, by August, a preferential residential parking scheme had been introduced in the streets bounded by Bondi Road, Old South Head Road and Paul Street, including Gowrie Avenue, Ben Eden Street and Waverley Crescent. Dan Joannides (technical services manager) reported that there was a higher level of resident responses to the survey from these streets, especially around Paul Street.
East of Paul Street – approx 58% return
West of Paul Street – approx 26% return
Residents in other streets in this area were worried that there would be a knock-on effect, with increased parking problems in their streets.
Council resurveyed the other streets. Results are still to be reported.
4. 69-77 Old South Head Road and 2-6 Bondi Road
This has been debated throughout the year
The current zoning of this site is 2C1, which allows a building with a height of 10 metres and a floor space ratio of 9:1. The owners Mr Sher and Ms Sher of Bondi Gateway Pty Ltd wanted council to rezone the site to allow them to construct an eight-storey building. The owners were seeking for the land to be rezoned 2C2, which allows for a height of 25 metres and an FSR of 1:5.
There was a lot of concern than the rezoning would set a precedent that would cause a domino effect in the Penkivil Precinct, particularly along Old South Head Road. It was noted that there are already a number of high rises within Penkivil Precinct and that the present restriction had been brought in to ensure that the mistakes of the past were not repeated.
There was also concern that the development was inappropriate in an area that is listed as a conservation zone. Why, it was asked, should one resident be given special concessions, when others were heavily restricted in the developments that they could undertake on their properties?
At the October meeting, two motions were passed relating to the site.
Motion 1.
Penkivil Precinct opposes rezoning of the site 2-6 Bondi Road and 69-77 Old South Head Road (43 votes for, 2 against and 1 abstention)
Motion 2.
Penkivil Precinct opposes the proposed development of the site 2-6 Bondi Road and 69-77 Old South Head Road (31 votes for, 3 against and 11 abstentions).
In February, it was reported than an application for rezoning had gone to the planning committee. Developers want to rezone it from 2CL to 2C2. Rezoning procedure usually takes 12 to 18 months.
A second application had gone in applying to erect a nine-storey building of approximately 30-40 units with a small shop no more than 60 square metres and three professional consulting rooms.
The Planning Committee was due to decide on the rezoning issues approximately April/may and report to council with a recommendation on rezoning. Council will then decide on rezoning based on the Planning Committee’s recommendation. Council’s decision on this is final and there is no chance of appeal.
The latest information is that the zoning application has been rejected and the DA is likely to be rejected. The current zoning only allows a 3 storey building.
5. Development at 24-32 Flood Street
Lobbying by the precinct has resulted in some changes. Residents with a disability from the community allowed to use facilities (user pays)
Building is now well under way. However, a new DA has gone in for an additional floor on this building and the cut-off date for objections was 14 June. The precinct committee has asked council for an extension of time to allow the DA to be discussed further.
6. Internet Newsgroup
7. Powerlines Bon Accord Ave
Discussed but determined to be too expensive
8. Do not queue signs
There is still no “do not queue across intersection” lines painted on the Bon Accord Avenue/Old South Head Road intersection, even though approved a long time ago. It also has not been done for Bondi Road/Angelsea Street intersection – the sign had been knocked down, approved to be put back up but that this had not happened.
9. Impact of clearways on small businesses on bondi road
10. Dumping of illegal rubbish
11. Pickpockets active in Westfield Bondi Junction and handbags robbed from shoppers
12. Too much security from Central Synagogue as they were questioning residents coming home.
13. Large cars or vehicles of more than 4GVM can only park for one hour in residential streets and this is not being patrolled.
14. Prostitutes in James St “throwing their bits” around.
15. Car share scheme for Waverley Council area – Councillor Copeland.
16. Ocean St/Bondi Rd – someone knocked over - action needed to increase pedestrian safety.
17. Last meeting a representative of council attends re issues associated with parking patrols from Waverley Council.
18. Ocean Street Pedestrian Refuges
The matter is to be deferred to allow Council to apply to the RTA for signalised intersection at this location to improve pedestrian safety and amenity.
