Syllabus for Medical Terminology

Instructor: Brenda Lindsay

Prerequisite: Completion of Biology I with a “C” or better

This course is for students interested in science and/or medicine. This class will teach students the variations of Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and root word parts. The curriculum will explore the language of these areas:

Cardiovascular SystemRespiratory SystemDigestive System

This course will emphasize vocabulary, word usage, and critical thinking skills. It will enhance students’ understanding of other science classes offered at our school.

Class Rules:

  1. Students will be responsible for the rules set out in the student handbook.
  2. Students are tardy unless they are in their seats when the bell rings.
  3. Students are to bring notebook, paper and writing utensil everyday.
  4. Students will not be disrespectful to the teacher or other students.
  5. Food, Drink, Cell Phones, and/or Electronic Devicesare at my discretion.

Discipline: Discipline will be defined on an individual basis.

Special Materials: Students will need a 3-ring notebook (about 1” thick), large package of index cards, large package of “card stock” paper, several glue sticks, and colored pencils/pens (optional).

Make-up Work:

  1. Students are responsible for getting their make-up work when they have an excused absence. There will be a calendar posted on the whiteboard with the daily assignments listed. Students need to check it as soon as they return to class.
  2. When absent for a test or quiz, students have 1 week to make it up (before and after school). After 1 week it is entered in the grade book as a “ZERO”. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the make-up test.
  3. Students will be given one day for each day absent to make-up any missed work and receive full credit. I put in a “0” for the grade until the student makes it up. If a student actually earns no points for an assignment, I put in the word “ZERO” so that it will be different from absent work and late work.
  4. The words ‘Make-Up Work’ should be clearly written at the top of each assignment before turning it in for credit.


100-90 A Papers are late if not turned in when requested

89-80 B

79-70C1 Day Late-10 points

69-60D2-5 Days Late-50 points

After 5 days Assignments not accepted.

Grades are weighted as follows:

All ‘Daily Work’ including worksheets, group work, 40%

participation grades, etc...

All ‘Exams’ including lecture and laboratory exams 60%

Quizzes will be categorized at my discretion

Feel free to contact me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you like for me to e-mail you during the year about upcoming assignments and tests, just e-mail me your address.

Parent email address: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______