19. Phone number list for residents compiled
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000
Graffiti Report 131 444
Abandoned Cars 9369 8000
Waverley Police Station 9369 9699
Bondi Police Station 9365 9699
3. Year in Review
From Councillor Ingrid Strewe
Benevolent Society.
Officers from Council’s Library and Community Services Department and some councillors have been involved in discussions with the Society about the future of their site in Wellington Street, also with Anglicare about the upgrade/redevelopment of the WarMemorialHospital site. Both sites have historic buildings on them and these will be preserved.
Flood Street.
There is an application in on the Seniors Living development in Flood St for two more units on top and next door for dormitory accommodation behind the Yeshiva.
Fresh water bores, Waverley Oval and BarracluffPark.
There is a bore in the park near the cricket practise nets and a tank will go in shortly (ditto Barracluff).
Martins Ave.
There will be changes to Martins Ave in line with the bike plan.
Council has prepared a Strategic Asset Management Plan for all of council’s major assets. All councils are required to prepare them.
One of our major proposals is to refurbish and protect our local Village shopping centres and consultants were employed to look at each village and make a DCP, which would include urban design guidelines. The Bondi Road consultation was held a month ago and there will be designs to look at soon.
Other Villages we are looking at around here are the small commercial/retail centres at Fletcher, Murray, BronteBeach, and Macpherson. On the whole the Villages consultation is going ahead really well and really swiftly – the first street - Hall Street is out for public comment now, please if you use Hall St at all have a look and have your say.
Sydney Clinic, Murray Street.
Residents who live in the vicinity of the Clinic had a meeting with the new manager of the Sydney Clinic Murray St. on the 18th of May at the Council Chambers. Of concern was late night noise from air conditioners and clients in a residential area. The manager said he would address the resident’s issues with noise. We have an undertaking for this to be done within a month.
Bronte Pool.
The pool is going to be closed from the 26th June until at least the end of August for repairs. There are cracks in the seawall. It will be covered as was done with the pump end – if you have a look at this you will see how it will be done.
There was a public meeting on Sunday 11th June at 10am at the pool end of the beach. The Director of Public Works attended. The pool will be about 15cm narrower and about 15cms deeper.
Trees in BrontePark.
Two very large trees were taken out of the park above Bronte House. I have been told they were subject to Longicorn beetle attack – possibly more damaging because of the drought than would otherwise have been the case. The drought has affected trees over the long term – especially in the root system. The rain we have had is excellent, but if a tree was badly stressed it may not recover. The beetle eats the outer flesh of the trunk, it can ringbark the tree. Residents get very upset when trees are removed. The Director has said that from now on major trees that are to be removed will be treated in a different manner, the tree will be wrapped in red tape and a sign placed on it and those living nearby will be letterboxed.
The Cutting.
Council planted all the Banksia and other plants along the cutting in the 1980s. Some have since died, all over Waverley NZ Christmas trees, Palm trees and Banksia have died. There are several reasons for this – a fungus, the lengthy drought, and poisoning or the chain saw. When we know that a tree has been deliberately poisoned or chain sawn we will put up a sign – as we did once in the cutting. When we don’t know why a tree came down we are not going to put up a sign “this was deliberately poisoned”. Some trees near the car park died during the drought and council cut the dead trees out. Some people think that this was deliberate vandalism it was not.
These trees will be replaced; the species will be coastal. Coastal species can grow to 2 –3 m in height. Some trees further up have died and residents believe that at least one was deliberately poisoned over a year ago. I believe that it was and asked for a sign saying it had been poisoned and it never went up. These will be replaced; the species will be coastal species. Coastal species can grow to 2 –3 m in height. This will mean that when people look up from the beach the houses should be hidden from view. Trees are more important for life than views.
The major traffic control devices at entry points to the municipality have been planted up and I hope that with the rain they will thrive and start to look good. There is new signage to go in at the entry points saying that you have arrived in Waverley.
Articulated or “bendy” buses.
These are to be used on the L82 route and the 400 route, unfortunately this means that on Bondi Road we lose more parking and some trees up near the BP.
There is a CommunityGarden in ClementsonPark where members can grow their own fruit and vegetables. It is a lovely garden however there has been an ongoing dispute between members which council has to sort out.
Green Links.
The draft has come off advertising and council is applying for State Government trail funds for the first link from BJ to BondiBeach.
Hewlett Reserve will be upgraded this year.
3. Year in Review
From Councillor George Copeland
Ocean Street carpark/development – completed by August this year.
Instigated walking buses for school children – parents ratio of 1 to about 4 kids – walk them too and from school.
Tree Management Plan started last year – workshops held in August for Councillors – review submission
March 2007 – electronic DA submission process – track progress online as well as submit application
Council organizing a family Bike Day
Later in year Council customer service officers will move to old Bondi Junction post office
Car sharing up and running – 2 parking spots under Syd Einfeld Drive and 2 spots in Gould Street. Problem with Gould St parking – people parking illegally in spot. $ cars – can look up on
4. Election of Precinct Committee officers
Vivian Falk vacated the chair and Councillor Ingrid Strewe conducted the elections.
Councillor George Copeland moved a vote of thanks to Vivian Falk and Gersha Shteyman for all their work for the Precinct.
Sam Spitzer nominated Vivian Falk to position of Chairperson. Seconded by William Maroukas and passed unanimously.
Vivian Falk requested a Co-chairperson to work with her now that Kerrie Lee has resigned.
Tess Stamwell nominated Bill Maroukas as Co-chairperson. Seconded by Terry Horsfell and passed unanimously.
Terry Horsfall nominated by Tess Stamwell as member of the Executive. Seconded by Vivian Falk and passed unanimously.
Kerrie Lee (absent from meeting) nominated by Vivian Falk as member of the Executive. Seconded by Gersha Shteyman and passed unanimously.
Call for residents to fill position of DA Rep. No-one nominated. A DA Rep is to be called for and voted in during the next Penkivil Precinct meeting.
Call for residents to fill position of Traffic Rep. No-one nominated. A Traffic Rep is to be called for and voted in during the next Penkivil Precinct meeting.
Gersha Shteyman nominated by Vivian Falk as Secretary. Seconded by Terry Horsfall and passed unanimously.
Gersha Shteyman called for a co-secretary to be voted in as well. No-one nominated. A Co-secretary is to be called for and voted in during the next Penkivil Precinct meeting.
5. General Business
Parking Patrol.
Residents complained about the blitz by parking inspectors. Inspectors often becoming a traffic hazard themselves in the cause of booking someone.
Residents commented on inspectors booking people with disability stickers if over 2 hours on metres. RTA confirmed that this is not supposed to happen.
Half-hour loading zone is not enough time and trucks etc are getting booked.
Residents complained that the parking metres on Ebley street are very often full. There is not sufficient light to read the number to report this. It is too dark to leave a note and people are getting booked by inspectors.
Residents complained about camera bookings. It was reported that inspectors can make a camera booking if at night or a potentially risky situation. However, many residents reported being booked by camera in the middle of the day.
One resident complained of a particular situation where Waverley Parking Patrol was every morning parked outside a school in the area. This meant school buses could not pull up outside the school making it dangerous for students getting out of the bus. The Inspectors were approached and told that it was a safety issue and responded that “we are only doing our job”. The resident was told that he should contact Council immediately about this. To which he responded that he had done so many many times without any response. He was advised to contact his local Councillor or the Mayor.
Tree Preservation.
Large Ficus tree directly outside the old Ocean Street carpark needs to be removed as it is dangerous. Residents want tree replaced.
Electronic recycling waste.
Scheduled for a Saturday. This needs to be rethought because Jewish constituents cannot avail themselves of this service.
Meeting closed at 9.35pm - Next meeting Monday 7th August 2006, 7.30pm.